Reviews for Unforgotten Details of Strawberries and Cream
Czesiowa chapter 1 . 3/10
I really don't know how to review M-rated fics, like all I say it's hot, hot, hot, but it's true! I love your smut, your The Other Time is so much better than my imagination
poeticandvaguelysweet chapter 1 . 12/13/2019
Oh my goodness, this is amazing!
normasashes chapter 1 . 6/9/2019
BLUE! I saw this on my timeline, started reading thinking "why in hell I haven't read this before?" until it hit me that I did read it, right when I decided to look up for Darvey fics!
I absolutely love this and it is (along with another one about the other time) the way I imagine it happened between them!
so so so good and kinda sad too, bittersweet, I guess?
this just made me realize that I have to campaign for BLUEFICs harder, so I'm sorry if it gets annoying at some point lol
Jessicaa1567 chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
Omg this was even better than what I thought marines the other time would be like SHCHDHXHJDHXHXHXJFJC BLUE YOU ALWAYS AMAZE ME WITH YOUR INCREDIBILE WRITING SKILLS ! This fic cleansed my soul omg ️️️️️️
notnotkirbyspecter chapter 1 . 10/28/2018
Suits 7x11 lobby scene: "It was a kiss, Harvey. We've done more than that!" - they sure did!

Although the mention of strawberries in 8x05 wasn't enough to save S8A, i'm still thankful they did that flirting-out-of-nowhere-scene-with-no-follow-through because i was sure the 'strawberries' are going to be explored in the fic land where exciting things actually happen. And boy did you deliver! AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED THIS STORY OF YOURS WAS WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED! And nothing and no one can convince me otherwise. Suits can shove it. But bless them though for shutting door 2-O-Sex in our faces because we get to read and enjoy this uncut version from you instead. Hahaha Love you Blue for giving us this!

(His mouth teases, coaxing and enticing lips but not fully searching. There's an inquiry in his temptation. Assured but not forcing. She forms her answers, mouth opening against his, seeking an uncharted journey she senses he holds a map for.) Mere mortals: Donna and Harvey are kissing. Queen Blue: Inquiry, anwers; uncharted journey, map...just amazing poetry right there! WOW

"May I?" - by all means, Harv. Consent- SO fucking sexy

"You should taste it."And she did! You killed me there for real. I will never be able to get that image out of my head.

"his mouth rapidly UNLOCKING her own PERSONAL CODE TO PLEASURE" i mean WOW! you poet, you

(A gripping begins like a slowly tightening knot. She's slipping until it seizes her. Multiple layers pulling tight. Weaving into her extremities. Pulsing and then finally letting go. They begin to slow, the final tremors throbbing in spaced-out beats.) This is writing orgasms on another level! How are you doing this? I'm speechless. These words alone are orgasmic

(She tries to limit the widening of her eyes at his erection aiming for her and almost hitting. He's watching her, an insufferable pleasure because he doesn't miss it.) Hahahahahahaha i could so see this

(They fit together, in a rare ratio of flawless push and pull. They're oscillating, falling into cyclonic limits in a way she's never experienced.) -Physics and meteorology have never been more interesting!

(Her eyes shut tight, and for a moment she loses all sense of anything but the spin of being lost and spun around him. Stars. Blackness. The intensity and tightening all building toward the center of them joining. She tumbles over hard and her moans take over just as tensely. She feels her walls pulse against him, abdomen aching as the crests rush over her, tingling far into her extremities until she's fully spent.) FUCKKKKK I really felt that. Stars. Blackness. Also, I'm laughing because this reminded me of some incident

He hid his face from Donna when he came.. Harvey why? and avoided her eyes (T_T)

But he wiped her legs... asgfjghkakfj and just like that, I forgive you Harvey

Donna reading him while he's busy licking her - FUN hahahaha

(Her lips fall apart, constriction gathering in her core. Each drive of him inside her takes a little more from her breath, handing the stolen life to a rapidly growing unnamable source. It takes over her in forceful pulsing, drawing in only to disperse out.) Third orgasm's a charm lol. Really loved the way you described each of them... so fucking poetic, accurate, hot, and perfect

(He finishes up alone, and dresses when he's done. Their night ends with a hug. Solid arms wrap around her, and it feels like fully letting go even though she might see him around. He kisses her once before he leaves. Slow and fading, a final meet of his eyes and then he's gone.) - this entire paragraph! This had me in actual tears. This was so painful, so sad...because 13 years later, they're still idiots. How can someone not jump someone in 13 years of working side by side knowing how great their one night together was? This is a case for the Fringe department. This is just SO not normal!

