Reviews for Blades of Light & Darkness
The Incedible Mr BassMan chapter 7 . 6/13
Pls tell me u will eventualy continue this?
Uday Sra chapter 7 . 6/2
toshirokira chapter 1 . 5/14
Hello, kylesentient, are you going to upload any other chapters in this website or do you have any other sites where you upload regularly? I am asking because I would hate to miss out on any new updates on this story. I would also like to inform you that i am not opposed to paying to read this if it keeps its current standards or improves in the future.
On your Patreon page I couldn't find any information about your projects without being asked to pay and pledge. This made me apprehensive about pledging yet as I have no way of knowing definitely, what I would find upon going through with it. I would really appreciate it if you could reply and clarify some of my queries.

I really liked this plot and the atmosphere you built with the characters and hope that this does not becomes one of the many great stories that are hanging unfinished in the internet.
starscreamer11 chapter 7 . 4/23
So is this story dropped? I was hoping for more.
DARK HORSE chapter 7 . 4/6
You ought to read the 'Tag and Bink' Star Wars spoof comics - you could have gotten some 'great' ideas to use in this fic of yours!
x-x-TheBurnedMan-x-x chapter 7 . 3/20
Awww, dang it. It went hiatus on a cliffhanger. ‘Sigh’ That’s too bad. The fic didn’t got far too. It was getting good until I was stopped in a middle of a standstill.
23 0R15H1N chapter 7 . 2/19
The Lifestream:
In the Star Wars mythos, the Force is described as working like this, and characters who die are often described as becoming "one with the Force". (Star Wars: The Clone Wars goes into it more. Everything is made up of the Living Force and when living things die, their Living Force flows into the Cosmic Force to be rejoined with all things.)

Sentient Cosmic Force:
1. The Force from Star Wars is based on Taoism, which teaches that there is a universal force called (but not named) the Tao that flows through all things, passively guiding the universe along a natural course. By living a certain meditative lifestyle, one can become "like an uncarved block" and then allow the Tao to shape them.
2. The Force from the Star Wars universe - It's an energy field, it gives powers. It has a 'Chosen One' (and in-universe was believed to have caused his virgin birth, though it was revealed out-of-universe that he might have been the product of Sith meddling with life). It has a will of its own, but nobody fully understands it (and it might be impossible to do so). The Jedi and their evil counterparts the Sith, along with a variety of lesser groups from the Star Wars Expanded Universe and Legends, each have their own belief systems about the true nature of the Force, but out-of-universe it's generally presumed that the Jedi are closest to the truth. The Sith believe that the Force is something that can, and should be, controlled and exploited for all its worth. Given the horrible fates that befall nearly every Sith, the Force apparently disapproves.

2. There are some cases in which it is less distant and more immediately helpful. In Rebel Force: Uprising, when Luke is being tortured and put through brainwashing so bad that even Obi-Wan's spirit can't help him anymore, he hears an inner voice encouraging him on. He thinks it sounds like him but older, and assumes that it's his father's voice. (We know it's not.)

3. Tash Arranda in Galaxy of Fear: Eaten Alive finds something that horrifies her, "yet, at the same time, it triggered something else inside her, a powerful and comforting force that seemed to fight against her fear and give her strength." Later in the book she's cornered by attackers and feels it again, calming and protecting her so that she is able to escape, and in general it helps her when things seem darkest. Sometimes this scares her because she feels like connecting to it makes her lose her identity, sometimes it reminds her that 'You Are Not Alone'.

4. And then again, the Jedi can be thrown a curveball sometimes. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka bump into beings that are pretty much 'Physical Gods', and apparently personify aspects of the Force. Jedi teachings don't include any specific gods, and none of the Jedi know what to make of them.

