Reviews for The Thunder Demon Straw Hat Luffy
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21
Are you gonna update like youre sceduale is compleatlu fucked plese get it under control
Guest chapter 36 . 7/17
Nice. A more realistic one
ianramos22 chapter 36 . 7/19
Keep writing.
crazzyredhead chapter 36 . 7/9
Keep it up
acyshadow12 chapter 36 . 7/8
Please do continue the storybut take your time :))
iconhuh chapter 1 . 7/7
I love this story
PaoloMarsicola chapter 36 . 7/6
Is this story continuing or not?
Guest chapter 36 . 7/2
Awesome stuff dude. Please please please don’t drop it
firedaken343 chapter 36 . 7/2
man i love this story. Please dont drop it
rajinen chapter 36 . 7/1
please do another chapter i really love this series
LeoMadara chapter 36 . 6/30
good so far. can't wait for the next chapter
Zoroarkhunter chapter 36 . 6/28
Well if they landed in the navy base then maybe there will be a massive loss of life, but if they landed near the island where they run into Foxy then with much respect please for the love of Kami kill that fat long nosed slow SOB. He is so pathetic and the fact that he pretty much believes that having more crew members will make his chances better proves how much of a worthless POS he is, he is almost as bad as Don Krieg except he is weak and pathetic instead of weapon driven muscle brain.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/27
Disgustingly damaging it is a copy of an other one so don’t try it you fucking cunt
Screwball6580 chapter 36 . 6/27
so wait does that mean nami never got the waver with her dial?
NibberWithAHardR chapter 20 . 6/26
You fool," Sanji added as he lit a new cigarette. "Either you accept and join the fleet or we rob your ship of all the food and money before we break off your rudder and leaver you here in the Grand Line at the mercy of nature," Sanji said in a bored tone

Man. You definitely did good by Sanji's character and didn't completely butcher it at all you fucking dumbass...
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