Reviews for Life in other Universes
grimmich chapter 1 . 1/6
ooo im interested in this story, from what I can tell it will be set up similar to TeenGamer21's See Other Universes! in a Screen!

So does that mean that you are taking suggestions for universes? if so I have one that I suggested to teengamer that as far as I am aware is still unfulfilled... maybe you'll take a crack at it?
The class sees the fight scene with muscular where he saved kota in the forest maybe to make it different to fit the alt universe theme he could actually save bakugo from the void instead of the villains getting away with him... maybe they take izuku instead?

I've actually be trying to some up with a story that could go with this one myself with little success but I did manage to figure out how the get away scene COULD go... maybe. if anyone wants to use what I have thats fine, just let me know so that I can go read how you implement it!

(Izuku lost the splints when he was hit by the blue fire after their crash landing) Izuku went to throw himself across the clearing to get to Katsuki before it was too late, but just before he powered OFA up Tiger grabbed his arm to stop him.

"No its too dangerous!" Tiger yelled.

Izuku glared back at Tiger then looked forwards again with a determined look as he braced himself. Tiger, seeing that Izuku wasn't about to back down braced himself as well, gripping Izuku's right arm tighter by the forearm crushing the destroyed arm more than it already was (not that Tiger knew that Izuku's arm was so damaged). Izuku powered up One for All, with the exception of his right arm below the bicep (the forearm was almost pulp at this point), then with a scream of rage and pain Izuku launched himself with One for All. With a wet squelch and a tearing sound, Izuku succeeded in freeing himself at the expense of ripping his arm from his own body.

Everyone froze solid in shock, giving Izuku the time he needed to cross the clearing unimpeded, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. Izuku grabbed Katsuki with his remaining arm and pivoted sling shot-ing Katsuki straight to Shoji, the momentum throwing Izuku back into Dabi sending them both flying through the portal which closed immediately after them.

The shock lasted another second before Katuki screamed, "DEKU!"

Katsuki ran over to where the portal was and started digging with his hands as if it would bring back the portal that stole Izuku. At the same time Tiger realized he was holding Izuku's dismembered arm and threw it after letting out a startled yelp. The arm landed right in front of Katsuki who froze momentarily again before he gently scooped up the practically destroyed arm and cradled it to his chest as he started to cry as silently as he could, the palm of the hand cradling his face in a gruesome parody of tenderness.

After a few minutes they heard more people run into the clearing and it snapped everyone completely out of their shocked stupors. Katsuki got up, still holding the arm to his chest. Walking over to Todoroki he held the arm out pleadingly, "please freeze this, if we get him back fast enough, then maybe they'll be able to re-attach i-it." his voice broke and a sob forced its way through before Katsuki could suppress it.

Todoroki nodded and surrounded the limb in ice then Katsuki went back to holding it to his chest, determined to keep the arm safe until they had Izuku back, ignoring the cold burning his skin.


on the other side of the portal

Dabi and Izuku crash landed into the side of Kurogiri's bar disorientating them both. The other villains started to curse when they realized that both of their targets were now out of the grasp for the moment. Their plan once again foiled by the interference of the same kid. When Dabi shook off the landing he growled in annoyance and pushed Izuku off of him and onto the floor.

Kurogiri made a sound of annoyance too as he grumbled to himself, "Now there is blood in my warp gate AND all over my bar."

All for One's voice came over the tv just as Izuku's eyes started to slip closed as his adrenaline high started to involuntarily fade, "Don't let him bleed out, we may have use for him yet."

Dabi tsked before reaching and grabbing Izuku's new stump in a punishing grip. Izuku screamed as the pain re-awakened him, before the scream could be brought under control it grew to a blood curdling pitch as Dabi brought his blue flames into his hand cauterizing the stump to stop the loss of blood. The pain quickly became too much and Izuku blacked out.
TheInfiniteweeaboo chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
this fic is great can't wait for the next chap,

You don't need to be a great writer, all you got to do is try
hacker calculation chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
I like it, the way you have them react and what they are reacting to is better than a few I seen. So you have my encouragement to continue if you like to.
s0ul chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
I'm still waiting for the next chapter unless real life is getting in your way.
Whitetiger789 chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
Update please.
autumncat210 chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
It was good
Anime100 chapter 1 . 1/20/2019
This is truly interesting to read; please update very soon

I wonder which one will be shown next? Will there be chapters or fanfics of all of U.A students and teachers watching Izuku being in a different world like in Fairy Tail Guild, Naruto's world, Luffy's crew, Izuku being stuck in Sword Art Online etc?I sure hope so

I want to read everyone's reactions about Izuku will do in several different worlds
Devildogg20 chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
I like theses kinds of stories, maybe look into a app/site like grammerly so you don’t need to rely on others to act as proofreaders.
Big Diesel chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2018
izuku hulk o joker continue
crazyg12 chapter 1 . 10/16/2018
nice chapter. not bad. you have talent. but you kinda have breaking fourthwall in this chapter. but overall. it really good. Can you do saitama vs boros. Izuku as Saitama and all for one as Boros. Izuku as the first quirkless and strongest hero in the world.
EHapathywha-ev chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
an Izuku, with Saitamas attitude and strength, from ONE-PUNCH series, being a hero for fun, after training for three years; doing (100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 jumping-jacks, and a 10 kilometer run) every day, for those three years. Maybe he is bald, maybe he can keep his iconic green mop of unruly hair; writers choice. But the training takes place after a run-in with a crablike villain attacking a child and Izuku just manages to stop it; like in a flash-back of Saitamas from ONE-PUNCH. Perhaps have Kota replace the boy from ONE-PUNCH flashback, as this version of Izuku would have obliterated MUSCLE from the training camp arc without trying.
Another plot to use. Perhaps, Izuku gets a KAMPFER Bracelet, but no other KAMPFERs appear. Using the bracelet, allows 'him' to use ZAUBER; or flame magic, but the downside is like in the KAMPFER series, and 'he' has to be a 'she' in order to use it. Making 'him' have a double-life, or perceived to have a double QUIRK.
darkraizerGx1 chapter 1 . 8/19/2018
As a fellow writer that also has their own Watch Au fic of My Hero acdemia, i must ay that this is a good start. personaly i would like a little more detail of the universe but that's just me. Here an idea for an AU, Izuku as Kamen Rider Evol from Kamen Rider Build, the Evolving Hero.
Midnight49 chapter 1 . 8/10/2018
I’m liking this I want to see what’s next after this? Will it be choose a student watch 1 universe then switch and continue the trend? Or, or will it still be Izuku and it will show 2 more different universes, then switch student and watch 3 universe and continue that way? Well I can’t wait to find out how you will choose to move things!
SOLAR Ace chapter 1 . 8/9/2018
I wanna see their reactions to a dark or/and insane izuku!
I enjoy this kinda thing!
Your awesome
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