Reviews for Everlasting Light
MadTitan9 chapter 95 . 10/19
Sorry for the late review. I visited my family over the weekend and thus had no time to read (The fact that you posted this chapter at 03:35 AM here didn't help lmao).

We get an expanded background story for Oscar (which makes it more understandable why he is so hesitant to leave the farm in the first place), as it should've been RIGHT FROM THE START!

Ruby learns more about Silver Eyes and Maidens (good) while she learns more about her position on the ship, thus losing and/or refusing to sleep (bad). If she keeps this up, she'll sooner or later destroy herself from within. And JNPR can't help her right now. This kind of story telling is great. Ruby needs to stand up on her own and (if possible) face consequences for her actions, something that canon continuously showed us that she doesn't need to do because she's infailable or something. Knock her down a peg. Make her human! Show she has flaws and that she isn't perfect!

Ghira and Kali are now up to date on Mauras demise and are obviously distraught. An old friend of theirs died under unknown cricumstances and they want to find out how this came to be. Thus they actively become part of the plot and aren't just pointless side characters. And Kali can fight? That is great (But not for Blake if she hears her mother want to take part in this conflict).

Story aside, I recently heard that RT has debts in 1.57 billion dollars in total. I don't know if this is true or not, just wanted to share it with you.

Also, I read/heard the V7 commentary. It was, to frankly put it...

...a Fucking Mess! (Notice how I used capitals here!)

They got rid of actual useful plotpoints that would've made the whole thing better, but scapped them to pad put the runtime with useless and stupid things that didn't really matter. I am really angry right now.

But I'll stop now so you don't have to see (or read? i dunno xd) me rant about stuff no important right now. See you!
merendinoemiliano chapter 95 . 10/17
Pretty nice chapter overall, hoping to see more of Oscar soon. Best of luck with next chapters
MadTitan9 chapter 94 . 10/11
Yep, just as I imagined! Cinder kills Davina as well as Lobelia and Celosia, finally getting her revenge. And due to Davinas mistreatment of Cinder, the latters motivations are clear and understandable, as well as relatable. And what I didn't expect:

Cinder being the bastard child of Jacques and Bianca! I really didn't see that coming! Bianca should honestly face a prison sentence. If Cinder ever gets her hands on Bianca, she'll beg for mercy that will never come!

And Cinder regains her full eye sight. By... taking a Beowolves eye and inserting it into her own empty eye socket. Yikes! If Cinder or Salem can somehow make it look more human I'll be completely satisfied!

Cinders transformation towards a more Grimm-like appearance reminds me of the 2009 Academy Award nominated movie "District 9hope you've seen it!), where main protagonist Wikus Van De Merve slowly mutates into an alien species nicknamed "Prawns", with his left eye and arm fully mutated by the movies third act!

Also, I just remembered, NOBODY of the good guys EVER saw Cinders Grimm arm, the only one outside of Salems inner circle who did know where Raven (who didn't give a shit), Vernal (who's dead now), as well as Winter and Penny (who for some asinine reason didn't bother to tell the others) and I really don't think that Ruby and Weiss know either, since Ruby and Weiss only saw her for 5 seconds before Ruby blinded the whole room. Will you change that, or will they know? I think they should've learned of it at the Battle of Haven.

See you on the flipside (and by flipside I mean Discord). XD!
merendinoemiliano chapter 94 . 10/11
Nice view on Cinder
MadTitan9 chapter 93 . 10/8
Welp, and the site posted the review before it was finished. Anyway, I was busy yesterday, so I couldn't read it. But now I did, and boy, is it great.

Yangs thoughts to the situation are gut-wrenching. She's aware now that her previous fighting style was too brash and too reckless, and wants help, nur doesn't have the courage to do so. Weiss was taken, she feels as if Ruby abandoned her, and she still (understandibly) feels some resentment towards Blake. But she is at the same time worried for her, thinking she's all alone out there (obviously she doesn't know that Sun accompanies Blake).

Cinders backstory is... oof!

Before I talk about that tho, Cinder said something about that Ruby isn't the first one to physically hurt her. Even though Ruby didn't do this with hurting someone in mind, we now understand why she wants to kill Ruby so bad: Cinder projects her step-sisters and step-mother onto Ruby, and while they didn't cut off any of Cinders limbs, Ruby effectively did, meaning that Cinder thinks that Ruby is WORSE than her previous so-called "family". Ruby reminds Cinder of them, and Ruby had the childhood Cinder could never had.

Thus you've made the impossible possible: making me like Cinder and even SYMPATHISING with her. When RT won't ever do it, wel'll just do it ourselves!

And a great continuity nod to V7, where Cinder had mentioned that she already encountered Atlesian Specialists at some point, saying that they're all "the same". With her coming from Mantle having migrated into Atlas, that makes sense.

Usually in other stories I read, Cinder escapes by burning down the house and/or killing the three by unlocking her Semblance due to stress, with Salem finding her soon after. Or you could take inspiration from the Thanos video I sent you some time ago. Whatever path you choose, the choice is yours.

