Reviews for WotC: Truth, Honor, Vision
God of Vampires aka Alucard chapter 1 . 8/1
If you call sending armies to fight for you and letting dragons burn your enemies being a badass fighter there's something wrong.
ExS-DrIfTeRr chapter 5 . 5/5
Re-reading this great story but i still don't get why he doesn't just tell them to fuck off he has every right to his secrets and its his ship

First thing id do after they pull this stunt to take them to their ship and send them packing
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23
"Where did I hit you might ask? When I shot forward with my blade, I stopped when the tip went through the space in between the handle and emitter ring. When I slashed upwards..."

This whole paragraph is just painful to read in how hamfisted it is. Try to write with a bit more subtlety, and most importantly, Show don't tell.
Explaining it like that is so bad it almost feels like it's breaking the fourth wall.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23
" I always saw the Force as more Clear than anything else"
Makes him sound like an arrogant prick. a wankish Gary Stu that knows better than everyone else in the setting.

"I prefered using both Light and Dark in tandem"
And this makes no sense, the dark side requires quite a different mentality, unless he's clinically insane, he can't have two different mentalities running at the same time.
Just more nonsensical wank.
ExS-DrIfTeRr chapter 7 . 1/4
Not a fan of him just joining up with them i feel like it should of taken more time maybe a few more missions maybe he could run into them a few times and then have him join rather than this

Overall a pretty good story keep it up
ExS-DrIfTeRr chapter 6 . 1/4
If he is going to join up with them i hope you don't make it too soon that one message doesn't feel like enough of a reason for him to join up with them
Halo Star Wars X-over fan chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
It might of been a good ship... but that was more than 3000 years ago...
bloobloo2334 chapter 1 . 12/22/2019
Neat idea for a story, and your writing isn't bad at all. There is one distracting flaw though. The amount of smirking. Read your story again. MC smirks every other sentence! It gives me the mental image of some edgelord thinking "Oh I'm so cool!1". I don't think it's what you were going for. Try using other words to describe his happiness that things are going according to plan, or just plain remove some of them.

But like I said, your writing is better than the usual on this website. That flaw I mentioned isn't a super huge thing
Evan chapter 7 . 12/14/2019
Lim Kingchin chapter 7 . 11/3/2019
do more
Guest chapter 7 . 8/3/2019
Make more chapters
Tdog Smith chapter 7 . 5/21/2019
I really like this story I can't wait to see more chapters of it.
shadowrabbit17 chapter 7 . 5/6/2019
This one also needs more chaps
Damien NightFall chapter 7 . 5/6/2019
Does he not know the meaning of a bloody secret? Holy shit he tells anybody that asks anything they demand.
Damien NightFall chapter 7 . 5/6/2019
Ah of course he would be so easily manipulated. No I don't want to join your rebellion, oh you asked? well of course I'll join!
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