Reviews for Transformers 00: Prime
Dontus -not Donut- Powerus chapter 1 . 5/6
the "solar" description of the solar reactor as i've said a long time ago could be the internal processes within the drive that is akin to that of a sun or a contained after big bang event that creates a number violation in the eternal duality of matter / antimatter creation and annihilation in baryogenesis...

the drives just need a hot ball of energy that produces hyper photons that split into matter and anti-matter... then like the universe, the drives activate their magic and do the number violation and make matter appear more than anti-matter

then anime magic takes over in the creation of GN Particles that are by definition of the scientist within the anime, weird photons that aren't essentially an electromagnetic radiation cos its characteristics jumps from being a radiation, to a solid particle, to a gravity defying fairy dust.

Also they cannot be detected from any forms of detection except if the suit is relaying it's information TO them.
zero fullbuster chapter 1 . 5/4
love it.
great work.
please write more soon.
ericsofly2 chapter 1 . 5/21/2019
Yo update
gundam 09 chapter 1 . 1/7/2019
I like this story, please make the next chapter soon.
MirtaLayl chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
While the story has a good premise, it would work better as a straight crossover with CB sent into the transformers universe instead of a time travel fic.
reaperofages chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
this is really cool so far hope to read more on this soon so please update soon
L chapter 1 . 7/3/2018
Sorry this ain't about your story, Chris but it looks like your review section might possibly turn into a flaming hotspot.

Now I have a feeling you already know this but don't listen to Dragon's Jaw. He could have just pointed out the flaws and left it at that. But instead he wants you to bust your butt to please him personally.

Never bend over backwards to get someone else's approval. Improve so your stories are entertaining for the sake of being entertaining, and not because some whiny nobody who thinks he's the next big thing since Jesus will say "Your story is finally good because it's what I wanted it to be."
The Dragon's Jaw chapter 1 . 6/30/2018
Was I talking to you Archer? When I typed my previous comment, I was addressing Gundam-Knight-Chris. Now stop being rude and let's just wait for the latter to respond. Unless of course you are Gundam-Knight-Chris, in which case let's talk. If not, wait for me to address you and don't butt in to the conversations of other people.
Archer chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
The Dragon’s Jaw:

Nah, shut the hell up and just help us badmouth Doom Marine 54 by leaving hateful reviews on Doom’s dumb story.
The Dragon's Jaw chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
Greetings, my friend (or enemy, or whoever stumbles across this profile- I'm not picky), I am The Dragon's Jaws, and I'm a no BS, tell-it-straight-up flamer and rule-enforcer. Despite my, in my opinion, very fitting profile pic of Smaug, I do not come from the LotR/Hobbit fandom. In fact, I come from no particular fandom at all, having even stopped playing video games entirely back in 2014 when microtransactions really became a thing.

Now then, surely you're asking, “Well, then why are you here?” in which case I'd reprimand you harshly for your appalling lack of reading comprehension, as I have stated why above, but in case it wasn't obvious, I'll repeat it: I am here to enforce the site's rules, and I don't really care how I do that or what I need to do to accomplish that goal. If that means swearing at you in a review, so be it. You'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. If not? Well, you've just proven your lack of maturity and lack of need to be on this site.

One thing to note though, is that if you prove to me you can take my flames, you prove you are mature, and you own up to what you did and swear on your life to never do it again, I will have a tendency to be nicer towards you. If not... well, you'll make a fine addition to my 'Wall of Shame'. It's something I was inspired to do from the users I have as my favorite authors. While they have not written stories, they did the 'wall of shame' thing before me and I am simply carrying on their tradition/ways...
Kamencolin chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
You should bring a villain back to help mech
TheAtlesianHarvester1979 chapter 1 . 6/27/2018
mmm... I'll place my bets on those "Friends" as Ali Al-Serges (or Saachez as any would know) Ribbons Almark and/or Alejandro Corner (but if there's one true friend it could be Sergei Smirnov... I mourned his death a lot)
edboy4926 chapter 1 . 6/27/2018
Awesome intro.
Looking forward to more.

By the way, where are the Haros?
Also, any chance of later on the Gundam gaining sentience?