Reviews for I Will be Your Everything
LivininCorsets chapter 6 . 7/18
Take your time! I have to wonder what Hailey will look like as a gargoyle. Maybe an English Gargoyle like gryff or Una. That would be different instead of a scottish/draconic looking gargoyle. And knowing Haliey she will stay Gargoyle all the time.
kodee.brinegar1226 chapter 6 . 7/17
I'm so happy for you! Always love rereading this story! So amazing!
MegK1978 chapter 6 . 7/17
Congratulations, grad! Good to know you're still with us.
Now get back to work! ;) lol
10868letsgo chapter 6 . 7/17
Congratulations. I hope you are doing well
Anilee 10 chapter 5 . 6/10
You should watch Gargoyles 'Silver Falcon' episode, that way it could help you and write the chapter easily.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/18
Wicked! Is there another chapter for this story?
Anilee 10 chapter 5 . 3/29
That next Gargoyles episode 'The Silver Falcon' seemed to be a little tough. But the 'Eye of the Beholder' sounds easy, after all Halloween is on that episode and Elisa dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and dancing with Goliath.
Anilee 10 chapter 5 . 3/28
When is chapter 6 going to be ready? I've been waiting for months.
Marsmiko chapter 5 . 3/29
Please update what happens next
Anilee 10 chapter 5 . 3/18
Why don't you do Gargoyles I Will Be Your Everything? I mean, with the Coronavirus that's been going, surely you have spare time to write it.
Solange Griffin chapter 5 . 2/25
I really like to see that Hailey have the power to turn herself into Gargoyle in chapter 6,

How about you ️?
Solange Griffin chapter 5 . 2/25
I really think that it looked very interesting and very fascinating to see that,

I am now so excited to see more chapters of this cool story chapters right now
silverwolf chapter 3 . 1/13
so are Fox and Xanatos going to try and legally adopt Hailey
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 5 . 1/7
loved it! more please?!
Toxicthecat4836 chapter 3 . 12/21/2019
This is a good story. I like Hailey, she's an interesting character. And her relationship with the gargoyles is adorable and very entertaining. And even though the chapters are a bit predictable since they're all based off the episodes, it's still nice to see them in a diffrent point-of-view. I think your best chapters are the ones from when Hailey and the trio were kids since that was new showed up there bond. But one problem I see is Xanatos. He's suppose to be this deviously clever and apathetic guy, but here he has a soft spot for Hailey. That's not a bad idea, but it's not shown why he cares so much. Mabe if instead of time skips around her and Xanatos before the spell is broken, you write about them bonding and connecting. That way his betray and actions seem more hurtful to the audience. Or you can keep him as a rich a-hole and have him use him money and connections to mess with Hailey and make him more despicable. But this is still fun to read. Please continue!
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