Reviews for Come the Devil to Pay
indahae chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
please make another brilliant piece. Gosh youre brilliant genius. awesome... please share us your wildest thoughts.. heheheh sorry for bad English. but u got what i meant right?
indahae chapter 2 . 10/25/2019
forever this Will be one of my favorit.
indahae chapter 2 . 10/25/2019
oh my God. what a masterpiece. of only i can summon all of praises in english for you. hence... my English skill is limited but i can understand your story just fine. but writing and speaking is very minimal... you n your story are beyond words. amazing.
Alaxia chapter 2 . 7/20/2019
I found this extremely dark and genius, i loved it. The end kinda confused me for a sec, but that’s fine.
SeriousCoffee chapter 2 . 5/5/2019
You know what sucks? That I will probably never find a story as good as this one. I love this genre and unfortunately there are not enough works out there like this. The scenario is actually super realistic, it could easily be canon...

(If you can, please write more like this for the trio)
Aesshen chapter 2 . 4/6/2019
I logged into my long forgotten account just to post a review for this fic. Somehow it read to me like a nightmare or genjutsu vision the canon version of Sakura might have had when she was a teenager and Sasuke was in his nukenin phase. A lot of the choices you made are so interesting - where's Sai? What happened to Team Hebi/Taka? (I guess Sasuke killed them?) And the sustained dedication to brutalizing Sasuke, who does more or less literally get away with murder in canon, is frankly more than I was expecting going into the story. And you kind of end it with a Hamlet-style pile of corpses. This version of Sakura seems like she would off herself shortly, having lost Sasuke, Ino, and the respect of the village in one go.

Powerful, super affecting work. You actually went there with the fire ants; this is Bret Easton Ellis-level torture porn. Would possibly love to see you bring this energy to less tragic content.
Elegies for Shiva chapter 1 . 3/20/2019
Okay, I’m sorry that took forever, but I’m back and I have a comment this piece deserves ready for you:

There are a million things that I love about this piece, but something that jumps out as I recollect it all is how amazing you have paced this. The piece certainly starts off dark and cryptic, but the way it builds to that brilliant, apocalyptic end really left me speechless. And all within 2 chapters! I don’t know how you did it, but you did, and I’m literally in awe of your talent in this craft! The descriptors and language you use is beautiful too, short, concise, deliberate, and more than anything—moving. Many times when I leave comments, I will pick out phrases as they stick out to me. I can’t do that with your piece without copying and pasting the entire fic down though lol. You are an incredible writer!

As for the contents, I really loved so much about this fic. How you introduce to us this narrative, and Sakura, as feeling to a fault, and practically waiting to be taken off duty, but kept around because she was so exceptional at her work. How she assumed, if she were ever out with a team and Sasuke appeared, they would need to get rid of her before she sabotages the mission. I loved that awareness that she, and everyone around her, had of her emotions.

It’s amazing how you described saving these prisoner’s lives as a sort of condemnation. The thing that tears her apart. Many times when people discuss Sakura’s character in fics or meta, they talk about the dichotomy of healing vs killing. Here, you’ve combined that into one. She is killing BY healing these people, only it’s a different form of death, and a exceptionally worse one. What a powerful concept!

Sakura’s relationship to Naruto, the history between them and how the two of them had aged. He’s not the Naruto we really know in canon, but I think the one he would grow to become, if Sasuke was never saved and if the series itself was remotely realistic lol. I loved the mutual sense of respect they have for each other, his respect for her dislocated feelings, and her respect for his love for her, even though we see her being manipulative at times. I also loved the nostalgia of Team 7 carrying this fic all the way to the end. How Naruto said he knew Sasuke would kill him if he had the chance, but he knew he never hated him. It’s strange how despite the turmoil between them, and violent abuse, this emotion, or lackthereof, really changes things. None of them could ever really hate each other, nor did they desire to.

I absolutely love how you didn’t hold back on making sure we knew just how brilliant Sakura is, despite her emotional turbulences. (Or maybe perhaps in conjunction with? Her awareness and mental processes are honestly vivid, and deeply self-aware things. I love that about how you wrote her character.) I felt like I was really in the head of a mad scientist when Sasuke was on the operating table, and Sakura was tending to him and taking out his eyes. You could really see her being enamored with her work, and although I personally find it creepy, it’s a very honest take based on the people I have met in medical field. I also loved how she was precise and perfect during this whole procedure, while she was drunk as hell. I loved that entire scene!

