Reviews for The Avengers and I
Delilah Moon chapter 50 . 6/10
Hi! I wanted to let you know that this is an awesome story. I appreciate the low amounts of smut. It would be awesome of I could read more! much love and thank you!


PS Please don't kill Tony!
EddaValkyrie chapter 3 . 5/18
Tony said that she has five soulmates, but he doesn't know that yet because she only said plural when referring to her soulmarks, not how many she had. Also, concerning the dialogue, there should be a comma before end quotations if you are using tags, and a period if you are not. (A tag is when you end dialogue with 'she said', 'she asked', 'he exclaimed' etc.) For example,

"Maybe you should work on that," she told him as she stood up from the desk making her way out of the office.

Also, if your putting an action in the middle of dialogue, you can either use the same comma technique, or use hypens. For example,

"Great, follow me. I'm Happy by the way," he extended his hand and she shook it, "Head of Security," he confirmed and she followed him to the elevator.


"Great, follow me. I'm Happy by the way-" he extended his hand and she shook it, "-Head of Security," he confirmed and she followed him to the elevator.

Also, when a character is addressing another in dialogue, you have to put a comma before their name or term of address. For example,

"What do you expect me to say, Pep?"

I hope I don't sound snotty or anything, I just wanted to correct some of the continuity and grammatical mistakes I noted when reading. I wish people had left me comments like this when I started writing so I've been trying to give back as much as I can. If you find these annoying, please just tell me and I'll stop.
kor.op chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
i miss jessica and the guys so muchhhhh
kor.op chapter 48 . 5/26/2019
please comeback
voicesofmelodies chapter 48 . 5/4/2019
Hope you update soon. story is really good! :)
kor.op chapter 48 . 5/1/2019
pleaseee update soonnnn... I missed them all
Katie MacAlpine chapter 48 . 3/24/2019
Ah, things are ha and Loki gets to do something (hopefully).
beautifulmystery18 chapter 47 . 3/22/2019
love it please update
Katie MacAlpine chapter 47 . 12/9/2018
Jessica's not doing well. There's no progress and everything is still f***ed up.
Katie MacAlpine chapter 46 . 11/23/2018
Will she ever get to spend any time with Bucky? They see each other, say hi, and then one of them has to leave!
Katie MacAlpine chapter 45 . 11/4/2018
Now what?
syd2000 chapter 44 . 10/17/2018
Please update
nabila.n.khalisha chapter 1 . 9/27/2018
this is from a movie with Chris Evans in it isn't it
Katie MacAlpine chapter 44 . 9/27/2018
Jessica is home, Tony is gone and Ross still has something stuck up where the sun doesn't ever shine. When things seem to be better, it's just pointing out that it could get worst.
Skyrere chapter 43 . 9/21/2018
nice. can't wait for more.
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