Reviews for The Warriors of Tartarus
Rin chapter 17 . 6/3
Oh, please go on with this fantastic story! I have to know what happens next, especially now that Halt is in Ferris' hands! And I'm curious what further awaits Will and his friends in Tartarus.

Don't let me wait so long! ;)

Best regards
Indigene Syke chapter 17 . 4/8
What did you do to Halt?! Why do you torture us like this? That is so not cool. But the story is really cool. You've done a really good job with it. And Heroes of Olympus. Love it. Lots of good references in there. Keep up the great work!
Ranger River chapter 17 . 1/22
thank you for continuing to write it. It is super interesting and always leaves me wanting more.
Ardoa88 chapter 17 . 1/12
Happy new decade to you too! Can I say that I was genuinely expecting one of the four that fell to be Halt? I kinda forgot there were five of them fighting Ferris and was confused when Halt wasn’t in Tartarus with them :P whoops! I approve of the grim determination in our heroes. And that’s super smart, following the rivers above as a kind of map. I also have a feeling that Will’s healing ability will come in handy down there, maybe even to the point of it being abused, leaving him exhausted (I speculate, but I can’t wait to see where you take it).

So then Halt... stabbed through the gut... unable to shadow travel... in the clutches of his evil, psychotic brother Ferris...
Yeah, that doesn’t bode to well.
Yo Gilan. Where you at boy? Come save your Mentor and then, while you’re at it, hop down to Tartarus and bring back your best friend ;) I jest... mostly, haha.

Great job with descriptions and keeping an analytical mindset for Alyss! Her POV was really fun :)
Ardoa88 chapter 16 . 1/12
Oh my gosh this had all of the emotions! My heart... my poor heart... Halt why? Man you have some explaining to do. I loved all of the angst with Will’s panic attack and his powers responding by spiraling out of control. All of the feels for the boy who was nothing but repentant after the battle from the last book (which was NOT his fault and Halt you need to forgive him right now-!).
Can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for us! :D beautiful chapter- one of my favorites thus far.
PigsAreLife chapter 17 . 1/3
Awww, love the subtle Wilyss in there. Great job, as always.
TheHappyHighlander chapter 16 . 12/30/2019

I don't know. I don't know what to say. I's just...but...damn.

Please update soon...I so wanted this to be longer, and now I'm stuck sitting here like a grumpy poopy pants because it wasn't and you left us hangin'. Thanks for writing though...even if it was like getting slapped repeatedly in the face lol
PigsAreLife chapter 16 . 12/29/2019
This better have a happy ending! How far away are the hugs? :D
Ardoa88 chapter 15 . 11/24/2019
Yikes- breaking that oath does sound bad. I hope Halt won’t have to go through all of that punishment.

This was a great chapter! I’m intrigued by the mystery whispers in Will’s head! Can’t wait to see what it pans out to.

My only critique of this chapter is that when Ferris re-recaptures them at the end I think you could’ve written something more than “It was over appallingly quickly.” And then jumped to them being restrained again. If you want them to be exhausted and unable to fight (which is totally understandable given that they’re all dead tired- almost literally in Halt’s case) that’s perfectly fine. I think a short sentence or two of ‘Will held out a hand, trying to summon what he could but there was nothing, and Ferris simply grabbed his arm, wrenching it behind his back with a disappointed scoff.’ Or something to transition it more fluidly (right now it reads like a movie jump cut).

But really it’s a nitpick. The way you wrote the fighting and the emotions each character was feeling (I was pleasantly surprised at Ferris’ ability to care about Halt’s broken oath!) was spectacular! Spit on and amazing in every sense of the word :) well done! Thanks for updating- can’t wait to read more! (And sorry about the crazy long review ;P
Ardoa88 chapter 14 . 11/24/2019
Wow- did I miss an update? Oh my gosh how did I not read this the minute it came out? But- that just means I get two chapters to read back to back! Yay!
Okay so 1) love the avengers infinity war line “it’ll kill you!” “Only if I die” hah! Beautiful. 2) Halt’s here! WooHoo- only he doesn’t look too good... and 3) wow this was good! The writing and the characterizations- poor will, dude just can’t escape Ferris’ manipulative schemes, can he?

I would say I wonder what happens next, but as it so appears there is another chapter for me to read! So instead... onto the next one!
RAPJ chapter 15 . 11/24/2019
ahhhh to many cliffhangers!
PigsAreLife chapter 15 . 11/24/2019
More cliffhangers? I want to know what happens! This is such a good story :D
TheHappyHighlander chapter 15 . 11/23/2019
Ughhhh...why you gotta keep cliffhanging us like this?! It's so mean! Also, I hope you don't do all that super bad stuff from Greek mythology to Halt, my heart can't take it. How far away are all the hugs and warm fuzzy feelings?
Guest chapter 14 . 11/9/2019
Yo whens the next chapter
Guest chapter 14 . 10/27/2019
It's getting so exciting. I'm ready to know what happens next!
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