Reviews for The Jaune-Shots
BorderLand chapter 15 . 6/28
I feel sorry for Jaune, he might swear off romance after hearing about Ozpin track record let alone his father's
BorderLand chapter 13 . 6/28
This is very amusing, if canon Cinder would see this...oh karma.
BorderLand chapter 10 . 6/28
Wow, this is very good. Seeing things so different yet so much better then in canon. As ironic as it might sound this is the ideal universe. Weiss uses her power and influnce as she should, Jaune is how he should have been from the start, Ruby is less naive and better prepared and Blake is free from some of the problems she has in canon.
BorderLand chapter 8 . 6/28
Yeah a team made of a mini Raven, OP Jaune, Pyrrha(enought said) and a Idealist cat girl...I feel sorry for Remnant.
BorderLand chapter 1 . 6/28
Well Jaune is not far of from becoming one of the inner circle of that club alongside Raven, Salem and Hazel only he is a good guy.
Dasgun chapter 20 . 6/3
. .
drbakerarcho2008 chapter 20 . 5/16
Its been a while

- a fan of yours
Crusada de Lata chapter 20 . 4/7
Loving this collection so far Auth, your writing is consistently amazing.
Mind doing another status check on yourself? Just worried if my newest favorite author is doing alright
Joshua's Tall Tales chapter 12 . 4/1
Damn this is good
Reader chapter 13 . 2/7
I'd love to see a full story for Pyhrra and Cinder swapping places and maybe take it further
Pyhrra, Ren, Nora and Mercury work for Salem
Jaune, Cinder, Emerald and Adam go to Beacon
Ren and Nora are taken in by Salem
Cinder finds Emerald and takes her to Beacon while Adam follows Blake
Stickginge chapter 20 . 1/28
Hope the surgery goes well, Lord knows it’s never fun but is necessary.
Interesting story concept, not a big fan on Jaune and summer and as you said we are dropped in the middle of it. So many unanswered questions about Jaune, what is he, how does the curse work, how did summer and him start (I doubt she has been doing the ritual since he was young)
Stickginge chapter 18 . 1/28
Oh Arkos ship story.
Joking, it was a good start to a story, I just have no love for Arkos, their whole relationship when it came to romance was just so one sided and to this day I still believe Jaune did not feel the same way.
Stickginge chapter 15 . 1/28
God damn all these stories are so damn interesting I wish they continued. I have read one mind reading one before, only two chapter and by the second one it seemed to forget about the semblance and rushed.
Still this one is very interesting, even more so with Ozpin being involved and...overheard in his head
Stickginge chapter 14 . 1/28
Oh my that is so interesting, I will be honest I thought the time travel would have happened due to Jaune boosting Weiss semblance/glyphs while also wielding maiden powers and using time dilation or something like that.
Stickginge chapter 12 . 1/27
This is honestly what I think of when I think of Salem’s big plan. Not even bad for us, ozma would disagree out of fear of the gods returning but if that can be dealt with nothing bad happens
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