Reviews for Once Upon A Housekeeper
PaulaAlbarracin chapter 1 . 4/27
Me encanto!
Kim972 chapter 1 . 2/25
Another good one. Thanks again everything was perfect
Linda Dockery chapter 1 . 2/11
Oh my goodness another rivington story loved it was so HaPpY that Christian fell for Ana but hated his Sub for what she said and did to. Ana just because as she said he didn't need to subs just her. The way I see it the bitch had kept her mouth shut and not treated Ana the way she did she might have still been Greys sub for the future he was happy it seem but she was jealous and wanted him to herself. Oh well it didn't happy for her as I said stupid bitch
Now the pedophile she just lost it talking to Christian like she was doing Damn Ana bless her heart she took matters into her own hands and put the pedo in her place now for a small shy timid little lady Ana showed pedophile bitch that she couldn't take to her man like that and damn she let her temper blow lol. Would have loved to see what the bitch looked like when Ana slapped her, grabbed her hair and oh me (LMAO) when her hair came out in her hand mercy and literally dragged her to elevator and threw her in wow I think Ana was in Doninatrix mode what do ng you think? The pedophile was scared loved it
Grace pissed me off listening to Pedophile trusting her over on son's judgment but she realized what was happening and understood That her son loved this little woman
Grade knew she hurt not only Ana but Christian.
Christian couldn't believe his mom his saving angel could speak like that not evening know who Ana was and just by what the bitch told her but was gotta realize pedo didn't just groom Christian she groomed Grace for 20 yrs. The whole time Ana holding on to Christian for life and telling him he has to save his mom by telling her and the family what the bitch did to him
Things got better as the family got to meet little Ana and as they were talking to Christian Ana felt something and had to get to Christian she just knew he needed her
Wow the ups and downs rollercoaster ride that the pedo brought on she was so delusional and desperate to keep Christian that she did everything to try to keep them apart but one thing the bitch never realized was that love is so powerful and consuming that you can't break them apart
She tried but in the end love prevailed
Grace said her piece to Elena and didn't shed a tear over her
Elena never would have survived in prison that's why she killed herself she couldn't face life knowing she was behind bars and the man she thinks she made and deserved was with another woman but I don't think she would have lived long in prison somewhere someway she would have been killed being a pedophile
She told Grace she loved Christian yeah right and she always told Christian love was for fools so Mrs. Pedophile Lincoln you are the biggest fool for not believing in love . Enough about her
Wow I was worried about Christian telling Ana about the vasectomy but not the house
He wanted no prayed that Ana would love the house. They both are so insecure and incredibly in love they are afraid going to loose each other especially Ana saying as long as he wants her well damn I knew it was coming but not that quick yes they are going to get married love em so much
Oh I forgot to do my little talk about Kate she was just a girlfriend to Elliot didn't know Ana but as Ana screamed for them to get Christian out first not only my heart broke but so did Kate's as she stood there trying to keep Mia and Grace calm not to mention her sitting with Ana and telling her Christian was alive so moving
Well the end is here I know this is ling but I had so many emotions and thoughts running through my head I felt like they needed to be voiced sorry so long but you are amazing I have just read 3 of your stories back to back
Was have that Ana was alright not having kids especially with her heart didn't want to loose her so they had children her eggs Christian's sperm by surrogate oh wow love it oh yeah adopted daughter too. Now I wonder how sweet, darling Ana talked Christian into having a family but I forgot he said he would do anything for his girl
Ok enough got go read more love ya lady take care
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20
FANtastic! Thanks for sharing...Now,, how bout a sequel? Denie'
Sami chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
I loved this story. It contains all the elements of a great love story with a happy ending. Kudos to you and your creative mind!
NikkiG26 chapter 1 . 9/11/2019
Very enjoyable story. Sequel?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/30/2019
Very romantic and beautiful story you are a good writer thank you
Ensenada chapter 1 . 8/24/2019
I loved it! So sweet! I specially loved the quote “babies aren’t programmed to hate and hurt others, but it’s a learned behavior “ how apt for the times we are living now. If we could just accept our differences, this world would be a better place for all. Thank you for writing this beautiful little story, Ana’s innocent wisdom is anywhere a person with a so called “disability “ is. Keep writing and good luck to you!
unicornlover99 chapter 1 . 7/19/2019
This was such an amazing story.
Twinder chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
Awesome story!
camillehenley3 chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
Absolutely beautiful! Thank You!
Ipscott chapter 1 . 4/24/2019
Great story. Thank you!
ajendas chapter 1 . 3/24/2019
very well written and use of sophisticated vocabulary
TLynnson chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
Lots of twists and unexpected turns but very engaging
CTHEWOODS chapter 1 . 2/15/2019
Another perfect story perfectly written! On to another! ;)
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