Reviews for Digimon Frontier 02: Anything Else
digilover chapter 1 . 4/12
Hey can u please continue this this is Great I've been looking for digimon frontier fabrics like this one has new allies so..yeah please continue if ur still there...
risa chapter 6 . 7/11/2018
I'm glad this chapter I got to see Aki's point of view. I didn't really like her attitude from all previous chapters, but reading this chapter makes me understand more about her. (I still dislike her though,hahaha)
aside of her, I quite like the other OCs, and how you give them a different personality. I especially like Rana, since she seems scared of everything that happened right know, and that's how I'll react if I was suddenly thrown in unknown situation. Hope she'll get more confident and get more action XD
your story is very good. keep writing :D
SAgotogether chapter 5 . 7/5/2018
This story is pretty good, The only thing that is kinda hindering me is the OCs but I’ll try not to let it stop me from reading this awesome story.