I am in love with how candid Sakura is when she’s with Sasuke. With every part of him, even his eyes. She comes off as equal parts insane and free in her interactions with him. She talks to him like a dear friend or darling child, while she speaks to literally everyone else as not much more than a coworker. Even Naruto. There’s a very obvious romantic quality to her love for Sasuke, but it’s intriguing to see her rather morbid sexual attraction to him coming to fruition too. I’m so in love with the idea of her masturbating with his eyes watching. Starting right when she unveils them and calls him a pervert, only to give them a show anyway. Then the second time, when she strips and tells them he could have had her, and orders them to watch her get off.

Their sexual interactions in general are really intriguing to me because it doesn’t really feel like it’s about sex at all, though there is an intimacy to it. It actually seems akin to a form of grieving with the two of them in this piece. I’m absolutely hooked on how Sakura wanted him to destroy her, that she was waiting for him to do it and she was upset he wasn’t doing it fast enough. It’s incredibly violent and very sad, but there’s an intimate piece of knowledge there that neither one of them would want to do it with anyone else.

Sakura and Ino’s friendship was brilliantly and beautifully portrayed. Ino is so loving, despite the hard and brutal force of her affections. I think she really has Sakura's best interests in mind, and she behaves very much like a scolding mother. The interesting part about Sakura though is that she does not lack agency. I absolutely loved that you wrote Sakura like that. I think, while stockholm syndrome can be nuanced and appear different in every victim, Sakura doesn’t really appear to be a victim of it. (I love narratives like these, because they absolutely do happen. It’s amazing seeing bold agency on people would otherwise consider a victim. I think even Sasuke's characterization can kind of speak to this, with everything he'd gone through in canon, and his utter fixation on Itachi in both life and death.) For Sakura, it feels as if she has always been irreversibly attached to Sasuke, dying with him, as opposed to dying for him. And while Ino could not quite understand that, she did see what was happening, and she had a strong grasp of Sakura’s loyalty to Sasuke, and by extension to grief. Ino knew Sakura would do anything for him, and when the time came, she did.

I think both Sakura and Ino have an interesting relationship towards men as well. How they spent the day flirting then curving men, which I think many women recognize to be a form of validation and scraps of power—a meager retribution for being so powerless at large, in a patriarchal world. Their relationship is interesting because it almost revolves entirely around their shared gender, and men. It makes me wonder how they would interact in another world. Perhaps there their relationship would be more genuine and flourish, or perhaps they would not have any loyalty towards one another at all.

I really loved the attention to detail you gave basically everyone, including characters that are so often shafted. The horror and slow death of the Aburame’s bugs, Shino’s characterization and reaction when Sakura had called him to help her save Sasuke. I also fucking LOVED Sakura’s interaction with Hinata, how unsettling looking at her eyes had been, and how she was both lethal and cordial at once.

Lastly, I have to say, the last lines of Sakura’s dialogue, “Don’t leave! Take me with you!” fucking destroyed me. It’s heartbreaking all on its own, but it also kind of echoes their parting when they were kids. Dark as it is, I think it’s beautiful how Sasuke’s loyalty to her feels as estranged yet passionate as hers is to him. How he did all this simultaneously to and for her, and how he never seemed to have an interest in taking her life, but took others on a whim. It’s a gorgeous narrative that really plays into sado-masochism ideas, and I loved this exploration of insanity, justice, and anger.

