Reviews for Chika-go
Gank Hunter chapter 1 . 4/15
This whole fic is very solid. Enjoyed.
Ariadne Venegas chapter 13 . 5/25/2019
I hope this Sai has more time with Hikaru, at least Hikaru knows he will disappear and Sai played an air spirit and a guardian fae! He must be really happy
WhyIsEverythingAlwaysTaken chapter 13 . 2/14/2019
Okay. First of all: Great wrap-up for this story - feels complete, no loose ends. Except for Dresden. But he'll never really collect all of his loose ends anymore, so that's just in-universe rules.
Second of all, what is that quote from? I need to know! XD
Thank you so much for writing this, it was a really enjoyable ride from start to finish.
Feldoran chapter 13 . 2/11/2019
A pretty fun story all told. While I’ve never personally read anything about the go story before it was fun seeing it’s supernatural elements weaves into Dresden’s universe. Thanks for the fantastic story!
radtej chapter 13 . 2/11/2019
What's this now? A well done, entertaining, and finished fanfic? What madness is this? Whelp, I just have to say that I enjoyed this. Thanks for writing it.
Luck Kazajian chapter 13 . 2/11/2019
Nice wrap up to the whole story. I really enjoyed it! It's an unusual crossover, but I think it worked really well. Very enjoyable read with a great mix of adventure and suspense and comedy :)
xbox432 chapter 13 . 2/11/2019
Good end. I think having Hikaru's family come and meet the Carpenters was a great way to wrap up the story.

Also, HAH, Bob won! And it's probably a good thing that Sai didn't take Bob up on his bet... things could have gotten pretty awkward for the ancient ghost.
Luck Kazajian chapter 11 . 2/11/2019
Wow! This is a killer chapter. There's so much going on, but you handled the chaos of the combat well. I also saw the picture of the graffiti you refer to at the end and I like the fact that you put real details like this into the story. Harry's names for Cowl had me laughing, especially Darth Bathrobe ;) This was a great, dramatic and very Dresden-like climax to the whole adventure
SecondtoNon chapter 13 . 2/11/2019
This was a wonderful and unique read. Congrats on finishing it!
Luck Kazajian chapter 10 . 2/11/2019
This gets more exciting! Now I am even more curious about what the woman is doing with Hikaru's parents. I hope Michael and Harry can stop her though! Another cliffhanger...but it was a good place to stop. I'd like to know how the woman made the waters of the Great Barrier Reef appear in the pool? Is it some sort of portal?
I went and looked up pictures of Edgewater Hospital. It's a seriously creepy place! You describe it well in your story. I found the picture of the Deceased 1995 box and the pool so this chapter was very vivid when I read it.
And one note: There's a part where Hikaru is talking to the woman that says "...if she anyway knew the answers?" I think you meant "if she knew the answers anyway" or "if she already knew the answers" ;)
Luck Kazajian chapter 9 . 2/11/2019
I like the back and forth view points between Michael and Harry, Molly, and Hikaru. The dream sequences with Molly were very well done. I don't usually do dream sequences in my own stories because they are somewhat difficult to write, but I think you did a great job in showing Molly's frustrations and her realization in figuring out how to escape the dream.
I also enjoyed the go game between Sai and the shadow. Even though I'm not really familiar with go, it was written in a way that still made sense as a game.
Michael and Harry are getting closer now...but what are they going to find on the other side of the gate? I get the feeling that their guess about showing up in the middle of the enemies' fortress is probably accurate.
Luck Kazajian chapter 7 . 2/11/2019
I liked the way Sai saw Bob's skull on the inside. And I think the go game between Bob and Sai is well written. It's obvious Sai cares about Hikaru a lot and even playing his favorite game doesn't distract him from the boy. I'm guessing that Michael and Harry are about to team up and save the day, but I'm really curious what happens next!
Luck Kazajian chapter 6 . 2/11/2019
Of course no one listens to the voice of reason here! Molly's always getting into trouble, even when she's trying to help. Lucky for me there are more chapters already so I don't have to wait to find out what happens ;)
Nice cliffhanger though and good job with the suspense. I could feel the dread building up in this chapter and then it all comes crashing down in the moment Sai loses Hikaru.
Luck Kazajian chapter 5 . 2/11/2019
I loved the fact that the kids immediately take Hikaru under their wing, even though they don't really know how to communicate with him. Although they seem to get along pretty well regardless ;) I feel bad for Hikaru, still being so lost and confused, but I feel like Michael's house is probably the safest place for him
Guest chapter 12 . 2/2/2019
I love this story and hope you do more of them.
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