And the words you wrote in the last powerful.. So poignant.. capturing the essence of who and what they have become and what they are to each other 13 years down the line... so sad and yet so beautiful. I needed this...

This was such a treat, Blue! Such a classic! This is one of those fics that I'll return to every now and then. THANK YOU FOR THIS!
musicmyescape chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
Aaaahhhh... I loved it!

How true is this?

"I fulfill your secretary fantasy. Nothing out of place, the world never seeing you fall apart. I help your illusion, and you like knowing you can count on me. "
mieh chapter 1 . 7/8/2018
Is it weird that our friendship includes you writing porn for me? Doing it live makes it more or less weird? Well, you know what, I've always been fond of the weird and I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate this story, you and everything that you do. We've been too abused by darvey for too long and this is the kind of happiness we all need and deserve and no one could provide it the way you do. I have no idea what to do with words to create something like this (or what to do with those strawberries). That's talent. I pity the people in your life that don't know this side of you, they're missing out on something really great.

I have no idea how to review this without 1) squeeing like a crazy person; 2) completely losing my dignity, but you seem to like the squeeing and the strawberries took my dignity so whatever (and, honestly, I've done both before)

I love how she was so eager right from the start (same, Donna. same) and we could just jump into the reason we're all here and not waste time because, truth be told, we all have more than enough context for this and you writing with that in mind was really wise.

"Open hot kisses find her chest. Hands find her breasts, thumbs brushing already sensitive nipples. He presses them together, mouth smothering in her cleavage with tongue and teeth, her fingers run through his hair."


I love how she wants to sassy and mysterious but just kind of gives up cause, fuck it, Harvey's hot, he knows what he's doing and as far as she knows this is a one time thing so she better take advantage of it. And that she did.

"He grabs her thighs and guides her until her back hits the door, shifting with her. He pulls her right leg to rest on his shoulder. Her hips get pulled forward and she squeals at the motion. The first contact of his tongue makes her eyelids flutter."

From the first moment you agreed to write this fic I knew it would be insanely amazing and you would kill everybody and all that, but this here was the moment I started inwardly screaming and digging my grave and saying goodbye to the world knowing you'd kill the entire fandom. Good lord, woman.

And then he goes and says "You should taste it" ok... i'm fine... i'm... AIODAJODSUBHLJ~Ç;

I told you this on my first read but you seemed to like it and I meant it so I'll repeat: if anybody didn't know what an orgasm was, now they do. And I can't even begin to understand how you've manage to do that specially with something so unexplainable.

Oh, you took out the part about him being smug about his huge cock hahah but it's still huge so it's good.
I always chuckle at the part she asks him if he pleaded hahah Was I suppoed to that that? It's so good lol

"Lips are resting against her neck, making small movements there much like his intrusion. "Fuck Donna."
"I know.""

I second that "fuck". Fuck, this was hot *breathes deeply*

"But she wants all of him. All of whatever it is this man possesses that makes her want to let go of herself and consume herself in finding him." - POETRY

I can't with him wiping between her legs. I just can't. Let me live.

Okay, officially, my favorite part in this fic is the strawberry on her clit part, I don't give a fuck. It was great and hot as hell. And the way Harvey was so proud of his brilliant idea hahahahah This is so Harvey! I'm a tiny bit bitter that you changed it, but really just a little bit because it's still just as hot. I may have to stop reading your fics before they're finished, at least the sex parts, because this is not the first time I kind of think something was hotter before the editing (and that's saying A LOT because who would think it could be any hotter than this?)