5. The term "Whill" has existed since some of the earliest drafts of A New Hope, where the story was narrated by an immortal being telling the history of the galaxy. The idea evolved into The Force, but the term Whill still existed in Lucas' mind and eventually appeared offscreen in relation to a few things from Revenge of the Sith and The Force Awakens. In May 2018 Lucas revealed a taste of what his intentions for episode VII were before the sale to Disney. He was going to bring the Whills out full force and reveal them to be microbiotic organisms which controlled the galaxy; "The midi-chlorians are the ones that communicate with the Whills. The Whills, in a general sense, they are the Force".

Balance Between Good and Evil:
1. The Star Wars prequel trilogy has a Jedi prophecy about Anakin Skywalker bringing "Balance to the Force". The Council had noticed that the Force had gone out of balance some 200 years before this, and by that point the Galactic Republic was mired in corruption. The lines from the movies that make the viewer think the Jedi misunderstand the prophecy are set as true by 'Word of God'. Anakin fulfills the prophecy at the end of the original trilogy, when he as a Sith finally turns on his treacherous master and proves the death of them both. A few decades later, a new Dark Side order rises to replace the Sith, and in response the Force creates new heroes to oppose them. (It is worth noting that the Balance in Star Wars isn't about having a Force-box with a Good and Evil side and that you need equal amounts of plus and minus signs on the scale: The Force is a largely benevolent 'Lifestream', with which the Jedi are in harmony and the Sith pervert to their own ends. Restoring balance to The Force means ending the Sith and stopping them from corrupting it.)

2. Star Wars Legends shows that the prophecy was just a bunch of noodles, as there are tons of Dark Jedi and Sith and other users of the Dark Side left. (Luke accepts this view during Apocalypse after his tag-team battle with Darth Krayt, against Abeloth. Cooperation between the Jedi and the Sith is the only way to keep Abeloth from destroying the entire Galaxy since the Ones are Dead, so the warring between them in the times when Abeloth isn't an immediate threat is a necessary side-effect.) In a way, Luke's reforms to the Jedi Order are about finding a balance between the Jedi's discipline and the Sith's passion- for instance, allowing members to marry and raise families, and encouraging individual self-education alongside more regimented learning.

~TsuyaTsuya [In no Umareru Heya/Natsuyasumi]
Inoue Makito chapter 7 . 2/9
You know, you're probably the only writer who's been able to write up a "Fate/stay night" and "Knights of the Old Republic/Star Wars: The Old Republic" crossover story that's maintained my interest for about an entire year.

Here's hoping you'll be able to come back to us and update a new chapter whenever the time comes. Please help us, Sentient Kyle. You're our only hope.
~Hissen no Ne
Terada Tsugeo chapter 7 . 2/1
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Alternative Character Interpretation: Instead of the typical black and white morality that Star Wars is known for, light-sided characters can be interpreted in a way that's a lot less flattering...

• Is the Light Side Sith Warrior a good, noble warrior fighting for peace? Or are they a cold, calculating chess-master, befriending powerful opponents in order to advance their own position within the Empire? Characters accuse you of both, and there's no real evidence to support either one over the other.

• A light side Sith Inquisitor. Are they people who suffered greatly as slaves, and now help others to avoid the pain the Inquisitor felt? Or are they just securing allies or keeping those around them weak to ensure an unstoppable rise to power?

• Can one even consider the light side Inquisitor a Sith? A good case could be made that the Inquisitor is simply playing their game for now, all the while secretly working to advance themselves into a position where they can better undermine the Sith from within. Indeed, a lot of their dialogue makes it clear they don't particularly care for their fellow Sith or the Empire, but do hold some modicum of respect for the Republic and the Jedi. The Inquisitor's conversations with Ashara often discuss reforming the Empire into a more peaceful organisation and forging an alliance with Grey Jedi, founding a movement that unites both Sith and Jedi teachings.

• A light-sided Republic trooper can come across as being outright fanatical, with him/her shouting slogans such as "For the Republic!" and "I live to serve the Republic!" at every opportunity. It doesn't help that one of your companions is a droid who is portrayed exactly like this for humorous effect.

