Reviews for Author Of My Heart
DarkParadise13 chapter 47 . 9/7
Any update soon?.
puasluoma chapter 47 . 6/2
I never imagined this story would get so dark!
ElizColl chapter 47 . 6/1
Wow. This story has turned into something totally different than what I would have expected from the first quarter of the chapters. I really like the plot you’ve developed, what a mystery!
Morwen88 chapter 46 . 5/25
Man im dieing for more! This was very good.
Thespianpoet chapter 46 . 5/20
Oh wow. It's getting me all choked up, this update. My goodness. This is so much deeper and darker and more delightful than I dreamed it would be. I love it. Lovechild that's not CC-canon? Even better. I'm sitting here shell shocked somewhat. Ooooh you've got me hooked and in suspense, I'm thrilled to see the difference in dynamics. Even if Harry is thick as James sometimes. Ginny as the voice of reason? Wow. I'm impressed with her too.
triggbc chapter 46 . 5/7
Good chapter. Harry has every right to be angry. Draco is still believing this Gil. Ginny needs to tell Harry what Draco told her. Harry should know all of this so that he can take action.
puasluoma chapter 46 . 5/7
I’m glad we didn’t have to wait a long time for the update but now I hope it will come sooner!
Guest chapter 46 . 5/7
Harry definitely doesn't have the temperament to be an auror. Too hot headed and reactionary without bothering to get information.
melody1019 chapter 45 . 5/6
Please don’t leave us hanging for another six months before we find out about Hermione.
HarryPGinnyW4eva chapter 45 . 5/4
Hello and welcome back! I am really glad you came back and updated this story, ad after that ending I pray you don't plan to make us wait another 6 months! Gil's revelation and Hermione's death-inducing trauma... EGADS! Things were finally looking up for a minute. Sigh... Thank you and please update again soon! HG4eva
Thespianpoet chapter 45 . 3/30
Megan, congratulations are in order! I'm so exited about this update. Although we are in uncertain times, it seems you all are making the most of it. As am I ! I celebrated a birthday yesterday and took a lovely nap today. Walked my old dog and he's still sleeping it off lol. Little things, but good things. It's hard to find the human resolve. Thank you for letting us know the story lives. I'll be chuffed to know when I see the next one you're settled into your new chapter in life as we will be in fiction. Be safe! Be happy. :)
Guest chapter 45 . 3/30
Re: Author's note
Don't bother
Calimocho chapter 44 . 11/27/2019
Thanks for the great chapter!
ElizColl chapter 44 . 11/26/2019
I didn’t get a notification that your latest chapter was posted. Glad I found it anyway. Your dialogue is so well written! I felt like I was watching a crime show on tv with this chapter, their dialogue was great.
pgoodrichboggs chapter 44 . 11/26/2019
Awesome story. I read this all in one sitting and am so invested. Wonder what Pansy is up to.
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