I love the part Donna does her mind trick on him. It's so weird to think there was ever this period of time when they didn't know everything about each other. Imagine how it's like for them? They probably can't remember life without the other being a vital part of it. And still those idiots are not together. Kill me now.

Reading smug young Harvey crumbling under Donna's ministrations was one of the highlights of my year, thank you very much.

“She takes a strawberry and bites the tip, then leans forward to his lips until he can bite into the other half. He takes more than his share, the juices intermingling between their lips. His mouth greedily takes care of the mess. She easily accepts being consumed by his lips and tongue.” – I LOVE THIS SO FUCKING MUCH

“She plucks up the last of the strawberry halves, and squeezes gently over his tip. Drops slip down his length and she dips quickly to lick them up. Long strokes, evenly paying attention to his circumference." - I'm okay. It's not like you killed me or anything.

“She senses he sees her as this anomaly and she's never desired so much to live up to the mystery." - oh wow, this is so deep, so Donna and somehow so relatable at the same time. I've never thought this before but I'm sure it's exactly how Donna felt during the other time, this is so, so true to character!

Okay, this last round was incredibly hot and incredibly beautiful. I'm thanking myself for begging for this one. I can't believe you wanted to stop hahahahh they needed this to hold on to for the next 13 years and you made it happen!

Harvey caressing her body, and telling her she's beautiful... There's a term for this and it's called Emohorny. You can ask Etty, I trademarked this awhile ago. Anyways, that's how I feel.
Jesus Christ, this review is absurdly long and they’re not even in the shower yet.

Okay, the shower scene and the goodbye and everything was so beautiful and painful and bittersweet (“it won’t be sad”, she said. LIES!). But of course it’s all right and it all makes sense because Donna never wanted to be Harvey’s victim. It still hurt.

I remember you being frustrated at some point because the ending you wanted wasn’t working in your mind and then, after a while, you started typing away and everything was so fluid and beautiful and fit perfectly together to that last word – Synchronicity – which encompasses SO MUCH of them, it’s such a huge part of their essence and everything they are.

WOW. This was amazing.

Sorry this review took a little longer but at this point I trust you know how much I love you and your writing and you won’t fret every time I suck (that’s often) and take a while to review. (also trust that my “PADJDKÇADS” during your process of writing were pretty self explanatory hahah.

Thank you for dedicating your time and your talent to doing this. I hope people are paying they’re bribes. You deserve the world.
Bew0G chapter 1 . 7/7/2018
Reposting because I reported the other one for abuse. (Made a tiny mistake)

BG to Blue - a review put on hold for too long, just like Harvey's needs (haha, see what I did here?)

“I fulfill your secretary fantasy. Nothing out of place, the world never seeing you fall apart. I help your illusion, and you like knowing you can count on me. ”

I don't think I can do this fic justice if I don't start with what I think is the very essence of your writing. Clinical precision regarding character exploration. Their relationship is embedded in this classic tale of boss wants to date secretary and even though sex takes up 70% of this fic, it's not sex just for sex. It's sex between two people with a connection (and liking of fruits and whipped cream...) and these 30% are the elements that make this fic unique even though "the other time" has been written multiple times.

/She doesn’t know how to manage this side of him. She’s not his temptress, or his assistant. Just a spectator to the side of him that’s at ease. She doesn’t know why he is. With this activity. With her when history tells her he should be running.
She doesn’t return the favor. Mumbling an excuse about exhaustion and tired legs. /

You and I have discussed how Donna's been the one rejecting him in a sense at length. This is obvious to me that Harvey's the one who's awe-struck and fascinated by her. But he had to cover it up all this time so she always seem to be the one trying to get his attention (which of course she does but it is all light and feathery words and deeds). Harvey can't be subtle about it. He's the one who said to the other one he loved them first after all. So this fic does encompass this idea that, had she said yes (which was quite the unknown at this point... and she would have probably said no anyway) he would have wanted a relationship with her (ready or not. This would have been a leap of faith and they would have had a completely different relationship - probably still endgame but with many break-ups along the way)

This is why I believe your version of this night (smut offering us a profusion of feels and subtle Os in the process) is the best there is and the most realistic one out there.