• The Dark-side Republic trooper: A jerk-ass/sadist who happens to be loyal to the Republic for whatever reason, a well-intentioned extremist who views their ‘Shoot the Dog’ moments as a necessary evil to save more lives in the long run, or a shell-shocked former child soldier who's too damaged to do things any other way and/or just wants the war to end as quickly as possible?

• A light-sided smuggler can be interpreted as a ‘Wide-Eyed Idealist’ that should have gone broke and starved to death a long time ago. Despite the title, he/she may rarely engage in any actual smuggling, and actively turn down opportunities to make money by refusing to deal in drugs or participate in actions that will harm the Republic's war effort. One of your companions, Risha, will outright call you on this, accusing you of being a thief that doesn't steal, and ask if you actually have any plans about what you are doing with your life. Alternatively, the light-sided Smuggler could be described as a privateer (think pirates on government payroll), and while pirates typically ended their careers at the end of a rope, a privateer could end his with a big plantation and a title of minor nobility! The Smuggler actually does carry a privateers license from act 2 onwards. Or they could be just an independent merchant trying to run as honest a business as they can under the circumstances.

• A light-sided Bounty Hunter could just not care for the Empire at all and is only involved with them because it's good for business. A light-sided Hunter (especially an alien Hunter, that gets treated like garbage from the Imperials anyway) also can be played as cheerfully sabotaging the Imperials right and left and being paid to do it. (The fact you can take the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic upon a deal and effectively switch sides helps.)

• A light-sided Jedi Consular can come across as sheltered and self-righteous, not to mention outright detached from reality, given their preaching Jedi dogma and aphorisms of peace and tolerance to starving refugees that just witnessed the killing of their families or desperate soldiers that are pinned down by heavy enemy fire.

• A dark-sided Consular (especially the Shadow sub-class) can come off as a merciless ‘Knight Templar’ who is the Order's executioner and "cleanup crew", or a chess-master who subtly makes the galactic situation worse in order to make them dependant on the Consular, allowing the Consular to influence the situation to their personal benefit ala Darth Traya (KOTOR II).

~Muchi Angel 8/10/12
Rose Monroe chapter 6 . 1/27
If this fic won't be including any characters or events from SWTOR and its expansions (on account of the sheer volume of content you'll have to comb through) then fine, simply state it so I'll stop getting my hopes up.

Should this fic take place (or at the bare minimum, adopt elements from Star Wars: Legends) before/during/after the events of SW-KOTOR (we should give EMIYA the Star Forge Robes; see what sort of 'miracle' he could do with it) then surely that would be 'easier' to follow.

Also, I've recently looked at fem!versions of EMIYA, Revan... and Gilgamesh (just cause).

If Revan does appear as a separate entity from EMIYA, it would be fascinating to read this fic if Revan were to be female or even 'gender ambiguous'...
Reservoir Dogs chapter 7 . 1/26
Been roughly 1-2 years since you've last updated, Sentient Kyle. Plan on coming back anytime sooner or later? At least indulge us in how EMIYA would have dealt some of these scenarios:

(1) EMIYA as a bystander/participant during the events of 'Star Wars: The Old Republic'

(2) EMIYA as a (possible if plausible) mercenary/vigilante during 'Rise of the Hutt Cartel'

(3) EMIYA's presence during the events of 'Shadow of Revan' (if he plays any role)

(4) EMIYA if he was ever a host for Sith Emperor Vitiate during 'Knights of the Fallen Empire/Knights of the Eternal Throne' (wonder how THAT would turn out with Unlimited Blade Works, or if Vitiate and GILGAMESH ever meet face-to-face...)

(5) EMIYA's role, if any, during (or averting/preventing) the events of 'Onslaught'

Don't forget - EMIYA's a chick magnet! Could you possibly imagine how many women he could possibly bring over to his side (whichever that may be)?

