Reviews for Fire Of Your Soul
BridieM chapter 13 . 9/8
Really enjoyable. Thank you for writing
sonogal chapter 13 . 9/8
This is getting way too close and scary.
Azlady2003 chapter 13 . 9/8
Charlie must have put him in jail or couldn't save his family or something and that's why the firebug is targeting the swans. Prehaps charlie denied him a chance to date one of his daughters.
marymary123 chapter 13 . 9/6
Someone that got fired or lost a famiky member to a fire charlie swan was involved in fighting
Guest chapter 13 . 9/5
Hot, hot, hot I’m so glad you got these two lovebirds back together. I can hardly wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 13 . 9/5
Flippysten chapter 13 . 9/7
Gotta love Renee! Laughing so hard at her wanting to know how Edward was in bed : ) Can't wait to find out whobt h.g e fire starter is.
acw1 chapter 13 . 9/7
debslmac chapter 13 . 9/7
cullengirl08 chapter 13 . 9/6
I'm glad that Bella and Edward talked and got everything out in the open. I am wondering about who this guy is and why he wants to hurt Charlie and his family.
Luvntwilight chapter 13 . 9/6
Thanks so much for updating
twilightnaley19 chapter 13 . 9/6
Glad that Bella and Edward will be okay. I wonder if the person who is setting the fires, lost someone and blames Charlie for their loss, so they are getting revenge by targeting the places Charlie and his family frequent and people close to them or who they talk too. I cant wait until the person is revealed and find out why they were setting the fires. Cant wait to read more. Please update soon
mnnlisa chapter 13 . 9/6
So happy E and B are back together. Now to figure out who is targeting Charlie and get rid of them. I don't think Bella and Renee are safe at Charlie's home.
EdwardLoverForever13 chapter 13 . 9/6
Loved the chapter! I’m glad their relationship is growing! I really want to know who’s starting The fires! Can’t wait to read more!
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 13 . 9/6
Still a bit confused...have we—unknowingly—met
this firebug? Are there hints earlier in the story
that I missed? I’m so tempted to go back and re-
read it all now, with a fine-toothed comb!
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