Reviews for The One Way Road to Ruin
guest chapter 2 . 8/7
nice story
Ellena Nomihara chapter 2 . 7/6
Shitt! I like it so much. Please update again.
Hetes chapter 2 . 5/27
Zeltrech lmao
asukihatashi chapter 2 . 5/9
All he needed was long white spiky hair a toad companion and to pose when he introduces himself as a super pervert and Leere is basically Jiraiya.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/21
Make more please
Wacko12 chapter 2 . 2/17
Daiten chapter 2 . 9/21/2019
I really enjoyed this fanfic and hope even though it was done in 2018 you pick it back up.
mdey-KK chapter 2 . 7/28/2019
Zelretch(?)... the super pervert comment was a total Jiraiya tho...
Alkatros chapter 2 . 6/12/2019
Yet another amazing story that I predict won't get a continue sadly.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/28/2019
I find the story really interesting,I want you to release the other chapters.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
My god was fcking lit I love it!
Wicked.A chapter 2 . 4/17/2019
now that I thinl about it cant Accelerator just walk up to the prime minister and kill him? its not like there is anyone in that world capable of touching or stopping him(aside from the ministers son since he ca also use portals)
Kian Xki chapter 2 . 4/11/2019
i want to kill you, i want to kill you so much

i want you to know that if i had the power to kill you i would kill you

those are my honest feelings

who cares about the world? who cares about the consecuences? who cares about your goals?

it is out of spite that i will destroy you, it is out of spite that i will destroy all that you held dear

it is by this feeling that i can attest that you have failed, the fact that Leere survived is proof

(teleportation is not enough to prevent the #1 esper from killing you, and at point blank contact there exist no way for escape, at most you would blow up like a ballon from attemping to use imposion type teleportation

the fact that he was mocked gives Accelerator even more of a reason to end your life, even if he would be left in some unknow land (after all what is there for him to go back?
a reputation worth nothing? the power is his
a run down apartment? some handout money? contacts in the underworld? all of those he can get anywhere

prevent himself from being used by some random bastard? then Leere would be death (shoul be death)

Leere had far too much plot armor to pull this out, those are Assassins, they kill, if their boss wanted someone death they wouldn't stop her nor wait for an explanation, they would attack with everything that they got because:
a) unknow has somehow sneaked in the hideout, they must die before they acomplish their goals as they are danger
B)the boss must have a reason to hate them, they are dangeorous therefore go all out from the begining, after initial all out assault has failed you can attemp to tall thnings out but not before that
c) he is anoying as hell, so why the hell would i listen to his words before killing him? he is obviously wasting time for something, why would i give it to him? (he doesn't have a bomb? how woul you know? he means well? he infitrated the building for god's sake, he is obviously the enemy spy! he must Die!)

far more beliable would be for Leere to die here and Accelerator having to wait for someone esle to be able to use his Tengu

you tried to pull a Zelrech but it was just an anoying Author Avatar telling eveyrone how awezeome you are not and how you wish to trample over everyone but are too much of a useless coward to do it yourself (the offencee is for how anoying i am to Leere)

R.O.B.s are such because they have more than mere teleportation, you forgot the Omnipotent and were just left with a Random Bastard that should have died there)

Leere has no influence over Accelerator, he has no way to control the force of nature, even the treat of being unable to go back has no weight for someone without a reason to wish to do so, his help to Night Raid would also fail as Accelerator is aware of how much humans are flawed, you have no option but to kill Leere

"i could but i chose to not do so" is what Bully victims tell themselves, Accelerator is NOT a bully victim, the gangs of academy city are jut sore lossers and he would hurt them a lot if he saw them on the act of vandalising his apartment, making your protagonist follow such logic will only make trash of whatever you are writing

you were goin well till you introduced Leere
Wade Daron chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
Please man update this.
Kiyo Takamine ffcs chapter 2 . 2/25/2019
nice i thought you weren't going to update anymore the fanfic is really nice
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