P.S: You want something worthy of 'Refuge in Audacity' - 'Up to Eleven' in my opinion? Say if someone were to get ahold of the Noble Phantasms 'Ea' and 'Enkidu' from Gilgamesh (EMIYA, I vote EMIYA)... and FORGE A LIGHTSABER OUT OF IT. THAT OUGHT TO SET HIM OFF...
Reservoir Dogs chapter 6 . 1/26
Alright, I don't mean to be rude, people... but what the fuck is going on in the review section for chapter 6? (1)EMIYA is Revan? (2)EMIYA becomes Revan? (3)EMIYA becomes Revan's predecessor? (4)Or in other words - will EMIYA and Revan become one and the same or will Revan become (or already became, given HK-47's creation/existence) their own separate entity?

(Personally, I'm hoping that they're two separate individuals - if only for the potential 'best of both worlds' upgrades that HK-47 would receive, and an 'epic' force/lightsaber duel between EMIYA and Revan. No need to go all 'Mind Screw' on us all!)

Still, I gotta give points for this chapter being my favourite overall, if only for EMIYA's and HK-47's most insightful conversation. I hope that in the midst of EMIYA's adventures, he encounters many 'discarded' assassin/battle droids, if only for the opportunity to build a 'state of the art' body for HK-47...

- Anti-Villain: By Sith standards. Revan was remarkably pragmatic for a dark-sider, left conquered planet's infrastructure intact and defied ‘You Have Outlived Your Usefulness’. And Revan supposedly joined the Dark Side to prepare the Republic against the True Sith, leaning Revan into ‘Well-Intentioned Extremist’ territory.
- Authority Equals Ass-kicking: Being the most powerful Sith goes hand in hand with becoming the undisputed leader of the Sith Empire.
- Black Knight: Revan's motif after falling to the Dark Side.
- Bond Breaker: Often did this to various Jedi. Revan's methods even unnerved HK-47.
- The Charmer: Revan is said to have been highly charismatic, hence why so many flocked to the Sith's cause.
- The Chess-master: Canderous Ordo said that Revan was always a step ahead of them during the Mandalorian Wars and every move Revan made during the Jedi Civil War was done to keep as the Republic as stable as possible in order to prepare for the return of the True Sith.
- Comedic Sociopathy: Must have had an inclination for black humour, seeing as Revan created HK-47. Thinking it was so funny when HK started calling Malak a ‘meatbag’ that Revan programmed the droid to call all ‘organics’ that way to torment Malak.
- Cool Mask: Taken from the corpse of a Mandalorian female who was executed for refusing to carry out an order to commit genocide.
- Cunning Linguist: Best demonstrated when Revan discovered a stowaway on the Ebon Hawk, who could only speak an odd dialect of ancient Mandalorian. Revan went from unable to interpret the language to semi-fluent in a matter of minutes!
- Deadpan Snarker: Various characters imply the former Sith Lord had a rather wicked sense of humour. Proof of this sense of humour is best shown when after hearing HK-47 describe Malak as a ‘meatbag’, Revan decided to reprogram him to refer to all humans as such, simply because Revan found it hilarious.
- Depending on the Writer: BioWare and Obsidian give Revan entirely different personalities and motivations. Revan's gender is another subject: BioWare and Obsidian kept it ambiguous but seems to have been leaning towards Revan being female. (David Gaider, one of the game's writers, said in a forum post that he considered Revan a woman, and in KOTOR 2 Atton Rand refers to Revan as a “she” in an early conversation. Lucasfilm and subsequent expanded universe material, however, establish Revan as an unambiguously male character.
- The Dreaded: Even after Revan's apparent (first) death, the majority of people either fear them, remember them as a ‘Worthy Opponent’ or both.
- Fallen Hero: Revan was among the greatest of the Jedi for their era before falling to the dark side.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Revan is mentioned as having had a natural affinity for droids and machines.
- Genius Bruiser: A brilliant strategist and one of the most powerful Jedi/Sith ever.
- He Who Fights Monsters: Fell to the dark side while protecting innocents from the Mandalorians.
