Reviews for The Seasons With You
kazuyaryo chapter 5 . 2/10/2019
That was a great Story.
fmtwa chapter 3 . 9/30/2018
nonsense! this was beautiful!
Astroavis chapter 5 . 6/20/2018
I actually came over from Tumblr to FF because I wanted to leave a proper review for this story. It seems to be so rare nowadays that I come across a story that I actually really, really enjoy (mostly because I'm incredibly picky and only enjoy stories that portray women as empowered) and, whenever I do, I always want to leave proper reviews expressing my appreciation.

You have such a unique take on the classic soulmate au. I've never heard of an au where the negative traits of the person's soulmate write themselves onto a nearby object, whether it be a smutty novel, a dirty receipt (that proves they didn't tip - I literally laughed out loud at that), or sewing itself into a handkerchief. How you wrote the traits in an almost poetic form was lovely as well. You did a wonderful job of coming up with these kind of secret yet still very accurate traits for both Kakashi and Sakura and the lead up to the reveal about why her soulmate wasn't Sasuke was very well done. Although it does make me wonder who his soulmate is if he mistook them for Sakura. Unless he was lying for some reason, I would imagine it would take a lot for him to try to kill someone he actually believed was his soulmate.

I'm also curious about who the couple that was hinted at in the beginning is, when Naruto double checked to see if Sakura's soulmate was actually male. (Please be a lesbian couple!)

Kiba's brotherly affection was so cute as well, I loved how he was upset that he had missed Tenten's soulmate writing and how he wants to be involved with Sakura's.

"The ramen stand is a hive of frantic activity, teenage curiosity paired with the energy that only a bunch of trained killers can express." This is a wonderful line in the first paragraph. The reminder of how all these rambunctious teenagers are trained assassins really sets a mood and I love the wording in particular. It shows a curious mix of teenage enthusiasm for love and the harsh reality of ninja life.

"It’s as close to silent as possible in the shop; even the omnipresent sounds of bubbling noodles and simmering pork dim in the face of curiosity." The silence that was instilled in the story with this line was a great lead up to Sakura revealing the traits of her soulmate. It quiets down the background and makes for a very serious and invested tone in that moment.

"And then she’s away, a haze of petals left in her wake, settling into the grease of the shop as she goes to face destiny, fists first." I especially like this line. Her leaving petals behind when she uses her Body Replacement Technique is a cute touch, very true to her namesake. The "fists first" is great as well because Sakura is such a headstrong character. She can be like a bull in a china shop at times with how she can leap headlong into situations. Part of what I love about her!

“Is it in the book?” She asks and this time he tries incredibly hard to look surprised. Damn her brains." Ahh, I love stories that include how much of a genius Sakura is. Her intelligence is one of her greatest strengths and seeing her written as such is fantastic. Not only that, but seeing her written as empowered is something I love to read in stories and something that, when it's not present, will result in me abandoning a story and even an author altogether.

"There’s a trembling in the earth and Kakashi doesn’t need his Sharingan to see the ripples of her temper threading through the ground." This line is my absolute favorite in this story. "[...] the ripples of her temper threading through the ground" is so powerful and evocative. It's another line properly expressing her strength and one that I adore.

"“If I’m going to destroy you,” she says, watching as Kakashi swings his head in her direction like one of his dogs, “I promise I’ll be gentle about it.” He smiles. She’s enchanted." This is such a lovely line to end this story on. It shows hope for the future of their relationship and, at the very least, a kind of understanding between them and about their future together.

The only bit of constructive criticism I can offer you to help you grow into an even more fantastic writer is a simple grammatical correction and one that you very well may already be aware of! Not only that, it's one that I used to do all the time, no thanks to Google Docs and its wonky grammar/spell check system. When you end dialogue with a question mark or an exclamation mark, many word processors often capitalize the following pronoun. For example: ""Sakura?" He asked." (Even my notepad just now did it!) The proper form, however, is to write ""Sakura?" he asked." This took me longer than I would care to admit to notice many word processors did this and much, much longer to correct in all of my stories.

I absolutely loved your creative new take on the soulmate au (or at least the first of it's kind that I've read!) and with one of my first Naruto pairings at that! KakaSaku will always have a special place in my heart as one of my very first ships and seeing such gorgeous material made for them even now is great to see. Wonderful job! Thank you very much for sharing!
Team Miriku chapter 5 . 6/19/2018
I really enjoyed this. Soul mates either feels romantic or not romantic / lacking tension depending on the author, so good job!
mbravesgirl7 chapter 5 . 6/19/2018
This fits them very well! All your oneshots have been great!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/19/2018
This was really good you should make it into a full story.
PrincessSerenity96 chapter 4 . 6/18/2018
I love all of them! Maybe you could write stories based off them? Especially the last one! Please keep writing more!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/18/2018
Please do! It’s so good
Mbreazy19 chapter 3 . 6/10/2018
All three stories were freaking amazing! I want more! Don’t ever stop writing, especially for kakasaku!