Reviews for Tugging On My Heart Strings
Operative CG16 chapter 16 . 7/12
Please update. This is so good. I love it great job!
Em03590 chapter 16 . 7/10
This story is really good plz update
Em03590 chapter 16 . 7/10
Plzzzz update. This story is amazing and I wanna know what happens next.
Tkd girl chapter 16 . 6/27
OMG I'm in LOVE with this storyyyy.. pls update soon it's been way more than a few days. Great job!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/13
its been more than a month, please updateee
Guest chapter 16 . 6/11
please updateeeeeeeeee for goodeeeeeeeee
CammieAMorgan chapter 16 . 6/1
Just binged this whole story! LOVE ITTTTTTTT! xxx
Guest chapter 16 . 5/26
hello? Is anyone there? hello can you hear me?
just kidding but seriously pls update soon
Guest chapter 16 . 5/24
im getting restless! pls update soon!
boredboredbored chapter 16 . 5/24
Guest chapter 16 . 5/24
Guest chapter 16 . 5/23
Oh boy. This is getting out of hand! Hopefully if Macey does make an appearance she won't cause any trouble with Cammie! And hopefully if Zach does have an ex, it won't be Macey.
Guest chapter 16 . 5/21
Guest chapter 16 . 5/16
gymnast1150 chapter 16 . 5/12
I’m in love with this storyline... I have a feeling Zach liked Cammie before they even started fake dating, and it was just a win-win-win situation where they pissed off Josh for Cammie’s sake, they pissed off Josh for Zach’s sake, AND Zach got to kiss the shit out of her whenever he wanted because they were “dating” LOL.

I’m SUPER intrigued by what happened between Josh and Zach. At first I thought maybe Zach had taken the blame for something Josh did and he was sent to juvie or something like that which is why he changed so much and hated Josh now... but now that we know Macey is involved somehow I’m guessing that’s not right haha. But I don’t think Zach and Macey had a thing like we’re SUPPOSED to think... she might be his sister or cousin or something. But I don’t know, we’ll see! You’ve got me so hooked!

When Zammie makes out... absolutely perfect! Those scenes are hot and heavy and they make my cold heart melt because this tough, bad boy is so smitten with this quiet girl. Perfection!

I read all 16 chapters last night, stayed up until like 3 am to do so, that’s how invested I am. Can’t wait to read more!
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