Reviews for Color Me In
manu chapter 14 . 11/4/2019
AHHH next episode eh you the history end you new history sex y lemon snowbarry episode 19 season 1 please reply
Roswelllostcause chapter 14 . 10/31/2019
Caitlin and Barry really need to be honest with each other.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/26/2019
I just found read this from start to the latest chapter and I love it! :-) I look forward to your next update.. Keep it up! :-D
hippie1993 chapter 14 . 10/21/2019
I hope she does not sleep with Jay. Team SnowBarry all the way. Love the chapter though.
Chloe chapter 14 . 10/21/2019
Good chapter, glad story is being continued
CallMeMiles chapter 14 . 10/21/2019
Oh no Caitlin. I didn’t see that affair coming. Puts an interesting spin on this. Wonder what is going to happen now. Cait still has yet to tell Barry about RJ. And it looks like Caitlin is going to make a big mistake. Great chapter
austenshunk chapter 14 . 10/21/2019
I hope Caitlin dosen't end up sleeping with Jay.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/15/2019
Please update
Guest chapter 13 . 9/15/2019
Please update
Guest chapter 13 . 9/13/2019
Please update
CallMeMiles chapter 13 . 6/8/2019
So close yet so far. Eager to see what kind of mess Jay and Barry get into. Should be interesting.
Mallus6 chapter 13 . 6/4/2019
good chapter keep it up
Mallus6 chapter 13 . 6/4/2019
nice to hear from you chapter keep
ShanouNash chapter 13 . 6/4/2019
Wow! What a come back! I’m so happy we got some of Barry’s point of view again! It’s nice to know what’s going on in his mind.

I’m so shocked you went for a 6 month time jump! And yet it feels right because like I said, I thought it was too early for Snowbarry when it was just 4 months after Ronnie’s death. Now that we are almost 1 year after, I think their time apart was good for them and their feelings. But it’s also interesting to see what changed in their lives!

First with Iris cheating on Barry. I have to say that I’m relieved that Barry wasn’t really a jerk to Iris and that even if she cheated on him, Barry already kind of was doing that with him seeing and kissing Caitlin like he did. I think Iris was right when she told him that they weren’t meant for each other. In this story, it was clear that they weren’t. I’m happy she got with Eddie. I always shipped Iris and Eddie together. What a shame he’s dead on the show...

So now that Barry is clean on his side and that he wants to be with Caitlin so badly, it’s so hard to accept that you pulled the Jay card on us. Then again, there wouldn’t be a story if there weren’t some twists! Moreover, it seems that Caitlin isn’t into Jay and that she’s still not indifferent about Barry. Her reaction when she saw him shows that and it was so damn cute! Well her whole behavior around Barry was so damn cute! And RJ’s reactions, costume and what he said to Barry... Ohlala! I can’t! I love Barry’s interactions with RJ! Barry is perfect to complete this little family! But I can’t help being worried about Jay. He’s always a jerk or a psychopath in Snowbarry’s fanfics and just his behavior here shows that he’s at least one of these two things. I hope Caitlin says the truth when she said they weren’t dating. Poor Barry, I don’t want him to suffer more...

Well, now I can’t wait to read more! To see what happened for Caitlin in those 6 months, where is her state of mind, how she’s feeling! And I can’t wait to know what will happen next now that Jay is here to threaten their relationship! Can’t wait!
ShanouNash chapter 12 . 6/4/2019
Hi! I know I haven’t review this chapter when you updated it. College year have been really busy this year, and I had some issues, but I promised myself that I would review it when I would feel better. I do feel better and since I saw you were back too, I thought it would be the good moment to go back to this story!

So about this chapter, I found it interesting! I love that you give us some Olicity when Caitlin sees Felicity. It helps us to know more about their characters and what links them with each other. I really love that. Plus, you write Felicity so well! She’s funny and comforting at the same time.

We can see that Caitlin is very confused and Felicity is right when she tells Cait to not call Barry. They sure need more time apart. I just hope Barry isn’t doing something stupid like going back to Iris when he sure has feelings fo Caitlin. That would be unfair to everyone.

At first I found the dream very weird and I was as confused as Caitlin. So I guess it’s a good point! But then I understood that she dreamt about what would be her life if she didn’t meet Barry. I think that this dream, with Ronnie and Caitlin being separated for 2 years and Ronnie having moved on, shows that their couple would have gone nowhere without kids. But then again, Caitlin acting so in love with Ronnie shows, I think, that she’s still hung up on Ronnie and maybe it’s not a good idea to rush things with Barry. Moreover knowing that there is still the lie about Barry being the biological father of RJ and Barry’s engagement to Iris.

Well, now I have the next chapter to read! I’ll see if it answers some of my questions! I hope you’re well! See you!
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