Reviews for these tired eyes, they're coming back to life
cmr2014 chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
"Everything I read..."
I have yet to know a mom who read a book on the subject, and yet to know an involved dad who didn't.

I laughed at Ward speaking Spanish. It reminded me of a show called "Burn Notice", about a secret agent who is "burned" and left stranded in his hometown of Miami. It's often noted that he's well-suited for Middle East operations, speaking Arabic and Farsi and I think a couple others. But he's way out of depth in Miami, as he speaks not a lick of Spanish.

Some of us don't do well with loud noises, especially those that go bang.
Even if you work past the majority of that - there are *some* fireworks that are problematic because in the dark they look like muzzle flashes when they go off.

On the assumption this is the same universe as the Ward Twins go to SHIELD training - how does the family get re-involved with SHIELD?
Filipinagirl04 chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
I looooooove it! Can you do a chapter where EVERYONE in the team reacts to the photo that Skye sent them?
bhut chapter 1 . 7/5/2018
This was very adorable. Have a happy summer yourself!
RealLifeShipper chapter 1 . 7/5/2018