Reviews for Raising Winchesters
p0ttergirly chapter 35 . 9/3
Oh no! Another cliff hanger haha. I know you do love those. I’m enjoying this story a bunch- your writing is always fantastic and I continue to love it. Thanks for the update, stay safe !
Shazza19 chapter 35 . 9/1
Dean is now on the slow road to recovery now the witch is outside the door looking forward to seeing what you have for us in the coming chapters. Staying safe in Sydney Australia.
Regarding the ending of Supernatural I am not sure how I will go with saying goodbye. I have been there since day 1 it was the first show I had my son dwnld it has meant so much to me. Please take care in this year of 2020 it's our 40th wedding anniversay what a way to celebrate it.
beckini chapter 35 . 9/1
Oh it's going to be a hit right to the heart when Supernatural has no more new shows for us. Thanks to writers like you, we will have fanfiction and DVDs to keep us warm!
DearHart chapter 35 . 9/1
Kathy chapter 35 . 9/1
it was actually really good to get Titus's thoughts and feelings revealed, we learned more and could understand his situation, good that he's decided to help, poor Sam, wants Dean so badly and Dean so weak, yikes, they've been looking for Nora and now she's there, oh no, what about her powers, such suspense, good chapter, but we want more soon, please, thanks
EmilyAnnMcGarrett-Winchester chapter 35 . 9/1
You're so mean! *stomps foot* Lol! Sorry, couldn't help myself. :)

Love this story and please let them kill that woman, painfully and soon!
scootersmom chapter 35 . 9/1
OOOH! A cliffhanger for surer!I'm also sad about the show. I can't believe it is ending. I've watched it for so long!
spnfanfromeurope chapter 35 . 9/1
oh, well done
beckini chapter 34 . 8/11
EXCELLENT STORY! So compelling! Your story-telling is amazing!
Ullswater chapter 34 . 8/5
Glad to see Dean is awake. Titus seems to be a reasonable person now who was conned. They better find Nora soon though as I am not sure I can last with my Dean being sick...
p0ttergirly chapter 34 . 8/4
Yay, great chapter! Thank u for the update, looking forward to the next.
Elliesamdeangirl chapter 34 . 8/4
Glad they've managed to stave off another seizure, and Dean regained consciousness to know he was safe with his dad and Bobby.I wonder who the good witch they're trying to find to help is?Glenda?! Nora was good herself once too, but actions of violence have far reaching consequences, and change people.
EmilyAnnMcGarrett-Winchester chapter 34 . 8/4
Oh man, I really hope they find that witch and soon. Happy Dean is doing a bit better and that Titus is not a willing participant to Nora's games. Anxious for the next chapter.

Stay safe! :)
Kathy chapter 34 . 8/4
yes Dean's awake, so no complaints here! Good that they figured out about the amulet, thanks for continuing this interesting story, looking forward to the next part,
Shazza19 chapter 34 . 8/4
Thanks for another chapter as always will be looking forward to more please take care.
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