Okay this is obscenely long so let me wrap this up by saying I really love this piece and I hope you don’t mind me spreading the word. I shared it with a friend recently, and I also plan on giving you a shoutout on tumblr. It really is a fantastic fic and I think you deserve pages and pages of praise for writing and sharing such a moving story. Thank you for that, btw. There really are so many fics in the Naruto fandom lacking in content like this, which actually gives life to the narrative of warfare and inhumane systems that the series was originally about. This piece was so wonderfully refreshing because of that. Thank you for sharing it!
kuuromuu-chii chapter 2 . 3/18/2019
holy shit that was brutal as fuck and very well written
persephonifer chapter 2 . 3/17/2019
honestly... wow... so disturbing yet captivating im still shook over how dark this fic is i honestly got scared over it a bit :o your writting is just so amazingg and everything was so well written i couldnt stop reading it even tho it disturbed me so much! lowkey hoped for a happy ending but im happy with this angsty cliffhangerish ending! 10/10
Guest chapter 2 . 10/28/2018
Wow. This is the saddest story ever. Not just the saddest the most horror-like. I did cry! Do you hate Sasuke? It really crossed my mind. Poor him. Thought he was evil al along in your fic (unlike the canon). Poor Naruto and Sakura. Anyway! Thank you for writing this. It was a really good, sad read.
Ilegitim chapter 2 . 9/19/2018
Normally I don't review or comment too much 'cause english isn't my first language and while I do understand it perfectly and I can speak... I'm not that sure about my writing... but I have to risk to make a fool of myself in order to tell you that I love you for writing this story though you also killed me with it.

This! This was an amazing story! A horrible-amazing story!

I never cried for a fiction like this before. I was in the living room with my sleeping sister and I had to go somewhere else to not wake her up with my sobs. I will never watch Shino and his clan the same way ever again! When Sakura discovered Sasuke with those bugs eating him... after that scene I cried until the end.

I think Naruto's and Sakura's emotions were very much canon, thought you gave them so much more depth. It's like what would've been if the manga was novels and the main focus wasn't the fights.

I love how much you focused on their inner demons. I would have loved too see the perspective of Sasuke and Naruto too thought XD

Sakura's irrational love for Sasuke, which in reality it would be disturbing and kind of sick, 'cause their problems wouldn't end like it did in the manga - Sasuke fights Naruto and after that he just see that he was wrong all along. She always seemed to be so tortured about her feelings for Sasuke.
I really felt how much 'not normal' she was when she said she gets off with thoughts of him killing her. God! This is so sad!
I like how you started talking about her inability to not cry in almost every important moment cause I just realised how truth this is.

Naruto, always tortured of his inability to bring Sasuke back and his promise and love for Sakura - I remembered the scene when Sai asked Naruto why he didn't told Sakura that he loved her and he asked 'how could he when he wasn't even able to keep a simple promise?'. I teared for Naruto there (and I don't even ship NaruSaku, not really). Your Naruto made me remember that felling from there. I felt bad for how Sakura played him in your story... unconsciously, I think.

Sasuke - you kept him evil all along the fic(or not?) but I really wonder what he really felt. Did he at least felt thankful for Sakura's and Naruto's love? In the manga, deep inside I think he did, bacuse of his occasional though of them or the scenes where he shows that he does. But in your story you didn't give any moment of this kind. Why didn't he killed Sakura too? And only 'bye'?
Really good dark ending!

I never read a fic where Sasuke suffers so much before. You cut him again and again. I started to believe that you hate him and you just get your rivange in this writing.
The scene with him bound in the middle of the crowds... if you saw The Passion Of The Christ... you know that your scene gave me the same vibes when Jesus was caring his cross. I say that only because of how well you wrote it, not that Sasuke is any Jesus. Lol.
But in the end he killed almost everyone and I can't... I was kind of happy... only because of the scene with the bugs (I'll have nightmares with that!) I questioned my morality. Why was I happy? Sasuke was the bad guy. But you explained right after. That at least he didn't torture and I think that was truth... He at least did it quickly (god, this sounds awful).

Anyway. I love your story! It made me realise again that in reality team 7 would be not so normal. They have big issues.
But I have to have a happy ending so I'll accept Boruto as canon, but from time to time I like to read very good stories like yours. Thank you for it!
ollia chapter 1 . 9/16/2018
When I read the end scene of this chapter, I was convinced that what happened was some Sasuke's instincts randomly switching on. Firstly - the one to fight a perceived aggressor when he strangled Sakura. And then a sudden switch on of sexual drive when he realized that it's a girl in his grasp. In other words - I thought Sasuke wasn't really, or completely "there". This assumption was also supported through the way you described it: "something was pawning at her".

The reason why I am here, reviewing after reading chapter 2 is that my assumption seems to be wrong. Naruto said that during the trial Sasuke was "there". He seems to be "there" already when Sakura comes to visit him after the rape.