- Magnetic Hero: Revan's high charisma is said to be the reason why so many Jedi defected to the Sith banner.
- My God, What Have I Done?: The reason why Revan created HK-47 in the first place was to have more effective, direct combatants to fight the enemy, so what happened at Malachor V would never have to be repeated.
- Mysterious Past: No one (except maybe Kreia) knows anything about Revan prior to joining the Jedi Order.
- Omniglot: Revan is said to have been fluent in dozens of languages. The Rakata on Lehon mention that through the Dark Side, Revan was capable of learning their language by simply ripping it from their minds. It's implied that it was just as unpleasant as it sounds.
- The Paragon Always Rebels: One of the greatest Jedi, Revan turned to the Dark Side and made many other Jedi follow along.
- Pet the Dog: During the Mandalorian Wars, it's revealed that Revan personally freed the young Juhani from slavers. Likewise on Lehon, Revan used diplomacy to learn how to access the Star Forge from the Rakatan Elders and afterwards left them in peace.
- Polymath: Revan is said to have been highly skilled in multiple fields.
- Pragmatic Villainy: It's heavily implied Revan was unusually pragmatic for a Dark Lord of the Sith, sparing individuals who'd proven useful such as the Rakata Elders, despite the fact they were no longer needed. Jolee noted that unlike Malak, Revan was very careful about whom to attack and how. For instance, productive planets were carefully protected so they could help in a war against a True Sith invasion.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Revan's decision to defy the Jedi Council and fight the Mandalorians is what began the former hero's ‘Start of Darkness’.
- Tragic Bromance: Malak and Revan were best friends, whose friendship was ruined when they turned to the dark side, even before Malak betrayed Revan.
- Troll: Programmed HK-47 to use the word ‘meatbag’ at any given opportunity simply because it got a rise out of Malak.
- The Übermensch: Widely regarded as such, even by the enemies of the Sith. Darth Bane, 3,000 years later, regards Revan as his idol of what a Sith should be (despite Revan's redemption).
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Revan's fundamental character trait. Kreia points this one out, despite her opinions being notoriously unreliable. (In the first game, if playing on the Light Side, one could make the reasonable argument that Revan is still a dangerous extremist, but the brainwashing simply channeled that part of their personality towards more benevolent goals.)
Reservoir Dogs chapter 5 . 1/26
If EMIYA ever constructs his own lightsaber, I imagine them to be modelled after Qui-Got Jinn's (and he builds two, to boot). It's like the ideal symbolism I could think off overall that could match 'Kanshou and Bakuya' (only lacking the black and white lightsaber crystals if EMIYA can't attune the cyber crystal/synthesise the crystal)... well, that and a modified/simplified version of Arcann's lightsaber.

Kanshou and Bakuya: ‘Married’ twin swords representing Yin and Yang, crafted by the blacksmith Gān Jiàng of Wu during the Spring and Autumn Period of China. EMIYA encountered the sword at some point during his lifetime and added them to the numerous weapons recorded and stored in Unlimited Blade Works. Archer (Fate/stay night) additionally crafted spells of warding all over the swords' blades; they are his favoured weapons to project, having become his symbols after wielding them all his life.
- EMIYA can utilise reinforcement magecraft to completely transform the blades into longswords, referred to as ‘Kanshou and Bakuya Overedge’.
- EMIYA Alter, through unknown methods, modified Kanshou and Bakuya to function as bayoneted handguns, which he is able to trace and use in battle. It is with them he is able to use his Noble Phantasm, Unlimited Lost Works.
Reservoir Dogs chapter 4 . 1/26
Well, here's some tropes that ought to clarify some things up. Pondering on some hypothetical scenarios, like if EMIYA was the one who accompanied Revan and Meetra Surik when they went to face the Sith Emperor, Vitiate...

