Reviews for Digimon Adventure Tamers
R091 chapter 25 . 7/3
The chapter is amazing but pls continue the story. I want to know what will happen to the digidestineds & the tamers. I hope you update soon. Thank You.
R091 chapter 12 . 7/3
This chapter is great, this is what i was waiting for. The Digidestineds and The Tamers have met. This is a great chapter. I can't wait to see what will happen next.
R091 chapter 12 . 7/3
This is what I was waiting for. The Tamers and the Digidestineds have meet. The chapter is great and I can't wait to see what will happen next.
R091 chapter 4 . 7/3
Davis has been to digital world before and Ken and Ryo are his teammates? Wow, this chapter is amazing.
D.J. Scales chapter 25 . 4/17
That was unexpected. Nice job.
setokayba2n chapter 25 . 3/24
Well, I have to say it's a good fic, waiting for next chapter
AkArI16 chapter 25 . 3/22
I think it would be cool of Kazu were to Bio-merge with Kokuwamon in order to become HiAndromon, don't you think?
AkArI16 chapter 25 . 3/19
The romance between Kari and Davis seems a little rushed.
AkArI16 chapter 18 . 3/18
I just found your story. Quick question, does Impmon's talking style change depending on which form level he takes ?
a.urtis chapter 25 . 2/23
Ohhhhh boi, the big return is here ! Ryo and Monodramon are finally free, but Calumon is still with Mille and the OG kids Rika and Jeri are in Puppetmon's clutches, nice logical way to have them split, so that both Tai & Co. don't feel neglected, and Davis can get (quite literally) get his shining moment soon. This is truly a big comeback. As for Last Evolution Kizuna, well, some credible plot leaks are out, and they've also released a short OVA on Sora's life as of 2010, and...well, better judge for yourself.

Stick to Adventure/02/WonderSwan games/Tri/Tamers lol

I'll look forward to the next chapter. This story is too good and satisfying to let it go, please :)
yuutojaden chapter 25 . 2/16
please continue
MiraclesxFaith chapter 25 . 2/16
Well, welcome back, buddy! We all missed you!

This chapter was great! The Motomiya siblings finally standing up to their parents was the best part of the read. And Ken fighting Millenniummon's possession is pure strength of will! Go Ken!

And I'm super glad you are not abandoning this fic at all! I'd go crazy if you have left it in limbo forever! Just keep up the awesome work! We support you all the way!
NinjaFang1331 chapter 25 . 2/16
Really awesome job and fantastic update
Super Saiyan 3 Odd chapter 25 . 2/16
Really, glad to see you haven't left the fanfiction world man! This is an awesome chapter!

GO KEN, GO! GO KEN, GO! Fight Milleniumon's control! Looks like he just a played a vital role in that tyrant's downfall by freeing Ryo!

So Tai's group is about to face old enemies. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!
RHatch89 chapter 25 . 2/15
Awesome update :)
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