/He begins to meet her timing, their inherent movements finding easy rhythm once again. His hands softly explore her. Slipping up her waist. Finding her breasts. Running down her arms and finding her hands. He surprises her by pulling her toward him, leading her palms to rest on the mattress. His fingertips find her hips and he thrusts up, faster and more complete than what she had managed at her angle. / This is such a great visual. It is raw and it feels as if there's no escape from this embrace.

I agree with Etty on this one: "You're the queen of writing orgasms. They're quite difficult to come up with new ways of explaining them but you always manage it. Perfectly. Never thought I'd be complementing someone on their orgasmic description techniques, but hey! Life is full of surprises. And greatly worded orgasms." (the 'spaced-out beats' line? I felt it. Now I have to come up with something different. I might write regular pleasure and aborted/failed orgasms. Oh well...)

"She pulls her hair to the side" this will sound weird to you but not everybody thinks of including these small details - it screams femininity and I love it. It's true that when you're either sucking on a guy's nipples or going down on him, you'll do this. Maybe it's because I haven't read enough erotica (really?) but I don't think writers usually take the time to write this which is why I love this scene so much.

/She senses a part of him is still hiding, and she wonders what about this man makes him solid as a pillar but afraid to show her vulnerability./ A pillar xD I'm sorry but this one is just too perfectly funny.

/She plucks up the last of the strawberry halves, and squeezes gently over his tip. Drops slip down his length and she dips quickly to lick them up. Long strokes, evenly paying attention to his circumference./ (You know who died here at "pluck" and "circumference" xD)

/She’s slick, she can feel she is, but her body doesn’t take him on first attempt, He works, forward and pulls back, a bit further each time, until he gets more depth and her body gives in. Her head pushes into the bed. She draws in breath./ Are you trying to kill me here? Oh Harvey you and your fat ...

And last but not least, the strawberry incident is just another example of -
What is it? Gotta? Oh... okay, sure.
Well I'm sorry but I have to write my fic now because let's face it when you're not writing, I'm writing so... I'll talk to you later for sure. Synchronicity here too! ;)

To conclude I'll say this about your writing in general because you know I just wasn't gonna bring up that thing again. ;)

Two Philip Roth quotes for you: “Writing is frustration – it’s daily frustration, not to mention humiliation. It’s just like baseball: you fail two-thirds of the time.”
"Of course, you bank on your experience, but as a sounding board. It isn’t that you write down what happens to you every day. You wouldn’t be a writer if you did that. But it gives you a sense – you know from your experience what life is like. And you weigh what you invent against your sense of actuality.”

I'd say you pull yourself out of your doubts with every word your write. Literature isn't supposed to please everyone, there can't be morality when it comes to desire. I criticize things sometimes and I realize I shouldn't because creativity is personal. When shared it's not a present, it's a possibility for us all. Either we'll enjoy it or we won't. It isn't the outcome that matters the most, it's how you felt when you wrote it. My opinion and that of others is just some added bonus most of the time. But sometimes, it is also a connection between the minds, outside the confines of our own.

Thank you for the time and effort you put into this "He dips the creamed strawberry to her, using it to brush her clit." (of course I had to ruin it.)

Sincerely your number one fan,
Bew0G chapter 1 . 7/7/2018
BG to Blue - a review put on hold for too long, just like Harvey's needs (haha, see what I did here?)

“I fulfill your secretary fantasy. Nothing out of place, the world never seeing you fall apart. I help your illusion, and you like knowing you can count on me. ”

I don't think I can do this fic justice if I don't start with what I think is the very essence of your writing. Clinical precision regarding character exploration. Their relationship is embedded in this classic tale of boss wants to date secretary and even though sex takes up 70% of this fic, it's not sex just for sex. It's sex between two people with a connection (and liking of fruits and whipped cream...) and these 30% are the elements that make this fic unique even though "the other time" has been written multiple times.

