Reviews for Anchored
ThatOtherWriterGirl chapter 6 . 3/6/2019 really need to give lessons in parenting!
Poor Kili and Fili, both broken up over Thorin almost getting killed, and then having to try and tamp down their feelings in an attempt to act all brave and junk.
Thorin should have noticed sooner, but I'm glad he did at last.
Very sweet. you write this family bonding stuff very, very good!
Cheetachan chapter 6 . 11/19/2018
I'm not sure what to write here, not because it's not good, but I'm not sure how to put this.

Almost bitter sweet I suppose. Fili's and Kili's fear and anger make perfect sense. How world anyone feel after something like that? Not much different from what you show here. It's nice to see Thorin's love for his nephews; people tend to show him as a pretty cold individual, and he can project himself that way, but that's not all there is.

That was an interesting detail about Dwarves hair, I don't think I've seen that before.
tgo62 chapter 5 . 9/24/2018
I fully agree that the movies did miss a lot of the interaction between the members of the company. Especially in the BOTFA, when Thorin sinks into the gold sicknes. I had hoped for the extended cut, but most of the extra time were silly battle scenes I do not care about.
Thank you for this missing sceen. It is very cute and comforting,
Unfortunately, I do not see Thorin as the "Super-Uncel" many fan fiction stories portrait may have helped Dis to raise the boys and he cares,, but he is not warm and openly loving towards them. Just think about when Kili is shot by the Morgul arrow: Thorin is scared, but at the end of the barrel ride, he does not even look after the injury, Fili (?) has to point out that the wound needs binding. Just think about Laketown: There was enough time to talk to Kili about his injury and that he better stayed befind to heal, and to arrange for that with the master, but no, Thorin just stops him entering the boat and would have left him there alone ?
No, as an uncle, Thorin is far from perfect. In one of the interviews Richard Armitage talked about how Thorin is failing in this "fatherly" responsibility to his heirs.
So, in my imagination, such a confrontation after the first fight with Azog would have turned out quite differently, Thorin reacting more like "pull yourself together, boys, that's live and I just had to go against Azog and get me beaten up by him and chewed on by a warg, because I'd rather die fighting than falling off a tree into an abyss."

But this is fan fiction! Yeay! I just enjoy reading about the more perfect version of the three.
LuckyLadybug chapter 6 . 9/18/2018
A beautiful, sweet, and so satisfying ending! It's so peaceful and well-deserved. Thorin's decision on the blade is powerful. It's a perfect scene for this fic! I love the way you ended it too, with the song mixing with Thorin's thoughts.
LuckyLadybug chapter 5 . 9/18/2018
The monologue about the meaning of the nicknames is very poignant!

Fili's feelings are heartbreaking. I can relate so well to them. And it's interesting seeing his and Kili's differing viewpoints.

Thorin's reaction and monologue as he fully realizes how the boys are hurting and why is very satisfying. His determining how to ease their minds and hearts is a beautiful scene! I love it.
Sassy'Elf04 chapter 4 . 8/19/2018
I liked this chapter a lot, keep writing I can't wait to see how this will play out. Thorin really knows Fili and Kili well who else would be able to confort them that well.
Sassy'Elf04 chapter 4 . 8/19/2018
I liked this chapter a lot, keep writing I can't wait to see how this will play out. Thorin really knows Fili and Kili well who else would be able to confort them that well.
LuckyLadybug chapter 4 . 8/15/2018
Fili's memories of the past are so sweet! His needs to not crack and to always be the strong one are so relatable! So heartbreaking how he keeps being tortured with haunting and grotesque images! I love how he feels he can't look at Thorin. Heart-wrenching, yet also very relatable.

It's nice to see Thorin's thoughts too. Such a devastating realization, that he has overlooked the pain his nephews are feeling! His determination to fix it is very poignant. And that's awesome how he can keep stroking Kili's hair and turn his attention to Fili at the same time!

The ending is so powerful. Such a simple sentence, but with so much said in it.
Celebrisilweth chapter 4 . 8/15/2018
Nice chapter. It's good that Thorin's comforting both his nephews.
PhoenixLordess chapter 4 . 8/15/2018
I think my heart is breaking. I do love this style of story, especially when it's well written like this.
LuckyLadybug chapter 3 . 7/31/2018
The descriptions are so soothing and sweet! They're very calming to read, and fascinating. Your love for the characters and the race comes through so well! The flashback of little Kili crying is so sad, but beautiful in Thorin's handling of it. I love that it touches so many Dwarf families! And Kili's continual struggling with his feelings in the present is heartbreaking but so realistic.

Gah, Fili's nightmare is so horrible! What a treacherous thing for one so young to have to fear and be haunted by! It will definitely take time for both boys to be able to deal with their feelings.
Sassy'Elf04 chapter 3 . 7/25/2018
This was great but I would like to see more Fili and Thorin moments, Fili also needs his uncle. It was great how you came up with all the diffrences between the dwarves and the races and how dwarves comfort their lityle ones. Great job
Sassy'Elf04 chapter 3 . 7/25/2018
This was great but I would like to see more Fili and Thorin moments, Fili also needs his uncle. It was great how you came up with all the diffrences between the dwarves and the races and how dwarves comfort their lityle ones. Great job
Celebrisilweth chapter 3 . 7/23/2018
Oh, the poor boys are so tormented. I do hope Thorin can help them calm down.
LuckyLadybug chapter 2 . 7/11/2018
Heartbreaking how Fili feels he's failed and that he has to be the strong one! I can relate to those feelings so well. I love how Bilbo tries to talk to him, to get him to understand that he needs help as well as Kili!

Also heartbreaking for Thorin to get angry, but on the other hand, most people would get angry and defensive if such things were screamed at them, I think! I know I would. They both have points. It's awesome to see Thorin keeping himself as much in check as he does, despite his anger! And I do so love when Thorin finally gets why Kili is upset! Kili's words are so powerful and Thorin's reaction is perfect.

You write for everyone's emotions so well! They're all so varied and realistic and perfect for the situation. And the way you describe Kili's pain, and Thorin describes his, makes it all so very real and easy to understand both sides!
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