Reviews for Enigma
ImpracticalDemon chapter 22 . 4/23
Good work keeping the canon characters in-character, and having your Chizuru continue to feel and act on her particular beliefs. It will be interesting to find out about Iba's orders, as well as to discover the identities of the "new" fury characters.
Houlme chapter 12 . 7/22/2019
Hey there!~
I'll be rambling a bit here but first things first, thank you for this wonderful story! Hakuoki was my first otome game and even after plying a few times, I've always longed for a route for Sanan and Yamazaki so I was very excited about Edo Blossoms and Kyoto Winds!
Recently my brother gifted me a psvita and I managed to play both so I was very happy about the new routes which I enjoyed a lot thus here I'm looking for fanfictions for more content and honestly your story is a real gem both in writing style and accuracy! I really love this chapter too-Inoue is attitude and just the exchanges between him and Chizuru like a father and daughter or at least relatives-the part were Yamazaki and Chizuru were both frightened by his outburst was hilarious to read and I could just picture the nicely placed humor I noticed in the game itself-they felt like two kids scared off by their mom yelling and their siblings. I won't mention how wonderful I liked the scenes involving Okita and can't help but exclaim my admiration at your writing and how IC the Hakuoki crew is written!
Keep it up and I hope you'll continue to enjoy writing forever!
PrismaticOrb chapter 12 . 4/25/2019
Finally! A story that really digs into Sannan and shows Inoe being the awesome uncle-type that he is! Also I want to cry and hug Kimura.
Illegitimi chapter 9 . 12/30/2018
I just LOVE this couple now - they make the most sense being together! They compliment and balance each other out so well. I just adore your writing, and thank you so much for the lovely update!
kanyeet chapter 8 . 11/11/2018
I absolutely love this story! I never really thought about Chizuru and Sanan as a pairing so this piqued my interest, and I'm glad it did because but you make it work so well! I enjoy reading about their characters in this, and I thought Sanan's plan was very clever. I'm excited to see what's in store for next time!
Illegitimi chapter 8 . 11/2/2018
I am so glad for the update! I have fallen in love with the Sanan and Chizuru pairing! I never thought of it before, so it all just be your fault! Yes, only Sanan's is sly enough to pull off such a great gaslight. And I agree that how did anyone not realize that she didn't have an Adam's apple?

Thanks again for the superb update, and all your talent and hard work!
Illegitimi chapter 7 . 10/16/2018
Kawasaki is another character that is undervalued. I think that if the two of them got together a lot of damage (and shenanigans) could ensue.

I hope you update soon! Please!
Illegitimi chapter 4 . 10/16/2018
Poor Sanan, he seems so adrift! And loss of control for a man who is normally steps and steps ahead of everyone around him it must be very disconcerting. I can't help but smile when I read this because I hear the voice actor (David Montagna?) speak all these lines. He also did another character I loved Saiyuki. He has the best voice.

I also love your quotes at the beginning, the one for this chapter is great! Thanks again for all your hard work and talent!
Illegitimi chapter 3 . 10/16/2018
Heisuke and Sanan are an interesting pair to have interact: Heisuke is young, brash, and straddling youth and adulthood; Sanan is older, more worldly, but also more jaded and cynical.

One thing I forgot to mention in an earlier review: you brought up an interesting point about Chizuru and Nagakura ~ she doesn't have the same ties with him that she does the others. You can tell that they aren't as close or familiar. I never really noticed that until you brought it up.

Great job as always!
Illegitimi chapter 2 . 10/16/2018
That was a beautiful chapter! I really do appreciate your portrayal of Sanan as you bring out the beauty and allure that so many people miss. People always think that Hijikata holds the dichotomy of light and dark, but that pales besides Sanan, as his lightness and darkness are much richer and deeper.

I really look forward to where this is going! Thanks again for all your hard work and talent!
Illegitimi chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
This is beautiful! No one really writes for Sanan because he isn't as flashy as the others... But talk about a predator losing as a house pet! Also, I like your Chizuru as she seems much more adult and not as annoying...

Great job and I can't wait to read on!
Rainbowkittyblossomwings chapter 1 . 8/31/2018
It's great to have more chizuru/sanan fanfic!
Guest chapter 7 . 8/8/2018
Such a great fic! Keep up the awesome work!
Err chapter 6 . 7/6/2018
Wow, im seriously impressed by your writing skills, like captured the characters perfectly, and didn't under or overdo it, which by itself takes so much shit ton of skill. The plot is so interesting, you had me captivated by it. This was such an interesting story to read and i genuinely hope you keep it up. Please continue this story, you have an avid fan! :)

P.s. haha, I'm having this tab bookmarked for sure!
mrobertson62658 chapter 2 . 6/20/2018
I'm really enjoying this story. good job.
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