Reviews for Something Unfamiliar
funandthatsall chapter 27 . 7/19/2018
Loved this story. So glad they are going back to Pasadena.
Warriorcreed chapter 27 . 7/17/2018
Nice story, really enjoyed it. It was good to read that they decided to go home in the end, I expect Penny would enjoy raising her family with Leonard around their friends. After all it is better to be happy than famous, famous doesn’t allow you to go to bed each night content in the arms of someone who loves you.
bamadude chapter 27 . 7/15/2018
Well, it sad to see this wonderful story end. It was great to she had success as an actress and now they are planning their return home to Pasadena. GREAT JOB!
bfm10 chapter 27 . 7/15/2018
Cute ending to a cute story. Thanks for writing.
bfm10 chapter 26 . 7/11/2018
Nice :) A little sad they separated from the gang but it is kind of a circle going back to NY.
bamadude chapter 26 . 7/10/2018
Well, that was very interesting. Penny acting and Leonard a tenured professor at Princeton. Family and friends coming to see Penny's play. I see that Beverly is still a pain in the ass bitch. There's no hope for a relationship for him Beverly. Leonard should just throw in the towel leave that alone.
bamadude chapter 25 . 7/10/2018
And so the Honeymoon begins. It's great to see them so happy and without Sheldon. Great chapter and I can't wait to read more.
bfm10 chapter 25 . 7/8/2018
Sweet. Those two deserve a nice honeymoon!
SRAM chapter 24 . 7/6/2018
I liked your interpretation of their first wedding a lot better than the shows and I like how you incorporated the good parts of that first wedding into your story, like the vows. At least in this story they have a nice honeymoon night and Leonard doesn’t have to spend the first few days of his marriage with Sheldon. Hopefully this nice wedding is an omen for more good things to happen for the newly married Hofstadter’s in the future.
funandthatsall chapter 24 . 7/6/2018
Excellent chapter. Loved the wedding night...
bamadude chapter 24 . 7/5/2018
Wow, what a great chapter. Loved the ceremony and the newly married couple consummating their marriage. The best part was that Dr Dumbass didn't interrupt the proceedings. Also, they didn't have to deal with Beverly. GREAT JOB!
SRAM chapter 23 . 7/3/2018
Always so enjoyable for Leonard to talk to his mother, he should set her number to go directly to voicemail and save himself the grief. Leonard really went a long way to surprise Penny with that wedding, bringing her parents made it hard for her to even consider saying ‘No’ even if that thought even tried to come into her head. I hoping you write the wedding and the honeymoon before you end this story and maybe a short epilogue on how their lives turn out together.
bfm10 chapter 23 . 7/3/2018
Cute :) Definitely better than the Vegas wedding on the show...
bahall1964 chapter 23 . 7/2/2018
This was a wonderful chapter. I love the way Leonard got his surprise for Penny together. The best part was him making sure her family was there. Wonderful story and job.
bamadude chapter 23 . 7/2/2018
Wow, That was a surprise for Penny. Getting married with their friends and her family present. GREAT JOB!
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