Reviews for Age
naash chapter 1 . 5/6
that was amazing

i am so glad i stumbled upon this 2 years later. i wished i had read it when you had first published it

this story is perfect and i think sums up tentens feelings which the actual naruto manga does not explore.

youre an amazing writer. i felt the bitterness and the ache through your words alone.

fxrefliess chapter 1 . 7/1/2018
I'm late, sorry, but at least im here! :D

anyways, I dont know the fandom but I could understand the story. I really liked the fact that it outlined the age and how they felt.

Honestly, I wasn't even thinking in the direction of a "sweet, lighthearted father's day story" and mine is also angsty. Its completely fine.

This was an interesting and enjoyable story. Thanks for sharing - I hope you enjoy your summer!
whattadragg chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
Okay OUCH. Thanks for that. I was really thinking this would be a sweet, not killing Neji off, type of fic. I was wrong. I mean, it was really good. Don’t get me wrong. But way to CRUSH MY SOUL. At least when you crushed it, it was in a well written way.
Pixie07 chapter 1 . 6/27/2018
I'm still very sore about Neji's death, anyway nice one shot, I loved the ending
blueberrrykisses chapter 1 . 6/27/2018
Ive never been so angry at a series for killing off a character (obvs. Im referring to Neji) since Harry Potter, ugh this was so devastatingly beautiful, you had me shedding tears.
yara9292 chapter 1 . 6/26/2018
So beautiful :)
It's really perfect written and I love it.
The ending is amazing and thanks for the update! You did a great Job
Raineya chapter 1 . 6/25/2018
Hey, 8ouji-Rei!

I just read your NejiTen one-shot and I’ll admit that I enjoyed it to the very end! The age gapsthe episodes were really well done! It was actually melancholic that Neji had to be killed off in the canon series. But the way you ended your one-shot by killing Tenten off so she can meet a Neji in afterlife was spectacular! Also, the way you’ve written TentenNeji in this particular one-shot was outstanding!

Thank you for taking the time to write this lovely one-shot!

RushiAei chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
This is so beautiful. I love how you did the year gaps in this story and sort of gave Tenten a title as to where she was during those certain stages in her life. I think that was very creative! This, indeed was sad, but still bitter sweet and I really enjoyed this :)
Colorless Butterfly chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
omg :(

I honestly adore this ship. NejiTen has always held a really special place in my heart, mostly because I think they're both super interesting characters who never really got a chance to shine in the actual Naruto storyline. I've always sort of resented Kishimoto for killing off Neji, haha, so I'm glad at least in this story there's a sense of closure between the two.

Thanks for writing!
iBloo chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
waaaaaaaaahhhh i am screaming and crying and omg! this was so beautiful. each age you depicted as a part of their relationship was perfect. all in character and heart warming.

that last line also just closed this entire challenge with a neat and pretty little bow.

thank you for sharing!
wingedmercury chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
Ahhhhhh I’m fangirling so hard! This story punched me right in the feels. Excellent work here! I hope you do end up writing more NejiTen!
Poodie chapter 1 . 6/21/2018
Well I surprise there. Angst is my stuff! So you can imagine how at home I felt here XD If I had written anything for entry, chances are that it would have been angst too XD

Lovely work! And yes, go give that underappreciated love some love!

een nihc chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
It’s been a while since I last read about this pairing. This is beautifully written. I’m so glad I read this. Everything flows smoothly and I could really feel Tenten’s anguish when Neji died. Love the ending line. Hope you won't mind if I add your story to my C2.
Emma Raye chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
Oh my, this was wonderful. I was curious when it started if Neji would die and was upset when he did, but sentences later, I love the way you ended it. I enjoyed how this was a realistic depiction of how love probably does happen in the shinobi world, with death and eventual meeting on the other side.
You capture Tenten's emotions and personality wonderfully. The way your portrayed her connection with Neji was lovely. I enjoyed this immensely! Great work!
YenGirl chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
Oh my, what a lovely NejiTen story! Looking the plot, I can say the angst was very much needed - it added flavour and pathos to your words and made it THAT much more satisfying *heartfelt sigh*

I am one of thousands who wished Neji had a different story than canon... but you gave us the next best thing.

There were a few errors here and there (like the tenses) but not enough to detract from this beautiful tale. Well done, you!
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