Reviews for Something Like Love?
Some random derp chapter 1 . 5/25
This fanfic is so adorable! I liked how Raven shoved Beastboys head into the the ice cream lol. And at the ending i imagined Rae and BB walkin down da hallway to their rooms, with beastboy giving raven a smirk and rae blushing looking away. SO FRICKIN ADORBS.
Also ive seen one vid about beastboys origin in the old comics, aparently beastboys father was a scientist and made a potion that would reverse the evalutionary stuff to an animal. Well somehow young beastboy got a hold of it and it splaterd all iver him, causing him to turn into a green monkey. He was green becuase the potion was green for some reason. After a week beastboy turned to normal. Then a few years later him, and his parents went to some jungle or whatever to study animals. And they traveld down a river in a boat that led to a waterfall, causing beastboys parents to fall to their deaths with beastboy watching and screamin. Lmao idk why i laughed there. Uh yea the fanfic was fun to read, thanks for da smiles PEACE!
derektomlinson chapter 1 . 2/22
lol raven smirking at her boyfriend beastboy you bet your ass i will be dreaming of you tonight
JUST A FAN chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
derek chapter 1 . 7/23/2019
lol garfield saying to raven and what exactly am I doing in your dreams
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
alijm06 chapter 1 . 8/29/2018
Wow amazing
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 1 . 8/24/2018
This was very sweet. The title was well done. I love the references to "Nevermore" and "The End" both truly amazing put ins. The only thing missing was "The Beast Within."
Vin chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
Funny story, very nice.
Sanzojoe chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
Edit to add to my comment: For not knowing his origin you got it pretty good with it being an experiment of some kind!
Sanzojoe chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
A inters story, the only thing I would say is at time you had one character say something but how it read it looks like it was a another character saying it.

As for beast boy his parents and him lived in Africa, his parents were scientists working on a cure called Sakutia virus. It makes animals green and there is no cure. Bb was bit by a a green monkey with the virus, it would have killed him if his parents didn’t give him an experimental cure. It worked with the virus to instead turn him green and give him the powered he has.
DimitraMitsos chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
Okay I love the fluffyness of your story. It is sooooo cute, I just love it.
Now for Gar's past in TT universe beggins in Africa (yes he can speak Swahili), when he was liitle he was bitten by a green monkey which gave him an illness called Sakutia, it is deadly for the humans and only animals can survive it. His parents, who were scientists came to Africa to find a cure for this particular disease, gave him whatever they had find till this moment. The serum cured him but Sakutia had a very characteristic, green skin, which didn't go away.
After some time he and his mother went on a walk when a black mamba was found in their way. Marie ( his mom) was frozen in fear but like every mother she would do anything to protect her child. When the snake was about to attack Garfield morphed to a mangoose and ate before it could harm them.
Some time pass again and his decided to go all together a trip with their boat. Sadly they had been lied about the river so to save their child they told him to become a bird a fly away and that they would come in a bit. Unfortionally gar saw them die.
That is the most importan of but if you want to learn all of it you search about him in Youtube or wiki. I hope I helpt you enough.