EMIYA (Fate/Grand Order):
- The Blacksmith: His version of Unlimited Blade Works has steam and gears in the background, resembling that of a workshop. He likes to make weapons, LOTS and LOTS of weapons; it defines his very existence.
- Bow and Sword, in Accord: He can make use of pretty much any weapon, so he sometimes uses his bow to fire even swords.
- Chef of Iron/Supreme Chef: Well, he's still Emiya Shirou, chef extraordinaire; he still has his culinary skills from his human life and cooking is something he really enjoys. He's also a staff member of Chaldea's kitchen, along with Boudica, Tamamo Cat, Raikou, etc. (It's implied that he regularly cooks meals for Chaldea and helps other female Servants with their Valentine chocolates.)
- Chick Magnet: Given his identity, he might be one of the biggest out of all the Servants. Apparently even the Amazonian warrior mooks you fight get distracted by him.
- Character Development: He retains his from the Unlimited Blade Works route of Fate/Stay Night, and is ultimately closer in personality to being a more mature Shirou than the self loathing aloof character he was in the visual novel.
- Defrosting Ice King: Being EMIYA, he is still the ‘Combat Pragmatist’ we know. Hence, it's no surprise that he's still quite ruthless and stoic in his cards' artwork as he ascends (and the skyline of the Unlimited Blade Works Reality Marble is still the tumultuous sunset background). Come Stage 4, however, where you fully command his trust, he's beaming a very positive smile (and the skyline of Unlimited Blade Works has transformed to that of a bright sunny day, akin to that of the younger Emiya Shirou).
- Hidden Heart of Gold: He sometimes tries to come off as aloof as he was in Fate/stay night. He really isn't anymore.
- Icy Grey Eyes: Strong willed, grey-eyed, cold and, if you ask him, with an ideal above people’s mindset.
- I Hate Past Me: Despite being more idealistic, he still dislikes his old self's, as he puts it, immature ideals.
- Not So Above It All: He doesn't pay his Alter counterpart, who loathes him for not being as hardened as he was, much mind... except for the part where he wishes he came up with the idea of dual wielding gun-swords before EMIYA Alter did.
- Sincerest Form of Flattery: He explains during Thomas Edison's Interlude that his copying of other heroes' weaponry is often a token of his esteem and he'll do so in secret if he's afraid his facsimiles would offend them. However, those who are possessive and arrogant about the uniqueness and ownership of their Noble Phantasms, he'll go out of his way to copy theirs just in order to insult them.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: He doesn't get along with Cú Chulainn or Gilgamesh at all, explicitly telling the protagonist to keep them to separate teams.
- Took a Level in Kindness: He's kept his Character Development from previous titles, so while still snarky and cynical to an extent he's much more hopeful about the future and more willing to act on idealism and show open care for his comrades. It also helps that he has no reason to be antagonising to others or plotting against his allies now that he's not in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War.
Reservoir Dogs chapter 2 . 1/26
You know, I get that you'll be setting the timeline during the Old Republic/Sith era... but a 'mishmash' of the characters and elements of 'Knights of the Old Republic I & II' (and perhaps 'Star Wars: The Old Republic', if only for the sheer volume of characters, factions, and events) is just asking - begging even! - for inconsistency in your story. I would have a much easier time reading if EMIYA's story here is explicitly stated to begin before/after KOTOR I or before/during SWTOR...

And don't get me started on OCs - seriously, would it be too much for you to state who's an OC created for this story, and who's a character from Star Wars Legends?

Oh, and regarding the Jawas... ever thought about writing a one-shot where EMIYA becomes their Supreme Leader, against the Tusken Raiders?

Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Crazy Awesome: Meet Blizz, the Jawa with a rocket launcher!
- Crosses the Line Twice: One of the game's achievements involves you killing 100 Jawas... while having the 'Party Jawa' (a Jawa that hovers around you tied to balloons while throwing confetti) novelty item out. The name of the achievement (“That's just wrong!”) even lampshades the absurdity of this situation.
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