See you on Discord!
MadTitan9 chapter 93 . 10/8
Sorry I couldn't review this chapter sooner, work yesterday was a pain, then I had to go buy some stuff, and by the time I came back I was too tired to
merendinoemiliano chapter 93 . 10/7
Nice view on Cinder, curious to see her plans. Good work.
merendinoemiliano chapter 92 . 9/25
Impressive, really threatening atmosphere
MadTitan9 chapter 92 . 9/25
So NOW we know what Salem wants Sienna for: drive her insane to the point where she's paranoid enough to kill all huntsmen/huntresses in Mistral that she comes across. That's cruel, and horrifying. But Salem has MILENNIA of experience of manipulating people to do her bidding, even if they don't know it. That said, I wouldn't put it past her to torture Sienna like that by abusing her grief over Maura.

But Salems last line hereMadness is like gravity. All it needs is a little... push!" Oooohh... someone finally saw the best superhero/drama/thriller of the past decade! Did you like it!

Slate de Sena was... a racist. Nothing to add here. Glad she died. BIATCH! XD!

Marrok swaying Daphne from Adams side to Athenas was disturbingly easy, albeit very understandable. Her boyfriend being killed by racist officers using police brutality also reminds me of BLM, the case of George Floyd and everything else that's currently going on. If you try to put in easter eggs to real life policies, then do it sparingly and ONLY when it is appropriate. If Daphnes boyfriend was black too in conjunction with being a dog faunus, then I wouldn't hesitate to kill these fools. Being half-black myself, I can relate to this.

Well, see you on Discord.
merendinoemiliano chapter 91 . 9/20
MadTitan9 chapter 91 . 9/19
I came over here as soon as I saw the update notification. Talk about fast, amirite?

JNPR and Ruby take a backseat for once? That's good. They รถ've had quite the development, but we've been with them for the last... 15 to 20 chapters (too lazy to really count), so we deserve a little break from them.

Hazel did in fact NOT kill a target. That shows that even a hate-consumed monster such as he still has a concience. That's great. And he's been reassingned to find Adam. So with him around the White Fang, Balke and Sun might find out about Salems existence much sooner.

Speaking of Salem: I'm concerned that she might've fooled Hazel and actually saw through his lie. What to do, what to do...?

And Yang is back! You're right, writing for her will be a tad difficult, but I believe in you! I'm saying this now so that if you're at any point about to give up on this story, you can have a flashback to my words and hopefully continue XD.

We get a CINDER BACKSTORY, YAY! Finally, if RT won't do it, we have to do it ourselves! I always imagined Cinders recruitment into Salems ranks as a cross between her Cinderella inspiration and Thanos finding Gamora in a flashback in Infinity War. If you're not familiar with it (I know you're not lol) then just search on YouTube: Gamora meets Thanos.

Yangs depression hits harder like landing on cement! That dream was brutal! At first I thought that it was Raven who stroke Summer down, but then I remembered: NOPE! It's Adam! And the worst part, like I predicted maybe 30 chapters ago: she already thinks about comitting suicide! What else could that last line refer to?

Did you know about the reveal of Ironwoods Semblance? It's...

It's fucking stupid.

Look it up yourself, and you see what I mean. I'm too angry at this to acknowledge it's canon. But hey, fanfiction authors can do whatever they do with their stuff and change it.

See you on Discord.
MadTitan9 chapter 90 . 9/4
Be Prepared... everyone listen, we got a massive Lion King fan here xd!

So, JNPR and R are on theor way to Aslois, which is not really near Mistral City, but at least this way they encounter the Petra Gigas in the near future.

And Ruby... okay I need to get clear here. In canon, I HATE Ruby with a passion. The reasons are the following:

-Her annoying chipmunk voice (nothing against Lindsay),
-her inexperience as a leader,
-her annoying speeches,
-her thinking that only her way is the only way and not considering others opinions, expecting them to go along with her plans no matter what,
-being a whiny child,
-bashing adults while they deal with depression (Qrow),
-refusing to take a proactive stance in this conflict,
-always being stupidly optimistic, which is unrealistic as f*ck,
-and everything fans don't like about her in Volume 7.

One part of that, the lying to authority figures, seems to start here. But at least here, she seems to be genuinely considering the consequences for her actions. And she cries. For a good reason too: fearing to contribute nothing to the cause. And Nora is helping her overcome this. That's great. Ren might also help her in her new job, which is fine too. But consequences should come towards Ruby, as 1: no human being is perfect, and 2: it might help her in Atlas if it comes to the controversial lying to Ironwood.

And Ash is back. A bummer we couldn't see his and Pyrrhas parents funeral, but that's ok. Not everything needs to be shown if it doesn't contribute to the plot. Ash is on his way to Arslan, who might be in Haven- wait a minute! Come to think of it, where was Team ABRN during the Battle of Haven? Another reason why Volume 5 is utter horsecrap.

Cinder has made her new arm her own now. That's... yeah, that's not good. For the protagonists, I mean.

And then there are Kiaran and Alva... with these two you just gave us the biggest "Wham! moment" there might be in this story:

These two assasinated Pyrrhas and Ash's parents, created the Trojan Alliance, and murdered Nora and Rens former employer for reasons all unknown at the moment. As they give me this "Bonnie and Clyde" vibe, I'm really interested in what their motivations might be. Also, seems like they make a great couple together! (wink, wink)

Now I have to wait for my favorite thing when a new chapter comes out: your response, for which I always check my PM inbox every 30 minutes just to read it so that we may talk on Discord. Well, see you later.
merendinoemiliano chapter 90 . 9/4
Quite nice introspection
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 90 . 9/4
Really gonna pull the preferred pronoun BS?
merendinoemiliano chapter 89 . 8/24
Interesting chapter
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