Reviews for Avengers: To Infinity and Beyond
emilyramsey144445555 chapter 3 . 9/25
update please
Sarah chapter 3 . 8/12
hey, just a question, but are you going to keep upgrading this? Like adding more chapters? Please let me know if you are or if you aren't. P.S I like your fic so far, but a little more reaction please :)
PainInSilence chapter 3 . 5/29
so good omg plz continue if you even remember you have this account!
Guest chapter 3 . 5/12
Poor Tony...
Guest555 chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Fucking finish this story
TheWhiteTitan chapter 3 . 5/27/2019
Meh, disappointed that you skip Spider Man stopping the hammer and fighting Cull alongside Iron Man.
Arashi Uzukaze chapter 3 . 5/11/2019
You need way more and longer reaction bits.
Nightwingbangara chapter 3 . 4/2/2019
godess bubbles chapter 3 . 3/25/2019
I really like how you are taking the time to actually write the movie. A lot of authors will just skip the whole movie part and just move on as if they already watched it, which I get because the Avengers is a pretty big thing. Especially if you want to add the solo movies. I really hope you decide to continue this story.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/4/2019
You should try having the characters react more. Other than that I like it.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12/2019
"...who's mission is to abuse what poultry..."

Yes I am sure that those are a part of that chicken and bird coalition that's out to censor fanfiction.

learn to spell before you try and bully people on the internet you moron.
rantingbanshee chapter 1 . 2/11/2019
Ignore ZadArchie, MrGoodyTwoShoes and catspats31, they are known griefers who try to get anyone posting stories in trouble for the flimsiest of reasons that don't stand scrutiny.

ZadArchie is part of the notorious 'Critics United' who's mission is to abuse what poultry and little power they have to destroy other people's literature works simply because they enjoy the power trip.

Needless to say, the police are investigating them for cyber-bullying so it's best to just ignore them.
MrGoodyTwoShoes chapter 3 . 2/10/2019
MST writing like this isn't allowed under the rules, same rules you agreed to follow BEFORE being able to post this, and if you don't try and fix it you could run afoul people who would just report you indiscriminately and try to get this removed without trying to help you/work with you to fix it.

You don't want that and neither do I so as a suggestion why not cut back on the amount of copied and pasted content you're using? As in instead of having the chapter filled with things from the other works why not just start the chapter with a paragraph and just leave the rest of the chapter being the actual reaction part to what is seen?

You should also be aware that since you're copying and pasting, word for word from Avengers Infinity War, you're running into the rule about copyrighted content and posting stuff that isn't yours. In fact, with the amount of copying and pasting you are doing some may float the charge of "plagiarism" at you even if you think/were led to believe that a disclaimers absolves you of such, which they do not.

Something to think about for the next chapter and as I suggested: dropping the amount of writing that isn't your own words would get you around this issue.

One final thing - those who are encouraging you to ignore reviews like mine have either not read the rules or just don't care because it's not their writing or their account (as some have been banned in a few cases) on the line here. If you were to stop or have this removed they would just move onto the next story and not think twice about this.
YkIh chapter 3 . 2/9/2019
zshi123 chapter 3 . 1/23/2019
Please update!
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