Reviews for The Morning Mist comes to Remnant
Juan Sebastian Borrero chapter 16 . 5/31
I have a feeling that ruby is going to seriously hurt someone at this rate also who has itachi in his head wants ruby and roman to reconcile or something like that
razmire chapter 16 . 5/31
Narutopedia has a page on killing intent which basically states that it can cause opponents to be paralyzed with fear, and that if the intent is particularly strong, it can make you see your own ‘gruesome’ death, despite not being a Genjutsu. The page also makes a reference to that scene with Orochimaru at the Chunin Exams as an example of killing intent, so it appears that you’ve got your facts straight on this subject.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Mr. Haziq chapter 16 . 5/31
I wouldn't be surprised Tanya wasn't far from soiling herself.

Also, a racist jar? Really? Also ten Lien is pretty steep.
Kage-kitsune9001 chapter 16 . 5/30
I think the best part is a story when someone REALLY underestimates Itachi and they get OWNED
Restia32 chapter 16 . 5/30
Tienes razon. Jaune es un inutil.
JackWhitenight chapter 16 . 5/30
Dasgun chapter 16 . 5/30
GrimmjowTaichou chapter 16 . 5/30
Adam redeem? When?
TheOrangeLord chapter 16 . 5/29
Honestly Itachi could cast a Genjutsu on anyone and they would be unable to break it. They have no chakra and that and pain are the only way to dispel it. If he used one of the stronger ones on Salem she would be trapped forever in her own head, and her followers are too scared of her to try and hurt her to break it, and if they did there is no guarantee that it would even hurt her. A Sharingan Genjutsu would be able to take her out entirely.
lmc9389 chapter 16 . 5/29
I wonder how much stronger ruby is compared to her team and especially if she uses her aura to enhance her muscular
Guest chapter 15 . 5/22
Is this ever gonna get updated
gogo bananas chapter 15 . 5/13
the dialogue has cleaned up, but there isnt any real overbearing plot issue or bad guy to deal with
gogo bananas chapter 15 . 5/13
dialogue has cleaned up really well, decent plot but no real overbearing issue at hand
gogo bananas chapter 3 . 5/12
tbh the dialogue seems a bit choppy and forced sometimes, but it just seems right to have Qrows dialogue a lil choppy cause he speaks like a B roll 80s movie
guest chapter 15 . 5/8
when is the new update?
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