Reviews for Reconfiguration
Lord-Sylph chapter 12 . 7/5
Y’know, I was just thinking last night “hmm, been a while since a reconfiguration update, wonder what’s up?”

Next morning, BAM! An update!

Now, where was everyone’s favorite black-haired Beater boy during all of this? Now that we know the YuukiYuuki train is chugging along happily, this is the perfect chance for 2nd Best Girl Liz to get her guy! Go for it pinky!
DschingisKhan chapter 12 . 7/5
Well, that's pretty depressing on the balance.
madtad1 chapter 11 . 5/27
I hope you come back and continue! This is very good!
Crowthorne chapter 11 . 4/2
Wow, this was a really interesting chapter. Lots to unpack here and some really nice emotional moments. I'm sure I'm missing a lot more that was hinted at, but... so much has happened. I'm really not sure how things could go even close to how they did in the original series now.

I thought initially that Kayaba's offer to Yuuki was his way of creating the hero to eventually defeat Heathcliff, like he tried to do with Kirito and the dual blades skill, but the timeline seems strange for that and Yuuki seems like a normal player in the game itself, so...

I now have a vague theory that Kayaba instead came to Yuuki to ask her to test the destructive brain scanning method he used in the original series to upload himself into the game and leave the real world behind? And that when Yuuki talks about what's waiting for her after leaving the game, she doesn't mean the fact that she's hospitalized, she means that the virtual world is all she has? That could be the change that makes a romantic happy ending without the shadow of Yuuki's illness hanging overhead possible. It would be kinda bittersweet, and there are still things about the theory that seem strange, but it seems somewhat plausible. And even if it's wrong it's an interesting theory. Guess I'll wait and see.
Lord-Sylph chapter 11 . 4/1

*ahem* now that that’s outta the way, noice chappy! I think I know who Basilious isif it’s not PoH, then it’s Todd FUCKING HABERKON
ufufufufu, kekekekekeke, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
DschingisKhan chapter 11 . 3/30
Aww nuts, that still sounds like terminal illness. :( Their technology is basically magic, though, so I'll hold out hope this can have a non-tragic end.

In the meantime, this plot is already heating up. The creepy rapist is messing with the game and they just got pulled to the eighth floor from the first by GM hax despite being an important part of clearing the boss... this is an HR/morale nightmare brewing.
Honest Lunar Raven chapter 10 . 3/20
What the hell is happening!?

How Dare you stop there you cruel cruel author you! Even if it Was a good line to end it on, don’t think that means I have to forgive you! Hmph!
Crowthorne chapter 10 . 3/9
Thank you for the update. This was a pretty solid chapter, I'd say, and made many things from the last few chapters suddenly make sense; nothing was specifically wrong with it that I could identify, but it didn't grab me and pull me into the world the way that, for example, the first scene of Horunka in chapter 3 did, or the entire first chapter. Admittedly, that could well be a difference in my own mental state, rather than the writing quality. I am pretty tired.

I may have wondered this before, but what the heck is Kayaba doing while all these other GMs are running around in what he presumably still views as his world? Is he just not as powerful in this story as he is in some others? Is he really just that oblivious?

Parting quip: The real cinnamon roll, also leaving a mess in her wake, is Yuuki. (It's Asuna. Asuna is the mess and Yuuki needs to stop leaving her behind. Or maybe Asuna is the cinnamon roll...? Hmm...)
Lord-Sylph chapter 10 . 3/2
“Locking her into a tight embrace,
And for a moment, nothing else mattered”

Crowthorne chapter 9 . 2/7
Gah, a cliffhanger! Well, I'm definitely intrigued. Thank you for the chapter! Shorter and later review than usual, sorry. Been a bit generally unmotivated the last few days, so I didn't see the update notification until recently, and am having to type this review from my phone.

Yuuki's comparison involving pulling teeth and listening to Kibaou rant was a definite high point.

Diavel seems *very* mad about having been messed around with by the Corsairs. Irrationally so, given it was presumably the beta, so not only was it not a death game, it would've been on a test character where progress didn't end up carrying over to the real game. Somewhat believable still, but jeez, imagine holding that much of a grudge for that long over something that happened in the beta of a MMO...

I'm really looking forward to seeing some explanation as to what Draven's gang and the pointy-eared bast- *hem*, Alfs (I'm not going to be calling them true elves...) have the ability to do, as they presumably aren't omnipotent, but they don't seem to care about the rules of the game in the slightest... I mean, if they can turn off safe zones and control high level monsters, what's to stop them attacking anyone, wherever and whenever they feel like it?

Maybe it's some kind of new (or borrowed from ALO) cheat skill? Or just a very high level application of the monster taming skill we only ever see Silica use...? And/or some item Oberon hacked in? But if he can just do that, why in the world would he even need Draven's goons...? Does he have an administrator console that he can't risk leaving unattended, because without it he's a normal player...? We know in a vague sense that such consoles do exist in canon... I think...?

Will try to read this chapter again when I'm more awake. Might re-review if I find anything huge that I missed.
Lord-Sylph chapter 9 . 2/4
“When this is done, you’re gonna have a hard time getting rid of me,”
Lord-Sylph chapter 9 . 2/4
The ship progresses!
And second-best girl Liz makes her debut!
Damn it XaXa and Johnny, can you two NOT wreck the ship? Sheesh, what jerks!

If I had any friends that read fanfiction, I would totally recommend this
Alas, I have none
DschingisKhan chapter 9 . 2/4
Goddammit, I hope part of this "reconfiguration" involves Yuuki surviving the cocktail of afflictions Kawahara gave her. (Why are the only LGBT people in the franchise terminally ill or insane?)

If nothing else, this is very different from the canon and I like what you're building here.
Lord-Sylph chapter 8 . 1/21
Putting Silica into Furinkazan is the best thing I’ve ever read. I love it
She’s gonna be a badass lil shinobi

The intro to this chapter had me thinking we were gonna have a fight in this one, you got me goooood. Lol
I can already see the developing feelings, a tightness in her chest? A giddy feeling over “I’ll stay by your side?”
Crowthorne chapter 8 . 1/21
Thanks for the chapter! Didn't see any typos in this one, but I may have just been too focused on actually reading it because it was pretty interesting. The characterization seemed fine to me (Maybe fans of Kibaou would disagree... but they can't, because they don't exist. Tee hee). Diavel is acting weird but I'll assume there are reasons for that that have yet to be established, and it's not like he had THAT much characterization.

The original characters seem mostly fine; Hippolyta is strange but believable, and Aymr is totally reasonable. Aymr and Hippolyta blurred together a bit and I had to re-read a couple of times to figure out for sure that Aymr was the one in Fuurinkazan with Silica and asking to join Asuna and Yuuki for the raid, while Hippolyta was the one in the Dragon Knight Alliance (which I assume becomes Lind's canonical Divine Dragon Army if anything happens to Diavel - nice touch!), mostly because I managed to skim over "As soon as she left, Aggie dashed over to them." and read the exchanges with Aggie and Hippolyta near the end as a single exchange.

Still mystified as to what led to the flash forward, I'm guessing we have a chapter to go before we get there because it seems weird for Diavel to be dumb enough to start a fight just because Doraku showed up and made his job easier. (Unless there was another Doraku besides Yuuki, or something...?)
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