Reviews for We Were Once Kings
Death Lantern chapter 7 . 12/8/2019
Dornish can kill dragons with scorpion, but giants can't kill them with their house sized longbows! WTF?
LoveLifeForever chapter 6 . 10/18/2019
So instead of OP First Man, you went for invincible dragons. Didn't even armor them. They're just "too fly" for arrows. Giants shoot and they're all "can't touch this". How original.

I wonder how we'll stop the Long Night?

Night King throws spear...



Feels like I'm watching an episode of How It Should Have Ended... time to pull out the popcorn and watch the cheese flow from the author!
AO Black chapter 4 . 9/24/2019
Great chapter, there's a mix up though of house Estermont.
Last chapter, an Estermont alongside a Buckler and Tarth were of King Durrandon's greatest allies and friends, and in this chapter they are lords of Andalos. Since Greebstone was granted to Black Breath I'd say the mistake is in the last chapter.
AO Black chapter 3 . 9/24/2019
Great chapter.
AO Black chapter 2 . 9/24/2019
Great chapter, but if I remember correctly the Dothraki weren't a great presence until after the fall of Valyria, and the Great Grass Sea wasn't a gigantic plain with the Ibbenese, Sarnori, Laharzene and whatever else occupying it.
AO Black chapter 1 . 9/24/2019
Well, this is certainly well written and not a Stark wank! What a pleasant surprise.
Sageofchaos chapter 8 . 9/12/2019
hope to read more.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/29/2019
Great story so far. Hope to see more of this.
stylo1 chapter 7 . 6/11/2019
you kinda skipped over the part where the maesters came from seeing as their role was occupied by greenmen
stylo1 chapter 5 . 6/11/2019
heh reading this makes me wish we on earth worshipped trees, sure there are still a fuckton of wars but at least it isnt for some stupid reason as not believing in some story made up and then exploited by ppl who saw the power of believing in some higher power.
old gods; the gods of trees rocks and rivers cant argue with that
George Cristian810 chapter 8 . 6/2/2019
This is not a story , it read more as a history book writen by an incompetent historian . They are so many mistakes in the story is not even fun .
anja.quickert.9 chapter 8 . 2/11/2019
Zennishi chapter 6 . 2/9/2019
Eh... i find it very hard to believe that Aegon would be able to take over Westeros with so many greensers & wargs, regardless of their rarity, especially the moment you mentioned Visenya being attacked by wargs. Even if you were to somehow use the argument of the Dragonlords having a bond with their dragons.
yesboss21 chapter 8 . 2/6/2019
Wait back up, Meagor just surrendered? Oh, he was given a vision or something in yhe Gods Eye that he will be a Catalyst on the war of the green and black or a sort of middle ground maybe? And are the mines of Dragonstone still in full swing of harvesting the dragonglass? And what is the news beyond the Wall of the Fist of the First Men, hardhome and other major settlements? And is the Old ways still in effect after Meagors retirement to dragonstone?
ATP chapter 8 . 2/5/2019
Strong First Man used to modify ,that would not work.
Westeros in first Man,children and Giants hand would delete conqer them,you need
not 5,but 300 dragons,all Valyria had - and even there they could fail.
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