Reviews for Fate:Soul Bound
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14
TRASH! Freak!
Sir Galahad El lobo solitario chapter 28 . 7/3
Well first of all I want to say that I'm writing this with google translator so I'm sorry if there is any confusion ... Well I must say that I was fascinated with reading this, since I heard a concept similar to that of apocrypha, you have had to carry it too well in my opinion and you have left the necessary expectation regarding the servants, I understand that you are a player fate / go
for what I want to praise you for making okita and nobunaga "companions" knowing the lore, that interaction will be interesting, I honestly expected that the third sword was sigurd, since I feel that the 5 stars should be the ones in this work.
and well as you know both sigurd and sigfrido are dragon kills, so they have a certain bonus against issei and the pendragon for the blood of dragon, but with okita it is more contained.
I have been so impressed by the identity of the servants that I would like to make a recommendation for the assasing class,
It would be interesting to see Kiritsugu controlling himself or in full amrgama with his counterpart assasing and then Jack the sink as she speaks for herself since in the kou school girls predominate so she will feel a greater threat to her noble phantom kills women
But you are an eminence until the fucking I have waited to see what is next every day.
to this day I could not deduce that caster would be utrl in your war, I accept of course tamamo no mae
But something that I don't know if you have thought, is the master lancelot (Of course if you use it) working with kiba because of the hatred he has for artoria
I'm sorry if I seem too weird but I'm really excited about this

i love your story
Lovnag chapter 9 . 6/11
Aw, Issei survived meeting Kiri. What a pity.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/25
Normal girl that goes by the name isaiviel... Pfft
Echo0100 chapter 28 . 5/17
I know you say that Isai is the protagonist but it really doesn't feel like it.
So far she has had very little impact on the story plot wise.
It seems she is quite literally the worst master so far, even worse than Shiro when he first started.

It really doesn't feel like she has progressed very much even after 28 chapters, she still can't summon Excalibur, something Keichi was able to with his spear day one, even if he can't evoke it. Not only that but the only real power boost she has gotten so far came not from her hard work, but from Issei boosting her, making it seem like she can't progress without the work of someone else, and most of that will end up going away when she takes control of her body again. Not to mention that the whole point of the field trip was for her to finally get some training in seeing as she has only really trained TWICE (at least on screen) so far, not including the recent little training she did when Issei boosted her.

Depending on how long Artoria stays in control she will probably have to wait until after the rating game with Riser to actually get any training in. It's been about 2 years now and Isai feels so stagnant, she hardly ever seems to be in the front row seat of the plot as the protagonist, she doesn't really even seem very motivated to try to get stronger, she doesn't really appear to have a goal to strive for, seems more like she just goes with the flow, not really making any plans. She doesn't seem to do any dedicated personal training, like practicing sword stances or doing workouts or anything else in her own time.

It just doesn't appear like she is taking the Holy Grail War very seriously. Wouldn't her father or Ai make sure she takes her training more seriously? If for no other reason than to make sure she can properly protect herself when she needs to? So far she has nearly died around 3 times now I think, but it seems like everyone just shrugs it off and let's her go at her own pace which just doesn't make any sense.

Alright, I'm done...I spent way longer harping on it than I should have but I honestly just wish she felt more...necessary to the plot, she has done very little so far, Issei is progressing steadily, Ai seems to spend at least some time off-screen training with Archer with how far she is, and Keichi has an easier starting point than Isai did allowing for faster growth, but...Isai just doesn't really do much to impact anything...

I know it probably seems like I'm hating on it, but I'm not really meaning to, I do like Isai, I like Ai, I like Artoria, and I like Archer. I just get so frustrated seeing Isai's lack of progression after 2 years. Makes it seem like I'm going to have to wait another 2 or 3 before Isai finally starts becoming more relevant to the overall plot of the story, and I really do want to see her become as strong as she can be, but that may be years from now.
RainEStar3 chapter 10 . 5/11
TBH, while Ai seems to hate Issei for another reason, him being a blatant and unrepentant pervert would be enough to put him on my "people I will not befriend" list. Anime guys are rather punished for no reason or get away with things for no reason, and Issei is canonically in the far latter camp. If someone like that went anywhere near a girl I'd react much like Ai.

Why am I reading this story when I hate Issei? Simple, the two girls have characters and the story is well written
angelvan105 chapter 28 . 5/6
Thank you for such brilliant updated chapter! It was dramatically great and quite funny! Saber is quiet spotlight! Show her leadership rivalry against Rias! How exciting! Rias really show her devil side from end of chapter desire Isaiviel be her devil and contain Saber at her side as well.. Always you amazed me NONSTOP! You are BEST!

