Reviews for Let Go
Natters chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Good fic
Bicii chapter 1 . 1/24/2019
How did I miss this gem! I love it thank you Stars Seeker!
WeBuiltThePyramids chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
I mean, cheese IS my favorite food sooooo.

I actually read this before, because I swear I knew how it was going to end. Why I didn't review is an unknown, but not reviewing was a failure of epic proportions because I really loved this. Especially the thumbs up from Ralph, because he totally would do that.
Bna1001 chapter 1 . 9/30/2018
So that was cute and kind of angsty (only because I couldn't guess how Paige would react to anything) but also felt like that short moment was so drawn out but in an efficient way. That really is something Walter would do, so I thought it was so believable that he would just show up like that. Ralph noticing was a great touch.
MetalKyria chapter 1 . 9/28/2018
Thank you for this , Lovely
Really want to read more
Jas chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
This was perfect! I still havent watched season 4, but ive read enough to know what happens.
Fics like this put me in a better midframe for knowing ill watch the funale and notnskip it altogether! I just just think of this story occuring afterwards
Thanks for keeping this show alive and sharing your words. I was so excited to see a new fic.
Rori Potter chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
dS-Tiff chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
Excellent! I love Walter being so rational about it all and admitting his pride was an issue. I love that Toby and Happy have helped Paige realise how badly she overreacted and that Ralph has still been spending time with Walter. Most of all I love Ralph's thumbs-up at the end!
Marie chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
Your story is wonderfull it really could have happened in the show Walter is really cute but he did great and it is also great that Walter and Ralph kept in touch
Great story thank you and Please keep on writting
Northangerescapee chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
Thank you! I loved it. That's a very nice and believable way to have them reconcile. I'm glad Walter is doing the first move...
heleenscorpion chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
This, this is such an awesome and sweet story. I love the fact that Walter is so grown up. And I must say the way you handle some awful scenes from the episode and explained in here makes so much sense. Not cheesy at all..
Margaret Gautier chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
Very good story, that's the way it should have ended..
Joan123 chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
First of all, I want to say how much I love that in your post-finale fics Paige never tries to keep Walter and Ralph apart. She did show an ugly face in the finale but still I don't believe she'd want to hurt her son and Walter for purely selfish reasons.

I must confess that at first I didn't like the idea of Walter lingering in front of Paige's apartment. I was scared he was going to beg her for another chance, which he shouldn't after the horrible things she said. And then his spot-on diagnosis came, of her being too angry and him being too proud. This was such a great way to put this! And it was so Walter-like - trying to rationalise things and calmly analyse the facts. I loved it!

The whole conversation was very sweet and realistic. And I immensely enjoyed the bonus part - that Toby actually tried to be fair and tell Paige that Walter had no feelings for Florence, even if it was a little overdue.

Great story!
franxine bobo chapter 1 . 9/25/2018
oh that was so cute for real im smiling and trying not to cry but even if we don't have elyes and kat we still and always will have paige and walter
ScorplinginTraining chapter 1 . 9/25/2018
I guess I need some fine wine to go with your 'cheese' because I loved it in all it's cheesy glory! Beautifully true to the essence of their characters as always. I could see this scene happening on the show if the network wasn't so cruel. I mean this could have been the series' ending scene and I would have been perfectly okay with it. Loved Ralph giving Walter the thumbs up at the end! Stellar writing, friend!
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