Reviews for Courier Six, Izuku Midoriya
Crypt chapter 18 . 8/1
I know it's been over a year but I freaking love this fic ️️️
Toffeecat15 chapter 5 . 6/2
Stupid Companion AIStupid People
AkaDeca chapter 2 . 3/22
Give him the plasma!
AkaDeca chapter 1 . 3/22
Very intense!
Guest chapter 18 . 3/20
Is this the finale
FairyJuice chapter 1 . 2/6
This was more interesting than I expected tbh.
kanukaianderson123 chapter 9 . 2/1
Your perfectly right. I don't like the choices you made because all your doing is following canon, when his past experience should essentially make him completely because of having surviving the wasteland for 2 years.

Beside that, it has been a good read. But it just ain't for me.
kanukaianderson123 chapter 5 . 2/1
The fuck is he shouting for? I thought two year in the Fucking wasteland of FALLOUT would harden people, but noooo. Ffs
darkpaladin89 chapter 18 . 12/1/2019
...Oh. He transferred it to Mirio.

Don't be sad, All Might. He's still fighting the same fight. Just on the other side of the rift. Now that the rift is being exploited and all, someone who knows what it's being used for has to work over there.

Well... That wasn't what I expected from Uraraka. She wasn't even this angry when she heard about Eri.

Break Mom's heart? Check. Not something he relished doing, but he really isn't meant for QEJ anymore.

Heh. Suck on that, All For One.
darkpaladin89 chapter 17 . 12/1/2019
I mean, you ARE talking to the infamous vigilante, Courier Six.

Clever use of asploding car.

She really is the motherliest mom who ever mom'd, as another author here put it. :3

Though the way he seemed to interpret what she said at the end sounded a little ominous... Just what are you planning, Courier Six?

...Sir Nighteye?
darkpaladin89 chapter 16 . 12/1/2019
Heh. So different, and yet still so much the same.

All Might is right to worry, for the most part. I mean, as far as anyone from UA knows, he was only gone less than an hour (even if the two years he put on physically and unappraisable time mentally says it was a lot longer for him).

...Bakugou. Maybe Yaoyorozu could make a 24 for Deku to clock him with so he's not in the way all the while? :p

Can't blow the walls off. No time to build a bridge. Hmm... That might work.

Glad you came now, eh? There's more to these Quirks than comics let on about superpowers.

Picking the lock. Well, I suppose it comes with being a Mojave mailman.
darkpaladin89 chapter 15 . 12/1/2019
He might not call Aizawa's scarf unfashionable if he knew what it did. :3

Ahh, police interrogations. So much fun (not). At least it ended amicably since, you know, they kind of desperately need him given what the League is up to now.

...Dude, that's your mom. Those bullets must have done a whole lot of damage if you're not reacting at all.

Heh. Schoolboy at... however old he is. *snicker snicker*

Hah! Reaction to Nezu was priceless! XD

They're both right about Quirks. The superpower is the phenotype.

Nezu seems to love his tea. He should be careful.
darkpaladin89 chapter 14 . 12/1/2019
Heh. Drunk-ku. XD

Hoo-boy. Politics. nopetopus. gif

The Mojave Waste isn't Quirk-era Japan though. Deku may have lit some fires under the right arses, but that's totally different from All Might being the fire.

Shit. Radiation sickness. More ferals?

Arcade would make a good underground support hero if he chose to stay.

I feel ya, Gannon-san.
darkpaladin89 chapter 13 . 12/1/2019
(I don't mind long, if it's on point and engaging all the while, for what it's worth. The story flows how it flows.)

How long has he been back in Quirk-era Japan? The whole time-flow business is confusing.

Depending on what, if anything, from Fallout 4 you consider as part of your continuity's canon, it might not be a bad thing for the NCR to be in charge... A certain threat revealed not long after Arcade's departure to Japan and all.

Super Mutants are almost as bad as Muscular. Perhaps a Detroit Smash would give them some pause.

Heh. More like Snarcade. :p

Maybe being out for the stitching isn't a bad thing...
darkpaladin89 chapter 12 . 12/1/2019
Kouta. Tough nut to crack.

His Quirk will come in handier than he thinks, I bet.

Feral ghouls this time. Lovely.

Shit. Fully human enemies. He can't kill them.

Arcade in Quirk-era Japan. This just got a lot more interesting.

Uraraka and Tsu would probably handle themselves fairly well in the Mojave without racking up a huge body count.

Normalcy, a bit, as he goes to look for Kouta-kun.
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