Reviews for Project Freezerburn
Guest chapter 37 . 3h
Thank you for the Freezeburn, can't wait for more! Stay safe!
sacke110 chapter 24 . 5/3
I take it this was the calm before the storm?
I’m so unsure about Cinder, it’s weird reading about her not acting evil.
sacke110 chapter 23 . 5/3
sacke110 chapter 22 . 5/3
Nora really made Weiss angry with this one. I mean, I understand why she’s so mad, but she insulted almost all of her friends, oof.
sacke110 chapter 17 . 2/27
So Blake told Ruby her secret. That’s nice. Progress. I guess both pairs have a secret now.
sacke110 chapter 12 . 2/21
sacke110 chapter 11 . 2/21
Interesting backstory for Weiss to have dated a faunus, who ran away when she was exposed. Would have been nice if Blake had heard that story.
sacke110 chapter 10 . 2/21
Fluff is love, fluff is life.
sacke110 chapter 9 . 2/21
This chapter was great. Opening up, having fun, apolagizing to eachother... Now I’m just scared of what Weiss’ dear old dad will do.
sacke110 chapter 8 . 2/21
This was nice.
sacke110 chapter 5 . 2/21
I guess I should have expected weiss to say that to Yang.
I kind of feel bad about enjoying it to some extent, but like she says. It’s true, Yang seriously hurt a teamate, she can’t control herself. But hey, at least she regrets it, now I feel bad for Yang too, after reading about her crying like that.
sacke110 chapter 4 . 2/21
Classic Yang, brute, force. But in this case very much. She was fucking trying to murder Weiss. No joke, she hit her with everything she got, completely ignoring that she didn’t have aura. Now Weiss is layingn almost dying on the floor. I’m triggered. I really really dislike this Yang.
Weeiiiissss! I feel so bad... I wonder if i should continue, I want to see what happens, but I just get irritated when i read about this Yang.
sacke110 chapter 3 . 2/21
Agh, I’m getting so irritated reading this feud. Yang you dumb brute, read the situation. She has no reason to be angry, she’s the one who messed with Weiss.
The perspective truly has a big impact on ones feelings while reading. I’m totally siding with Weiss. Hahah. I find it so interesitng how different versions of one character can make me feel so different about them. For example, I hate this Yang for now, but I’m looking forward to when their relationship begins to change. Love this story so far.
KillamriX88 chapter 37 . 2/7
Quite frankly if they hadn't both been ready to propose I would have been disappointed.

A wonderful little story. It had a heartwarming vibe throughout but with enough of that drama and even a tiny bit of action to keep it lively.

I also love how you defied expectations in a way that didn't leave me feeling cheated. For example, when Winter chose Weiss over their father. I knew Winter loved Weiss, but it totally looked like you'd set it up for some sort of tragic betrayal. However, you did something different, but that still raised the stakes.

It wasn't the only example, but I think it's the best one.

Looking forward to reading the sequel.
KillamriX88 chapter 35 . 2/7
Oof. Just oof.

I think I have some mental and emotional whiplash from this one. You sure know how to make a cliffhanger.

I also love that the plan failed so spectacularly.
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