So... if he was "there" for the rape, why did it even happen? If it was an escape attempt then why lose time on raping the guardian? It makes no sense whatsoever. Then, why did he knocked her out only after she came? She wasn't fighting back at that moment. If it was to prevent her from stopping the (already questionable) escape attempt, then why not knock her out earlier? It also makes no sense. Then what was it really?
Was it, I don't even find words for it, some form of a present for Sakura? A form of compensation for her care? A acknowledgment of her feelings? Was this supposed to be something positive that he was trying to "give"? I am so confused, I would love to understand it...

Truly, Sasuke is an enigma in this whole story. The way you wrote this mystery around him is awesome.

Also - Sakura's conversations with the eyeballs were fantastic. I had this moment of clarity - ok, it's not that she's overreacting, she really is crazy. But still, I cannot chase off a thought that maybe there was a connection between Sasuke and his eyes... And how they perished, so unspectacularly under the feet of the crowd... It broke another piece of my hopes. But for sure it's better that Konoha didn't get them, at least.

And probably last point - description of surgery was awesome, too.

Thank you for this story. It will stay with me. There are many things that I wish I could still understand better, but it's even more the reason for this story to stay.
ollia chapter 2 . 9/16/2018
Alright. I have never encountered a piece of writing that struck me harder than this. I read it two days ago, and it was the time I needed to gather myself to write this review.
It was the most disturbing, terrifying and heart-breaking thing I've ever read. And I don't only mean the (insect-) gore, though it was undoubtedly also a factor. The flesh-eating ants and "how many-body-parts-can-you-remove-from-a-Sasuke" game aside, I think it was the fact that everything is just so wrong in this AU. No one is a decent person here (maybe except for Shino and Shikamaru). Naruto is untrue to his own wife, Ino doesn't act as a friend when she overrides Sakura's autonomy... Whole system is so sick, and it drives the point about the maliciousness of ninja world home better than any other darkfic I've read.
Not even Sakura is fine... She is so dead inside in the first chapter (btw I hate how low status she has, or thinks she has. Why wouldn't Konoha value her higher?), and somehow the pleasure she finds in pampering Sasuke like a doll was mildly sickening. And then, in chapter 2 she fights for his survival even when more merciful would be to kill him. But I totally sympathize, I would act the same, as not ok as it is.

But I think the most horrible was that until the ants scene I was truly hoping that there will be a jail break. I was even wondering what would Sakura do with missing arms, because I was so sure that they will manage to at least to get Sasuke's eyes back in place and fight together. And maybe go down fighting, or maybe even manage into some, temporary freedom. With each body part of Sasuke less this hope was getting weaker. I just couldn't believe why wouldn't she attempt some rescue?! She had the eyes, she could have somehow smuggle then in... Why not? :((( There was nothing in Konoha that was loyalty inspiring!

Sakura's screams when the execution was proceeding won't probably ever leave my memory... I guess it was the worst: this her screaming in helplessness.

In the very end - Sasuke got his moment to repay. This final fight was awesome, but the state he was in was so, so disturbing. I am trying so hard to talk myself into that it wasn't even maybe that bad for him. He wasn't tortured all the time (he could have been) and he got to fight in the end. And most importantly, to the very, very last heart beat he was confronted with unconditional love. Even if he didn't want it / care much for it - he was forced to be aware that he was loved. Not that bad.

So maybe Sasuke got his closure, but what about Sakura? She was left alone on a field of corpses and no Sasuke to keep her going. Suicide seems only viable option to me... Let me reiterate - she needs a closure. Heck, I need a closure.
kyoandyuya chapter 2 . 8/14/2018
This is so disturbing and I love it! 3
Elegies for Shiva chapter 2 . 8/14/2018
I'm going to go ahead and admit that I didn't read the entire thing. This piece is very triggering, but also very important. It's probably tailored to an audience with tastes like mine but with a little more gut. It's brilliantly written to. Like I know there's a lot of works out there that are mostly ride on shock factor than actual narrative or good writing, and while the nature of this fic is deeply jarring, I don't think this piece does that. There's more to it than that, it's giving us a deep introspection on a narrative that we ought to be confronting more, I can see that especially with the dialogues between Sakura and Ino. I do plan on coming back to it and giving you a proper review, right now i just kind of need to swallow it in increments.

But so far, I'm going to say that I love it. I LOVE the ending, and one of my favorite scenes is Sakura masturbating with the eyes.
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