Reviews for Sins of Years Passed
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 5 . 1/8/2019
Ok, this Lincoln is a stone cold badass with a heart of gold for his family.
He23t chapter 5 . 12/31/2018
Well at least the bully Hawk has learned his lesson. Now I hope the other bullies will get the full wrath of Lincoln's rage and justice.

Suggestion: Lincoln spends more time with his sisters, to feel like a great brother he is and feeling the love he has for his sisters.

question: Do you accept Loudcest?
He23t chapter 4 . 11/26/2018
Can you make a chapter were Lincoln gives hell to his sisters tormentors and bullies. Because he's defending he's sisters honor in the most badass way.
nuuo chapter 4 . 11/26/2018
Dandy, I can't think of much banter and ok with whatever since you're a half decent author, noone else is writing Locked In Time and its a fun Lisacoln story.

Wish I can rant about how RPG games treat guns but this isn't place. Will say if Lincoln had "Pearlescent" guns and equipment then I'd be bummed if I only get to bring back and use Legendary items only. I'm guessing there aren't Pearlescent Infinity Pistols though, like there are no talking Pearlescent weapons? Thats what I remember seeing on youtube people getting those kinds of weapons playing Borderlands II.

Wait, did the mom die too? What happened to her? Its good to see you're updating but newest chapter 4 was so short I don't even know how you can make a siscoln story added in, I'm up for lewd stuff though. I hope H&H don't die, unless the rumors they spread were especially nasty.
BattleUnit3 chapter 4 . 11/26/2018
There are many variations of the saying like "Be wary of the man with nothing to lost" and "Fear the man with everything on the line" and those were all right because a man with nothing to lose has little reason to stop while someone with everything has many reason to continue. So its my fusion, though there might be a variation out there if you look hard enough probably.

Also mid way past the Journal entry you say "mom's death" is that a little mistake or did Rita die too(suicide?)?

Is he going to go all emotionless killing machine on those Hank and Hawk to scare them or is he going "I am going to skin you and make a new coat for you mother and father" on them?

Great Chapter!
BattleUnit3 chapter 3 . 11/6/2018
Great chapter! Lincoln is going to start solving problems Pandora style and we all know how that end. Lots od loot and blood. I wonder how the sister will react to the changes in their brother. The sweet innocent boy turned Big daddy with better guns.
nuuo chapter 3 . 9/21/2018

Joking aside I was really asking if he's an author too on FF.

I only played first Borderlands and forget if Legendary gear is above Unique or the highest class you can get. And only remember Jakobs weapons were non-elemental and closer to real life counterparts. I'm a geek over guns and care about calibres, if a gun is a miniature rail rifle or plasma gun its a different story. Borderlands is fun but games like it treat guns funny, its a role playing game I know. With Lincoln's shield alone isn't he a god? Or more armored than a WWII era tank? Besides muscle memory does his class mod make him special forces? Wait he can access his skills and make sentries? What does X% damage even do, make every normal piece of ammo p or every bullet is magically guaranteed to have frangible jackets with tungsten spoon tip cores?

Dumb questions I know, feel free to ignore. Also forget we get to vote if story should have smut in it? If so I vote yes.
He23t chapter 3 . 9/21/2018
I kinda see Lincoln style almost identical to Axton tbh.

I wonder if Lincoln turns into the Punisher in TLH and Borderlands style because his thirst of Vengeance might be his downfall. So I wonder his sisters and mother would do more to support him in other means through emotional and something more *wink.

I love it and it's just the beginning.
Hot shot chapter 2 . 9/16/2018
Wow cracy fic love it cant wait to see what happends next keep it coming
nuuo chapter 2 . 9/15/2018
Looks fun so far, happy to see updates! Who's your fiancé Tamashi? What tiers are Lincoln's weapons or real world calibre equivalence?
BattleUnit3 chapter 2 . 9/15/2018
Fear the man who lost everything and is put into position to lose it again
He23t chapter 2 . 9/15/2018
This is a really good story so far and I hope to see it continue.

Question: Is there gonna be Lemons or Loudcest in this story?
A Two Sided Figure chapter 1 . 7/10/2018
Well I'm happy this story was the one you made. Great start and hopefully a great end. Next chapter can be an aftermath chapter as to what happened. Also thanks for the words of encouragement
nuuo chapter 1 . 7/10/2018
Is Vault Hunter a reference to Borderlands or Fallout? Already story seems fun and cool! Now wondering who's Lincoln gonna get shipped with? Hoping if the one weapon and few grenades Lincoln keeps, even if they're not great that Lisa can replicate and upgrade them.
Mikey457281 chapter 1 . 7/10/2018
I'm guessing, that Lincoln is sacrificing himself for the rest. but nonetheless a good story
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