Reviews for Universal DOOM
Guest chapter 32 . 18h
I love this story, you do great work. I'm just gonna toss this out there but I would like to see the Doom Slayer and Vega go to the doctor sleep universe. If you've seen the movie you'll know what I'm talking about!
Holy chapter 32 . 7/21
DO grave encounters
Jester chapter 32 . 7/20
Chad slayer and the CHAD VEGA
BoredKing chapter 26 . 7/20
I liked this chapter, surprisingly. Seeing Vega interact with another AI like this was interesting.
RTM chapter 32 . 7/20
Have the next universe be Person of Interest. Perhaps it's an iffy correlation but a moment from the last season has stuck with me thus far.

"I didn't teach you how to love."

"Of course you did. You taught me to see everything. See everyone. And I do. But I see thousands of versions of them, what they were, what they are, what they could be... and what is Love, if not being seen?"

For some reason, those words, and then later her words and opinions on Death-


-remind me of the Divinity Machine codex entry, how the Maykrs and their Father perceive the future. In some ways, if you squint and cock your head, The Machine of Person of Interest is like a larval benevolent version of the Maykr Father that has yet to grow into her full potential.

A better Mother at the very least... :D
DEVILMAN chapter 32 . 7/20
If you ever find yourself on Netflix, these films or television series might be of interest for the Doom Slayer and VEGA to appear in, if only to upset the status quo and turn it all upside down: Black Mirror, Stranger Things, The Old Guard, The Witcher and Warrior Nun.
BoredKing chapter 21 . 7/19
That was beautiful. And now even AIs fear the Doom Slayer.
BoredKing chapter 20 . 7/19
Did you just leave us on a cliffhanger? You monster.
Anon chapter 32 . 7/19
Honestly one of the best fanfics I've read to date. I can say with absolute certainty that your work almost always leaves me with a feeling of happiness that at least one person in the world has so many great ideas and is willing to write them down and document them. Your story is a very heavy impression in, both mine and other, people's minds. Thanks for writing as often as you do, and for this kickass story. Honest to god would love it if you crossed over with SCP again, as the site is always evolving and getting new entries. Thanks again.
Guest chapter 32 . 7/18
Always glad to see a Vega chapter. They’re never any less of a power trip, that’s for sure. I mean, beneficence is afforded by power after all. That’s why doom is so much fun, it’s such a power trip you are always free to be good. How lovely, how aspirational. Cheers.
BoredKing chapter 16 . 7/18
I like sequel chapters since it shows a level of interconnectivity.
BoredKing chapter 15 . 7/18
I like the chapter but accessing the file on my phone (where I usually read these) is a pain. I think it would work fine of you just typed it like the other chapters.
BoredKing chapter 10 . 7/18
Yes, please. I want to see the two green juggernauts team up.
BoredKing chapter 5 . 7/17
Horror movies always annoy me because there is no catharsis. The Slayer brings the catharsis.
BoredKing chapter 3 . 7/17
Great, now I'm in the mood for a blonde. Lol.
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