Reviews for The Corollary Theory
Tensor chapter 29 . 3/19
Hehehehehe, Max, Max, Max, you are soooooooo, much like your father. But, I have a feeling you will get over the awkwardness, eventually. It was soo cute the way everyone else, even the teens, can see what is going on, with Amy and Penny making plans. And, I loved Penny getting all mother bear on Reilly, although, I suspect she has a lot less to worry about, then Wyatt did, when Penny was that age. Love seeing you update this. As long as you keep putting up chapters, I'll be here to read them.
marcelb chapter 29 . 3/19
Oh, Matt... um Max.

But, yay! You're back! Don't worry about not posting anything in a while; it's been a while since I posted anything new.

Anyway, love Penny's worry 'bout her little baby girl, undoubtedly some of her "being popular" memories being projected there.

Love Max being so like Leonard, babbling when getting nervous. And his willingness to help Matt and Eliza, even though he doesn't know them.

Halley definitely is very frustrated at the two who are so obviously in love and yet nothing happens; if only Riley and Michael realized it.

Great job, and glad you're back at it. Maybe I should get back to my unfinished stuff, as well.
bamadude chapter 29 . 3/18
Very nice chapter. I'm glad to see you writing, we've missed you. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 29 . 3/18
Not bad. Sorry you haven't been able to post things lately. Started some fanfics of my own. Give them a look when you can.
Warriorcreed chapter 28 . 8/21/2019
Interesting chapter, you had a lot of character insight in this chapter. I’m still very impressed with Riley, her helping Halley like she did showed a lot of maturity. The gang still being together, like they were at the fund, and their kids being so close makes them seem like one huge family which i found to be really adorable, especially the way they seemed to be there for each other.
luminous77 chapter 28 . 8/21/2019
Nice to see an update of this story. Also nice to see that Halley and Riley actually can talk with each other in a normal way.
I liked this chapter. Looking forward to the next one. :)
marcelb chapter 28 . 8/21/2019
Great chapter again, from Halley's attempts to figure out what her major should be, Sophie giving a lecture without realizing, to Riley offering a great suggestion to Halley's problem. And Jordan almost drooling over Ivory, and Penny very nearly killing Sheldon, again.

Yep, love this chapter! Take your time with the updates!
123justafan chapter 28 . 8/21/2019
Very nice chapter with Riley figuring out what Halley needed to study. Now it's Halley's turn. she has to tell Riley where her future is or more appropriately WHO it should be with. OH, and she needs to apologize to Riley for making her childhood so difficult.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 28 . 8/21/2019
Loved it. Take your time on updating.
bamadude chapter 28 . 8/21/2019
Nice chapter. Good to see Halley and Riley talking and being friendly. She got great advice from an unexpected location.
marcelb chapter 27 . 7/7/2019
Oh fer cryin' out loud! Why don't these two characters know we're all waiting for Richael (or Miley, but that may get confusing) to become a reality? Halley knows. Michael's exes seem to know. Even Leonard (and probably Penny) seem to know.

Good chapter! I gotta ask about that last line though. I'm confused about Halley being at the Hofstadter house-hold.
123justafan chapter 27 . 7/6/2019
Howard wants Michael to be a player, and Michael may be feeling the need to be a player, but he really is just playing with what that means. Halley really needs to just come out and tell those two what is really going on. Michael and Riley are in denial and someone needs to set them straight. Perhaps Penny sees it. Mom would be just the one to help her daughter through this tough time in her life.
Warriorcreed chapter 27 . 7/6/2019
I was sort of hoping that it was prom night and all that Riley and Michael would end up kissing each other. Where the heck did Halley come from, I thought she was at home with her boyfriend, how did she get to the Hofstadter house, unless they both were dreaming it?
luminous77 chapter 27 . 7/6/2019
Interesting chapter. :) Seems like Michael's heart is not really with the girls he's dating. Not with Jess, not with Brandi and obviously not with Malia as well. Blurting out his sister's name in the hotel room with his girlfriend was...well...strange. Will there ever something happen with Michael and Riley? And what about the last line of this chapter? It left me in deep confusion too. Can't wait to read what's happening with Micheal and Riley next.
bamadude chapter 27 . 7/6/2019
Nicely done! Michael has some decisions to make. Can't wait to see Howard's reaction to Michael's night. Can't wait for Chapter 28!
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