Reviews for Fighting the Darkness
Mayhem296 chapter 18 . 7/2
A very cool story so far!
Looking forward to reading more.
LeightonWD chapter 18 . 6/22
Great work!
Moon Goddesss chapter 18 . 6/15
Hey this a good story and I love your writing. I just felt really uncomfortable reading this line “She only liked the bald look on a black man, so there was no appeal for her” as a black women.
NicoleR85 chapter 18 . 6/15
Another great chapter. I loved that you wrote some of the funny talk show hosts come with Buffy to watch her in her element. I can't wait to read what happens next.
James Birdsong chapter 17 . 5/12
Good ten chapters
LeightonWD chapter 17 . 5/11
Amazing work you really suckled me in to this world :)
NicoleR85 chapter 17 . 5/10
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read what Lex Luthor will do. Please update soon.
Okami Princess chapter 17 . 5/10
I hate to be a nitpick, but I noticed how you kept calling Alfred ‘Albert’ in this chapter. Just thought you should know in case people get confused.

You know, based on how well the majority (*cough* Jason *cough*) of the Bat kids in the comics turned out after being trained by Bruce, I think Bruce would make a great Watcher. I imagine if any Gothamites ‘awakened’ as Slayers, Bruce would be pretty quick to take them under his wing (pun SO intended). Especially due to the sheer danger of them possibly being press hanged into service against their will (their families and friends most likely being threatened) by members of Batman’s Rogues Gallery. Penguin would probably be especially interested in doing so.

With the possible exception of Poison Ivy, since I recall that at one point she took a bunch of the homeless kids of Gotham under her protection. So Ivy might actually be willing to take some of them under her protection (so as not to be used against their will by men).

And Poison Ivy is possibly actually strong enough to give even a Slayer pause, out of all of Batman’s villains (though Ivy is more ‘neutral’ leaning these days). Considering she’s probably a champion of ‘The Green’ like Swamp Thing is, it’s not that surprising when you take that into account.
DarthTenebrus chapter 17 . 5/10
I can see how the public demonstration might convince viewers that vampires are real, as well as their capabilities being demonstrated so that nobody gets a wild hair up their fourth point of contact to go out there and try Slaying. That might have been enough, but having Jay Leno stake a vampire, even if it was under controlled conditions? I started to feel bad for the vampires, evil or not. I imagine Leno will probably feel somewhat disturbed later on by the fact that he had just slain a vampire on live television and internet. For me that would be like a talk show host being asked to pull the lever at a public hanging. I'm just saying that there are more emotional considerations wrapped up in this than what was written in here, and that future chapters ought to display some elements of them. Remember, these characters are supposed to be people with complex feelings, and a lot of times there are multiple layers to those emotions. Being able to express such complexities of emotion with the written word is one of the great joys of being a writer.
LeightonWD chapter 16 . 3/30
Awwww lex come on! Giles go kick his arse.
NicoleR85 chapter 16 . 3/24
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
rasulpr chapter 15 . 1/15
Aww love it! Keep goin lol
LeightonWD chapter 15 . 1/13
A great chapter thank you :)
NicoleR85 chapter 15 . 1/10
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
shugokage chapter 14 . 11/4/2019
Interesting story good job!
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