Reviews for Ready for Those Flashing Lights
Nightwing Gurl chapter 1 . 7/3
Awwwe that was adorable! Loved the ending
RedArrowisSuperCool chapter 1 . 7/18/2018
will there be more? that would be cute!
VeronicaChase chapter 1 . 7/17/2018
Awwwwwww that was adorable as fùck, it's going in my favorites ~
imjustshippingmywaythrulife chapter 1 . 7/16/2018
Oh, wow, this is terrific! This one really hit me in the feels. I love it so much, it made me laugh, it made me snort, it made me roll my eyes, it made me cry (Okay, not cry, but it made me sad), so yeah, a lot of emotions going on. Seriously, people can make me so sick sometimes. Unless you're behind closed doors, you shouldn't tell people your opinion if they don't ask. Especially if it's about other people. But anyway, I love the story! Great job!
orangesunset12 chapter 1 . 7/15/2018
What the hell? How is this the absolute cutest thing I've ever read? This is such a lovely story, Dick and Wally isn't something I ship profusely but this is just amazing! Everyone in this fic is perfect, it's lighthearted and humorous and somewhat sad and also adorable, and ugh I'm running out of adjectives. Really superb job, I love it!