Reviews for WH40K: A Man Of His Word
artilyon-rand chapter 15 . 1/29/2019
I do have so clap for ye m8 this was a fun read u god me on edge with whole gene stealer drama and the whole family thing was fitting end poor lass in the kind side of inquisition. woulda be better if she died at least after helping her dear brother with the last of her freewill..but alas u will serve mankind to atone for yer crimes againts it.
Guest chapter 15 . 11/24/2018
I was lost in the simple creepynrss of the tale... excellent!
Neacroon chapter 15 . 8/2/2018
If you like nature as a character of itself, mystery, oppresive, masrhmallow atmosphere, that' s a piece for you. Worth reading, quick, focused, simple yet powerful character motivation... 8.5/10
John Spangler chapter 15 . 8/1/2018
This is a perfect example of what a 40k horror story should be. I enjoyed every part of it, especially the final fight against the Tyranid. Thanks for writing it.
Mustafao0 chapter 15 . 7/30/2018
A nice and short story that I highly recommend.
Kondoru chapter 10 . 7/18/2018
Look, a beautiful story and only one review?

Its got nice characterisation, and good description, you can just see the swamp and Racitors. Maybe the plot is a little hackneyed, but great storytelling.
Neacroon chapter 8 . 7/17/2018
Woah! You re doing a great job in creating an atmosphere here, dont stop it !