PS I hope upcoming battle Saber given chance showoff her ability and I am rather curious knowing she title as invincible king that does her excalibur can further womb against Riser even he is immoral hope it will answer my curiously further chapter to come!

Thank you for laughter! It so funny Archer and Ai relationship! You made my days so happily! nicely done! You have great sense of humour!
VGBlackwing chapter 28 . 5/6
Mordred going to break yuuto considering if she hears "i will destroy all Excaliburs" from his mouth it would make her think that he will try to deny her the chances of lefting the sword off the stone and her wish
Maxim7 chapter 28 . 5/6
So when in control, Saber's parameter is similiar as when she is Rin's servant with some boost in Magical power and Mana burst. Though with how you mentioned that the servants would be stronger than canon, I believe her performance in battle is above when she is Rin's Servant.

Now that you brought up Avalon and strengthen her Mana Burst, if Saber has it would she be a match against CxC Issei or Emporio Vali?

Man, I also wish that we would be in Excalibur arc already. Can not wait to see for other Excalibur users reaction on Saber's Excaliblast. Have a feeling Irina and Xeno would admire Saber greatly, with Arthur aiming to surpass her.

Last but not least, happy belated birthday. I hope you will keep being healthy.
UA1991 chapter 28 . 5/6
Здраствуйте и спасибо большое за обновление истории. Я уже боялся, что у вас что-то произошло.
Что касаеться самой истории, то могу сказать только то что приятно читать что то интересное и не клишированное.
Радует, что Райзер не показан шутом, а являеться тем к5ем он был в каноне. Хотя бедный Иссей, Сейбер его начнет тренировать наверное усерднее чем он в этот момент лделал в каноне. но это для него полезно(будет забавно, если в итоге "разрушитель одежды" он вперваые использует на Сейбер).
Насчет Райзера то добалю еще, что просто святые предметы не подействуют. нужны святые предметы определенной силы и при этом нужна неожиданность, потомуц что со слов Драйга повыреждения нанесенные святыми атрибутами отличаються от обычных повреждений только скоростью регенерации за счет того, что святой элемент повреждает душу на регенераци.ю которой уходит больше времени.

Фактически гарантированным способом победы над Райзером можно назвать лишь способ при котором нужно заставить его сдаться самому. Потому что лимшить его сознания врятли получиться. Хотя причинить достаточнуюб боль для того что бы он сдался вполне возможно.

Так же хорошо, что Риас понимает проблему которая может появиться в случае с Киббой.
И что за друг к которому Риас не хочет обращаться? У меня есть предположения, но все же не буду их озвучивать.
Ещё раз спасибо за обновления и желаю вам вдохновения.
Dasgun chapter 28 . 5/6
. .
ptl chapter 28 . 5/6
Hope Ddraig doesn’t go too hard on poor Isai. The girl just acclimated herself to the presence of devils, angels, servants and her own origins, now she’s trapped alongside a giant dragon of near god-like power.
Dasgun chapter 27 . 4/9
Ronin nexus chapter 27 . 4/9
I apologise for how rude my previous review was. But in my defence I lost it when you mentioned about the polls. And you didn't exactly phrase it very well. Many people would vote for the harem just to troll you. So please don't take such things at face value.

In regards to the chapter, it wasn't bad. The problem right now is the plot progression. Most of the stuff just feels like fillers. I know you are probably striving for character development but please take care of the plot progression as well. With that I'll end my rant.
Stay safe
UA1991 chapter 27 . 4/8
Большое спасибо за обновление истории. Было приятно проснуться и обнаружить новое обновление.
Насчет самой главы, то это забавно наблюдать. Сначала скука Исаисфиль, потом Торнадо, а позже ситуация с Иссеем. Почему у меня ощущение, что Сейбер любит дразнить людей?
Хотя Исаисфиль недалеко от Артурии в этом отношении ушла.
Последний момент с Сейбер у руля был неожиданным, но надеюсь с Исаисфиль ничего страшного не произошло. Хотя перданное Усиление не должно бы быть настолько странным, но от этого ситуация и её разьяснение становяться более интересными.
Насчет пар, то я уже высказщывал свою точку зрения в диалогах. Просто надеюсь, что вы не передумали насчет Аит. А так жже дадите Кейчи шанс, ато парень с удачей Лансера имеет право хоть на что то хорошее.
В общем удачи и влдохновения. Надеюсь у вас все хорошо будет.
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