/She doesn’t know how to manage this side of him. She’s not his temptress, or his assistant. Just a spectator to the side of him that’s at ease. She doesn’t know why he is. With this activity. With her when history tells her he should be running.
She doesn’t return the favor. Mumbling an excuse about exhaustion and tired legs. /

You and I have discussed how Donna's been the one rejecting him in a sense at length. This is obvious to me that Harvey's the one who's awe-struck and fascinated by her. But he had to cover it up all this time so she always seem to be the one trying to get his attention (which of course she does but it is all light and feathery words and deeds). Harvey can't be subtle about it. He's the one who said to the other one he loved them first after all. So this fic does encompass this idea that, had she said yes (which was quite the unknown at this point... and she would have probably said no anyway) he would have wanted a relationship with her (ready or not. This would have been a leap of faith and they would have had a completely different relationship - probably still endgame but with many break-ups along the way)

This is why I believe your version of this night (smut offering us a profusion of feels and subtle Os in the process) is the best there is and the most realistic one out there.

/He begins to meet her timing, their inherent movements finding easy rhythm once again. His hands softly explore her. Slipping up her waist. Finding her breasts. Running down her arms and finding her hands. He surprises her by pulling her toward him, leading her palms to rest on the mattress. His fingertips find her hips and he thrusts up, faster and more complete than what she had managed at her angle. / This is such a great visual. It is raw and it feels as if there's no escape from this embrace.

I agree with Etty on this one: "You're the queen of writing orgasms. They're quite difficult to come up with new ways of explaining them but you always manage it. Perfectly. Never thought I'd be complementing someone on their orgasmic description techniques, but hey! Life is full of surprises. And greatly worded orgasms." (the 'spaced-out beats' line? I felt it. Now I have to come up with something different. I might write regular pleasure and aborted/failed orgasms. Oh well...)

"She pulls her hair to the side" this will sound weird to you but not everybody thinks of including these small details - it screams femininity and I love it. It's true that when you're either sucking on a guy's nipples or going down on him, you'll do this. Maybe it's because I haven't read enough erotica (really?) but I don't think writers usually take the time to write this which is why I love this scene so much.

/She senses a part of him is still hiding, and she wonders what about this man makes him solid as a pillar but afraid to show her vulnerability./ A pillar xD I'm sorry but this one is just too perfectly funny.

/She plucks up the last of the strawberry halves, and squeezes gently over his tip. Drops slip down his length and she dips quickly to lick them up. Long strokes, evenly paying attention to his circumference./ (You know who died here at "pluck" and "circumference" xD)

/She’s slick, she can feel she is, but her body doesn’t take him on first attempt, He works, forward and pulls back, a bit further each time, until he gets more depth and her body gives in. Her head pushes into the bed. She draws in breath./ Are you trying to kill me here? Oh Harvey you and your fat ...

And last but not least, the strawberry incident is just another example of -
What is it? Gotta? Oh... okay, sure.
Well i'm sorry Kim but I have to write my fic now because let's face it when you're not writing, I'm writing so... I'll talk to you later for sure. Synchronicity here too! ;)

To conclude I'll say this about your writing in general because you know I just wasn't gonna bring up that thing again. ;)

Two Philip Roth quotes for you: “Writing is frustration – it’s daily frustration, not to mention humiliation. It’s just like baseball: you fail two-thirds of the time.”
"Of course, you bank on your experience, but as a sounding board. It isn’t that you write down what happens to you every day. You wouldn’t be a writer if you did that. But it gives you a sense – you know from your experience what life is like. And you weigh what you invent against your sense of actuality.”

I'd say you pull yourself out of your doubts with every word your write. Literature isn't supposed to please everyone, there can't be morality when it comes to desire. I criticize things sometimes and I realize I shouldn't because creativity is personal. When shared it's not a present, it's a possibility for us all. Either we'll enjoy it or we won't. It isn't the outcome that matters the most, it's how you felt when you wrote it. My opinion and that of others is just some added bonus most of the time. But sometimes, it is also a connection between the minds, outside the confines of our own.

