Reviews for Wakfu: Altered Destiny
JoyoftheStorm chapter 5 . 6/1
*quietly creeps in and offers to beta?*

I love this idea and I LOVE this story! It has SO MUCH POTENTIAL, and I cannot WAIT to see where we go on this grand adventure!
Alexis chapter 5 . 5/18
Pour commencer je suis désolé pour votre perte.
Votre histoire je incroyable et je suis intéressée voir comme yugo interagit avec les autre personnage surtout voir les autre souvenir de yugo donc selon moi intéressent de voir les autre épisodes.
Umbrella6661 chapter 5 . 5/14
First, I'm sorry for your loss, I understand and I liked this chapter. It was interesting that Yugo knew Miranda and Kabrok for a long time. We see Yugo and Amalia begin to be very close and I liked it, I hope we have more of little moments like that.

So to skip episodes, I'm not sure since this is a new timeline, even filler episodes can be useful to develop interactions between characters who will be a bit different, like Evangelyne who is suspicious of Yugo but mostly the Yugo x amalia like "the ugly peagant" where they share their disguise, "poisonous beauty" where Amalia is poisoned and Yugo is saving her with Ruel, "moon island" with their moment on the boat, etc... and there is the episode "tree of life" where in her dream, she's reunited with her deceased mother, you could add she's in couple with Yugo or even engaged, it's an idea.

For someone joining Goultard, Yugo and Leaf, I could propose Kerub and Otomai (also, Feca is a goddess) since I don't know any knows characters already alive at this moment and they're demigods and Joris, Kerubim and atcham can join the brotherhood of the tofu

If I have other ideas or questions, I could PM you and don't hesitate to answer this review
TheAbsoluteZero chapter 5 . 5/14
Finaly a new chapter.
If Yugo is more powerful then Ogrest those that mean he’s more powerful without the Dofus Eliatrope?
quidixit chapter 5 . 5/13
Gosh, you sure took your time...
(Me when i suddently Remembered i have a new story to post)
Welp, i've better get going.
Jaguarian76 chapter 5 . 5/13
Sorry about your loss, it's always sad, i understand that why this chapter took long but i don't mind, get well.
Alexis chapter 4 . 1/23
J adore ton histoire je suis 100 fan je suis très impatiente pour la suit
PS le couple Hugo et amellia je suis absolument pour ( c est l un des couples préféré dans la série)
BlaH chapter 3 . 12/20/2019
I know this isn't the last chapter, but I would like to continue this off-website. It would be a fun little project I could do on my own.
BlaH chapter 4 . 12/19/2019
Yes, I'm back. Update this pleaseeeeeeee?
BlaH chapter 3 . 12/19/2019
All those errors will mean nothing if you CONTINUE THIS STORY like OH MY GLOB-
Sorry had a mental breakdown here. I loved this story so much I bookmarked it. I just adore Wakfu fanfictions, and this is one of my favorites. Wish you well, good luck with your writing!
Guest chapter 4 . 11/9/2019
I like this story, i hope Yugo and Amalia will be together.
But i hope you will do something for Amalia that will make her live longer for Yugo imortality.
How about making her a demi god or a descendant of the god Sadida as she is a royal you could make all her family descendant of their god.
How about making Dathura, a doll for Amalia? She could be a spy for Oropo.
And with Oropo going killing the gods, you could make her the next god(goddess) Sadida?
Guest chapter 4 . 6/23/2019
Me encantó por fa haz más de esto
multyfangirl21 chapter 4 . 1/20/2019
Yay a new chapter after I'm not sure how many months, well you threw in a few plot twists here and there which makes me hope that the next chapter will come sooner than this one did, does Dally know how old his master is? Because that would be an easy way to figure out around how old Yugo is.
And Yugo's son , boy didn't expect that, will he trigger a lot of Yugo's memories to come back?
Hopefully you'll be able to overcome your burnout
I'll be waiting for the next chapter
Umbrella6661 chapter 4 . 1/20/2019
Great, a new chapter and Yugo and the others are come to an adventure. We've also a character and team development with Evangelyne who's waiting before trusting him and Amalia who begins to like him, the start of their love (sorry Mia), Goultard joined the team and will meet Adamai and Grougaloragran and Oropo uses Nox (like he'll use Qilby in the future)

And Yugo have had a son with Leaf, that is interesting, that will put some development about his immortality, same complex with Dally when he'll discover he's a god and will make him hesitant on his relationship with Amalia, because he doesn't want to suffer again, make her suffer or even abandon other children like with Alder (Also Amalia could be leaf reincarnated, since reincarnation exists in this universe with incarnam, that would explain why soft oak believed Amalia was Leaf), So Physically she could look like Amalia, that's an idea

Also for this chapter, I have some questions :

- How Kali has known Yugo before joining the siblings since she's a child when she's joining them in the ogrest manga vol 1 ?
- Is Alder an eliatrope or sadida ? or a mix of them, using both powers ? Tha would mean that Yugo and Amalia's possible children could be like him
- Will we see Arty from dofus manga in the flashback, joining Yugo's team, since there's Goultard in the manga ? I imagine Yugo and Adamai see with Goultard and Arty, Iop god's battle and defeat against Cornu Mollu and fight him.
-If Harebourg is used to defy Oropo, no doubt he'll try to kill Yugo, more when he'll want to to take Amalia, drawing the ire of the leader, isn't it ?
Golden Zero16 chapter 4 . 1/20/2019
Nice, an update. We have tension in the group already, more on Yugo's past, and we see that dick from Season 3. (Yeah, I personally don't like Oropo.)
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