Reviews for Heartlines
ForestGuardian311 chapter 10 . 2/25
This is probably one of the best OT3 Zukataang? fics I've read, honestly.

Loved Aang and Katara's conflicting emotions up until they confessed to each other and that whole entire bit where they confessed to Zuko had me internally screaming, lol. Psh, of course Toph would give him h**l for it, lol. Iroh would definitely know, for sure.

Anyways, I loved how in-character these 3 were and how this seamlessly fit post-series, even as a piece of fiction.

Lovely job!
ForestGuardian311 chapter 3 . 2/25
I love this, honestly. Theirs is the only poly-ship I'm willing to read about in the ATLA fandom (prob. because I'm sick of the Kataang/Zutara war).

This is honestly written so well - the detail of the scenery of the wedding, the little gestures on Aang's parts, and even Katara's - they BOTH like Zuko but are unwilling to say or act on anything because of the other, and Zuko is crushing on them both (if I read the lines between the first chapter correctly).

Eager to see how all this will come together.
A.D.Curtis chapter 1 . 8/14/2019
Ok, I read this a while ago (even before you finished it. I had to wait for the last chapters to come out ) and honestly, I've thought about it a lot since then. You nailed their characters so well. I'm not generally a fan of poly stuff, but you have written it so believably - not just to make it kinky. It is obvious in your story how the three support and compliment each other. That this is all based on mutual support and attraction. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how nicely you did this. Well done!
LunarAbsol chapter 1 . 6/25/2019
For some reason, I can't reply to your answer, so I'll just answer like this.I didn't know about the councillor thing, thank you for telling me! That's really, really cool. :D
And I've already read the stuff you have on AO3, I just don't have an account there to review it. I have to say, I really enjoyed "Movement". The way you portrayed the character actions in that particular situation is entirely on point and as always, the character voices were present, too. Thank you for the hard work you've put into this!
LunarAbsol chapter 10 . 6/14/2019
This is simply AMAZING.
I love the premise of the story and have actually been looking for a fanfiction about Avatar with a polycule constellation for quite some time. And you NAILED IT.
The dialogue really works, you can actually hear the characters speak and the tension between the three is wonderful.
I really, really, really hope to read even more by you.P.S. I think it's spelled "counselor".
Boogum chapter 10 . 5/3/2019
Nice ending! I think you tied up everything well!
Traveler's Chick chapter 9 . 4/28/2019
(I can't remember if you prefer comments here or on AO3 so let me know if you'd prefer them elsewhere next time.)

I love the build up of physicality between Katara and Zuko in this. First it's just sitting close together, then leaning on his shoulder, then it's taking him in her arms and fixing his hair, burying her face in his shoulder - all very playful - and then BAM, there's this shift after Aang says to pretend he's not there. I felt like it was a scene in a movie that I could actually see!

This tone shift and the balance between exhaustion from laughing and physical desire is beautiful here:

"Zuko's eyes move from Aang to her in seconds. His laughter dies on his lips at that strange phrase, and hers at the intensity of his gaze. Katara's breath catches, exhausted from laughing.

Curious eyes, golden in the late afternoon light, stare into hers.

Oh. She swallows hard.

This is not the greatest way to ease an idea into someone's mind.

But Katara doesn't think. She can't anymore. She raises a hand to Zuko's face, smooths the tension out of his brow, down past his scar, and tilts his face towards her. And then there's nothing else to do but close the distance and kiss him."

So good! I always enjoy reading your excerpts.
Boogum chapter 9 . 4/17/2019
That is one way to break the idea. I’m curious how Zuko will react.
Traveler's Chick chapter 7 . 4/10/2019
I feel like I always say this when I comment on your work, but you write romantic/sexual tension so damn well.

I loved this line...

"Aang smirks, looking at him strangely. Zuko could swear that he's being observed head to toe, or maybe it's the glare from the lights making him imagine things."

paired with this line later...

"He knows he isn't imagining it. Nothing weighs heavier on him than his own confusion."

Whenever romance/crushes are involved, you sometimes wonder if the object of your affection is actually acting the way you think they're acting, or if you're wishfully imagining it. And I loved how you conveyed that here, while also removing doubt at the end. It's also a beautiful bit of insight into how Aang makes Zuko feel vulnerable.

I thought this line was sweet, too:

"He spots several familiar faces from the past few weeks down in the tables, both with earnest smiles and merely polite ones. Aang's is the brightest. There's something utterly charming, easy about Aang, that noticing his rapt attention makes addressing the crowd a little more leisurely for Zuko than it usually is."

Physical attraction is important, but there's something so wonderful and wholesome about feeling supported and appreciated like what Aang is doing for Zuko.

As others have also said, I enjoyed the atmosphere you created, too. For me, I enjoyed the "zoom in zoom out" between Aang and Zuko. We start with the speeches and a lot of people, but then for a moment it's just Aang, Zuko, and Katara. Then we go to a bustling, jubilant party - again with a lot of people - but then we have an isolated and quiet moment with Zuko and Aang again. It makes the excerpt engaging, and the contrasts between the two make the intimate moments more gratifying and special.

Nice work!
ArchAngelleofJustice chapter 7 . 4/10/2019
I like how you can focus so much on character introspection. Little details not just about the world, but about how Zuko relates to them. I feel as though describing scenes like this - grand dinners and balls and celebrations that touch on the culture of the subject - are always a real struggle for me, and even though it's not a focus of this excerpt I always appreciate seeing it done well.

I also love Zuko's disappointment and confusion at Aang's cheesey line. Seems like he's pretty conflicted about his relationship with Aang at the present, and tries to deflect Aang's unsubtle displays of interest.
Boogum chapter 8 . 4/1/2019
Ahh it’s all out in the open now. I think you handled the conversation between Katara and Aang well.
Boogum chapter 7 . 3/19/2019
Enjoying this so far!
The Jingo chapter 6 . 3/13/2019
Great fic
Traveler's Chick chapter 2 . 3/6/2019
I'm not fandom blind but definitely...fandom farsighted? I've seen a few episodes but that's about it.

What I can tell from your writing is that you've got the character of Aang nailed. I could picture him saying everything you had him say, especially the, "Too much reverence for the Avatar, I guess" part.

You've also captured the desired dynamic very well. They're both at the top of their game in terms of bending skills, they're both serious about bending, yet their exchange remains playful. You've also done a great job adding some sexual tension/intimate physical contact disguised as something else toward the end, which sets up a future romance nicely.

Nice work!
Knight-Aedo-Rhapsodios chapter 1 . 2/27/2019
It's so nice to see that even after so many years, The Last Airbender is still relevant in some capacity. Thank you for helping to not let it fall into obscurity.

[Aang is dressed in a heap of rich robes, the usual oranges, and a billowing red cloak that makes him look almost as regal as Fire Nation garb does in Zuko's court.]
Your descriptions here are simple, yet on point. So vivid and very easy to picture in the mind, well done!

[Sokka is sitting hunched forward on the edge of his seat with his hands clasped together, face contorting with a pout that threatens to burst into tears at any moment. Zuko pats him, as if he has it together himself.]
[They draw each other close in a long hug, followed by a kiss, and then another; the small crowd cheers louder with each gesture.]

You said it yourself, this is pure, unadulterated saccharine. Sweet enough to cause diabetes. I can totally see Sokka acting as you described here, magnificent portrayal of the characters!

Zuko's inner tribulation is a blast to read, it really left me wondering what will happen next. Kudos to you for this excellent piece, my friend! you deserve them :).
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