Thank you for the time and effort you put into this "He dips the creamed strawberry to her, using it to brush her clit." (of course I had to ruin it.)

Sincerely your number one fan,
carlota206 chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
I want to see a sexy scene like this so badly.
I loved every little detail you put into this. Amazing writing as always!
Rose4darvey chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
Oh dear god! Thank you for writing this. So hot. So perfect. Loved every word. I'm pretty new here but seems you help a lot of other people out with their writing so thanks for that too. Darvey fanfic is amazing and I love every one of yours. You are beyond talented. Thanks for taking so much time to bring us all this goodness.
vickster51 chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
Well...this was excellent! As with as the steamy content, I loved the added little details that said so much about Harvey’s caged emotions back that. I can absolutely see it playing out this way. If only he’d stayed. You always get the balance so right and your description is fantastic!
graystephen93 chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
Okay so you know how much this ended me the first time and how annoyed I was with myself for starting when I couldn't finish it yet. So I did not make that mistake again reading it (the final edit) for the second time. I read it last night and decided I was too dead to leave a deserving review. But I'm awake now and it's top of my to do list. So let's go. I'll just be quoting a lot of you back to you because you have a way with words that makes me fall in love with the English language everytime I read your pieces.

"Her brain reminds her she easily plucked three names off his recent conquest list. Like devil and angel, her body plays tug-o-war when her doorbell rings."

Donna trying to tamper down any feelings that may be too deep for what it is they're about to do. Casually hook up. Little do they know they could never just manage to have casual sex. Everything between them is meaningful. I could feel what she was feeling when the doorbell rang. That tug-o-war metaphor was great.

You spent the perfect amount of time on their doorway dialogue. Not too much because we know what happened there already. And not too little that it was diving straight into them making out and having sex. With fucking whipped cream and strawberries can you believe them!? I can.

"There's something illicit about feeling it flex under her fingertips while he's attending to her lips."

Just wanted to point out how interestingly you write things. Instead of "his jaw flexes as she kisses him" you give us this and it's such a great visual.

"Of all the doubts circling in her head, his lust for her isn't one of them."

Love this. Even so early on in their relationship she can see there's an undeniable attraction there. She just doesn't know how big it actually is on his part.

Everything at this door was hot and bothering. Sweating. Where's my fan?

""Harvey—" she staggers out "—we're doing this here?"
"You should taste it."
Her mouth parts and she watches him, dipping her finger into the remaining cream between her legs, and pulling it between her lips."

I just- wowwwwww *nods slowly in appreciation*...they really are the kinkiest bitchez in all the land, aren't they? I mean, they're still at her fucking door!.. 206? More like 20sex.

"A gripping begins like a slowly tightening knot. She's slipping until it seizes her. Multiple layers pulling tight. Weaving into her extremities. Pulsing and then finally letting go. They begin to slow, the final tremors throbbing in spaced-out beats. Her eyelids part, unsure when they even slammed shut or what things she'd called out in the rush."

You're the queen of writing orgasms. They're quite difficult to come up with new ways of explaining them but you always manage it. Perfectly. Never thought I'd be complementing someone on their orgasmic description techniques, but hey! Life is full of surprises. And greatly worded orgasms.

""You need more?" he asks.
He's probably talking about fingers or grinds."

Hahaha idk why I loled. But I do know why I crossed my legs.

"This was the problem all along about being with him. He's too feral to ever fully grasp. So much so, maybe by her exceeding his expectations, his fear kicked in as if she'd had him caged."

THIS THIS THIS THIS. That's why I love you. You get them.

"Two things occur to her while he's gone. There is something she actually forgot. And she's Donna. It's not a detail she'd ever allow herself to let overlook. They hadn't used a condom."

*pretends to be shocked* But I'm in love with her realisation that she, who never forgets a thing and especially not things like this, forgot to use protection. Maybe this is why Harvey teased her about wearing it before her date that time? Shooooook. But yeah, don't blame her for not even thinking of it when Harvey's eating her out with cream before bringing her to bed.

"The second thing is the detail that's been playing on her mind. He didn't want her to see his face when he came."

