Reviews for Heart-Shaped Box
recline chapter 44 . 8/11
Finn not dying every time he actually gets a chance to shine is a great change.
recline chapter 44 . 8/11
This story is actually brilliant. Lucian being Klaus for that 100 years didn't turn into Klaus but into someone that is in love with one person instead of the crippling paranoid that is Klaus and later Lucian . Lucian became a loving husband and Mag being broken so many times needed time to khow her place in the world even if it took more years than most have to live in the end she found what se wanted to be and what she wanted to have. Luckily for her Lucian was willing to wait and quite frankly this was a amazing story.
Great story and thanks for the great read.
guadadominguez4 chapter 44 . 6/25
Guest chapter 44 . 6/25
Je félicite l'auteur , une histoire génial. Mag et Lucien me va bien.
Mag avait besoin de s'éloigner des Mickaelsons , un final avec Kol pas possible. Mag et Lucien ont fait un bout de chemin ensemble , le final est juste . Encore bravo a L'auteur.
Guest chapter 44 . 6/24
Very nice!
Bluegirlassasin6444 chapter 44 . 6/24
Awwww. Its a happy ending! We need more of these in the world.

Thank you so much for your hard work!
peanutbuttercat2015 chapter 44 . 6/24
I absolutely loved the ending! I'm honestly sad that it's ending. This story is definitely one of if not my absolute favorite on this site. I can't wait to see what you write in the future!
Guest chapter 44 . 6/24
Wow you're updating fast~! And we finally get to see Kol. Its nice they both cut the garbage out of their lives. And Mag and Lucien are engaged. Poor Kol though at least they got some kind of closure. Will we be seeing Klaus the shit husband, and the garbage people again?
NotSureHowToMingle chapter 44 . 6/24
Beautiful ending, you gave sweet and simple and you gave us all closure
silentmayhem chapter 44 . 6/24
That's it , lord i don't know how to feel about this, cry or be grateful
AnimeLover229 chapter 44 . 6/24
So sweet... but what happened to the other originals?! Are they dead?! What happened to hope and her mother?!
Bella-swan11 chapter 44 . 6/24
Mag you deserve to be happy, but you cannot control the actions of Lucien and Tristan towards the Mikaelson; Your happiness can end if Lucien doesn't leave the past behind. Because you couldn't be with someone who just wants revenge, especially now when the originals have a duty to care for Hope. Lucien you say love Mag then show him I talk to Tristan, she deserves to get her son back with the power of witches they can bring him to life in Soren; You know that Tristan can support this idea because he appreciates Mag.
FantasyLover2004 chapter 43 . 6/23
Yes! I hope the relationship is not temporary.
Marine246 chapter 43 . 6/22
I can't believe I'm liking Lucien. Thank god the last chapter wasn't the end hahaha
Bella-swan11 chapter 43 . 6/22
Klaus you are going to surrender with Mag it seems that fatherhood has made you mature, the question is how much can you bear to imagine Mag in the arms of another man. Kol you will not be able to surrender love to Mag unlike Klaus, because you never had the opportunity to be happy with Mag; if you want Mag to leave Lucien for you. Then you will have to give what he loves the most, which is his son Soren, if he revives him then she will be so grateful; that he will come to you and you can take advantage of this to make him love you. Because you doubt Mag's love for Lucien because he was born from compulsion. You also don't want Hayley to feel empowered by having Klaus' daughter, what better way than to displace her by causing Soren to revive and take her place as the firstborn.
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