Reviews for Maybe It's the Heat
Cynthia Arrow chapter 1 . 4/15/2003
once again, great job. like some of the literature i read in college, i don't always understand your stories, but they leave a definite impression. you do concrete details well, and you know the characters' voices. i wish i could write angsty stuff. i look forward to more.
Michelle K chapter 1 . 4/14/2003
I've been reading your stories on the lists, but I'm always lazy about the feedback, so I'm going to review a few of my favorites while I'm here at . Anyway. I loved this - I have a (admittedly strange) CJ/Josh liking, but it's been so long since any really good fic has been written about them. So, this makes me especially happy. Love it.
Em chapter 1 . 4/14/2003
Fantastic work.

Keep it up! Amazingly good ending...
JeeSun chapter 1 . 4/14/2003
Oro, I didn't fully understand it either, I'm glad you posted it though. You write so dark and beautiful. Love the last sentence; "She steps back into the light because the darkness holds too much bullshit in it." It felt very true... Looking forward to read more of your amazing fics!