Reviews for Victory
Silver-IronScript chapter 1 . 4/22/2019
Awesome story! It was fun to read! Keep up the great work!
Jilsen chapter 1 . 10/10/2018
You wrote this at work?! I was an elementary school teacher. I never had a dull moment at work, let alone a moment to sit down and write. LOL Thankfully I'm retired now and my time is my time to do with as I please. :)

This story is very fun and lighthearted. You seem to have managed to work the entire Hardy gang in, too. I'm not familiar with all the Hardy characters. I'm more a Nancy Drew fan. I do know Joe and Frank though. I like the sibling rivalry you have going on between the brothers and it snowballs into including their friends. The fact Frank earns a B on his physics test was quite funny!
Arglefumph chapter 1 . 10/8/2018
This was a nice story, and it was particularly neat how you worked in all the various characters who probably no longer exist in the books. Even though it's a relatively simple "Joe pranks Frank" storyline, there were some twists where things went in an unexpected direction (the grocery store scene, capture the flag). It was fun to see the Hardys get humiliated on the tandem bicycle.

I did notice that the text says "Frank slammed on the breaks" at one point, which is a typo.
CorkyBookworm1 chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
Hah, the ending was cute. The story overall was a fun idea. The beginning got off to a rough start and there were a few grammatical issues that made it kind of difficult to read. The mild profanity and mature phrases weren't really necessary and took away from the whole ambiance of the wholesome nature of the HB, which I love, but there wasn't anything blatantly offensive. I love that you included so many of the HB characters. Not many people remember Biff and Tony and Iola and Chet and such. :-) A fun little read.
ErinJordan chapter 1 . 5/29/2018
Cute story very funny :)
Newtothis351 chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
Whoaaaaa! Did not see this coming. It's like you left me a memorial weekend gift. This was such a fun read, I enjoyed every bit. Joe and Frank being their typical self, but this time it is the boys that got tricked by friends and family alike. I laughed so hard when the youtube video shows Frank huffing uphill and Joe has his legs straight..HILARIOUS! Iola is pretty cool MY SWEET CALLIE!
.NOW. Time for a second chapter. :) :)
FANHB08 chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
That was a great story I would love to read more of it!
katnissta chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
oh my gosh Frank has never gotten a b. I loved the capture the flag and who is manlier going on.
BMSH chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
So cute. Just a nice slice of life.
EvergreenDreamweaver chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
You must have had fun writing this; no wonder you resented people interrupting you at work!
sm2003495 chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
Wow, my high school hormones of the past had really craved for stories like this and i reread the same few ones which were availableb several times :)..Where were you ten years back?..Really loved this story..
Cherylann Rivers chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
Oh my goodness! WHERE do you come up with these ideas? The whole story was funny and lighthearted, and you show the brotherly relationship well. You have Joe as the pain in the tush younger brother and Frank as the consummate older brother who is about to lose his "ish" with Joe- love it! And only I would find this funny, but I notice my Santitori name jumped into your one shot here. Hope the owners of the deli are nicer than Lorenzo was! LOL!

I guess it's just easier to tell you which lines actually made me laugh out loud or at least chuckle a lot, though the story in its entirety was funny (including the horror of the last line!).

Frank's dry sense of humor "Smells like a rose garden"
Joe's pretending to answer Frank's unasked questions about his day just to be a pain in the butt
Can you pencil me in? Tuck each other in?
"I was too exhausted to roll over and hand her the phone." (Snort)
Joe's little call to Callie that got him tackled
I liked the way in which you offhandedly mentioned that the Hardys' neighbors were used to their behavior!
"Francine" and "I accept my defeat" line! haha
I LOVED the silliness of the ball-breaking ritual idea. YES!
Iola getting Joe for "hitting on her best friend" and my fave- "I liver you." Damn you, autocorrect. You're too "ducking" terrible...
Cupcake and Muffin and Tony...
Sweet line by Callie about the marriage material and also sweet that Frank liked it. And when Callie's dirty talk involved physics, I literally laughed out loud. Of course, to contrast that, Iola, Joe, and Richard Simmons- nice.
Cute surprise with the party
Frank asking Callie if he needed to make chicken noises
The fact that the escapades were at least in part posted to social media- yup...
Haha- Frank and Joe took the girls to thank them privately- I'll bet they did! :)
And it was sweet how at the end of the story, Frank kind of accepted the outcome and laughed about it instead of getting all uptight.

Super cute story! :)
max2013 chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
Ritu chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
This was soooo much fun. I am so glad you wrote this. Love the Frank/Joe dynamics. I like how all the friends were here. You brought all my childhood characters to life and I love you for that.