Reviews for Trust In Me
174187ella chapter 1 . 12/19/2018
Tumblr brought me here.
Subtle Shenanigans chapter 3 . 11/12/2018
Oh no the poor boyo. Playing on Lance’s insecurities and being a creep. Dear gOG.

I loved this by the way - I mean, it hurts, but it’s well written. Thanks for sharing!
eeEeEEEEEHHHhHhh chapter 1 . 11/5/2018
My scapulae now hurt because I shivered so much.
This was good in an unsettling not spoopy way.
JoannaKuwabara chapter 3 . 10/6/2018
Oh man it's getting intense. Lotor is really a monster. The worse kind who is sly and cunning. I love the relationship between Lance and Hunk, they are just adorable. You are just amazing at writing Lance and especially Lotor. I enjoyed this fic so very much. It could continue but here is just as good as an ending. Also *huggles Lance*

I truly enjoyed reading this so thanks for writing and sharing it!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/25/2018
I super love the whole tone and interaction between Lance and lotor it's just so creey. I think there's a lot more you could have done with this fiction but I enjoyed everything you've done so far
Great read!
Iisarainbowpig chapter 3 . 9/24/2018
Awww it's over! This was really interesting! Also I called it! I knew at one point Lotor was going to kiss the boy...even if it was only on the cheek. I was kind of hoping for them to end up caught in the act. And by that I mean like the second Lotor gives him a smooch, Hunk or something comes in and it's obvious it's non consensual seeing as Lance is pinned down in both body and head. But I still like this's not happy...but it's fitting. Great job, again!
Fae Diamonde chapter 3 . 9/24/2018
I’m not gonna lie I’m just as happy as I am disappointed that it was only a kiss on the cheek. This was so good! I don’t remember if this was the last chapter or if it’s the second last but omg this was good. And even if it is the last chapter it’s a really good way to end it. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed that Lance didn’t confide in Hunk but I also really agreee that Lance would keep it to himself finding him weak because he “let it happen”. He’s such a good boy who doesn’t deserve this but you can’t help but love a little langst in your day. You are absolutely amazing! This was amazing!
Adrianna Agray chapter 3 . 9/24/2018
All the hugs Lance : ) someone subdued his doubts please: ) fantastic writing: )
totallynotachicken chapter 3 . 9/24/2018
Alrighty then, I have a huge bear hug for Lance right here! One that even Hunk would be jealous of. I also have a perfectly ready fist to punch that son of a witch’s lip right off. I’m going to have a busy Monday.
Aki.Electric chapter 3 . 9/24/2018
I never understood the Lotor's game.
At least it's over, isn't it?
Poor Lance, stay safe.
Good fic.
See you later n.n/
Pluviophile15 chapter 3 . 9/24/2018
Wolf of the Demise chapter 3 . 9/24/2018


GAH lotor you creep


Besides that, AWESOME chapter. At... at least he \did\ go to Hunk. I'm glad there's still a level of comfort sought out there.
Thx for the update!
unavailable.101.goodbye chapter 3 . 9/24/2018
*long, deep breath*


that jerk is gonna get a piece of my fist after this... *grumble grumble*

this is probably the creepiest fic I've read on here and *shivers* that ending, poor baby. At least he got some comfort from Hunk, but he never told anyone *cries*
Nah Nahila chapter 3 . 9/24/2018
Eep. He never even told believable. This happens all the time in the real world. It makes me sad, really.I don't really feel bad for Lotor, void or not. I really hope we don't see him again
Marshmallow344 chapter 3 . 9/24/2018
Aw babe... This cant be the end Icy, its really- I was about to say bittersweet but I dont even remember feeling the sweetness. This is really an unsatisfying conclusion BUT the writing is still superb. And the ending does fit in with the theme but my boi, my poor Lance. Alas not everything has a happy ending, at least Lotor is gone for the time being.
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