Yeah because she'd see how fucking in love he was.

...of course he's never forgotten to wear a condom before either. This is amazing. They're in sync in every way. Except the way we all want them to be. In a proper relationship.

"You better not be thinking of putting that inside me."

I died. Strawberry-gate has killed me ten times over by now.

Okay, Donna being able to rattle of those facts about Harvey because of gym membership on his desk and cuts on his upper body. This was sooo her. I could HEAR her listing everything off in that specific way she does her Donna thing.

"She wants to conduct him with the illusion he's still the one commanding the orchestra."

THIS IS BEAUTIFUL WRITING and so fucking accurate too omg. I'm in love with a sentence.

Sharing the strawberry with a kiss. Melting.

""Donna," he says again. And she begins to wonder if he likes her name on his lips. There's a softness there she's never heard before from him. She thinks it might be hitting against her desired pulses each time it escapes his mouth."

THE BIRTH OF HIS DONNA VOICE. Glad this was during sex. Now everytime he uses it I'm gonna think of him using his soft voice while inside her. Lol. Hope she gets to hear it during sex again soon.

"She senses he sees her as this anomaly and she's never desired so much to live up to the mystery."

How do I keep finding original ways to tell you that you have a beautiful relationship with our language?

"All focus is still on her, and she's lost in the realization tonight she's fully let him witness her metamorphosis from control to unruled."

Once again. Can I marry English? You make even the kinkiest of sex nights perfectly meaningful in the most fitting way for Darvey and this stage of their fucked up friendship.


""I fulfill your secretary fantasy. Nothing out of place, the world never seeing you fall apart. I help your illusion, and you like knowing you can count on me.""

Thank you for just understanding them so well. I think they're acute alikenesses is what initially attracted them to one another. And this trait of theirs is why they fit so perfectly together. They share so much more after the sexual attraction.

"He picks up a strand of her hair. "I was more focused on shades of red." He kisses her shoulder. "Freckles. Strawberries." His eyes scan down her. "And other places.""

Not joking when I say my jaw hit the floor here. Was not ready at all. I always think of them being sweet like this during the other time, thinking they'll never have to work together again so it's okay to overstep in that way a bit. I would kill to know more about that night and what was replaying in their minds during that diner scene. Because it certainly wasn't just whipped cream and strawberries sex. There was definitely something more.

"She doesn't know how to manage this side of him. She's not his temptress, or his assistant. Just a spectator to the side of him that's at ease. She doesn't know why he is. With this activity. With her when history tells her he should be running."

Agsjaahdkalska it's such a pleasure to read your Donna and I've said this before but I find that they way we write her in terms of her suppression is alike. In my last update I had her unsettled by not knowing how to "manage" the new side to him she was witnessing. Because of course Donna Paulsen, a legal secretary turned COO would be worried about not being able to micromanage every detail of her life. Especially such a main detail as Harvey. Also love how she's wondering why he's not running when she's witnessed him do it with every other woman. I feel like this is the birth of them trying to tell themselves "but that doesn't mean".

When he left (and kissed her goodbye!) and then you fill in the time until the next morning where we know what happened (sigh) this was just perfect.

"He's emotionally out of reach, but they're kindred spirits, and he needs her. And the deepest part of her needs him too. Side-by-side, they're not so lost. Order and chaos in the form of rules in unreachable permanence lie something more between them they'd discovered.


POETRY. You're like a modern, cooler and easier-to-understand-on-first-read Shakespeare.

Thank you so much for this, Blue. I know you're busy with other pieces at the moment (just thinking about them has me weak) so the fact that you wrote this after Strawberry-gate makes me love you even more. Don't ever doubt yourself. Although I find that the most talented ones always do. Maybe it's what makes them great idk.. if so, then okay do doubt yourself. But never too much because you never disappoint. Like ever. I get too excited reviewing your fics okay I need to shut up now.


-E xoxo
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
julia.gavrilov.jg chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
I have just three words like Sarah said: sexy, sexy, sexy. That was awesome I love that, just like I imagine the other time
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