Reviews for Struggles
PrettyJJ101 chapter 1 . 7/8
I feel like, she's being super unreasonable.
Amaterasu53 chapter 9 . 6/8
finally! I mean, come on!
ashpool04 chapter 10 . 5/23
Please update soon it’s really good so far
cassiejones07 chapter 10 . 5/13
I think that Jiraiya and Tsunade in Saratoga should be present. I want to see the response fugaku when he realizes those three are her family. I also want them have a real encounter and possibly a proper dressing down a fugaku. also are you ever going to explain why Noriko is an orphan?
HEART BEATZ 24'7 chapter 10 . 5/12
Aww... I want MORE!1
Guest chapter 10 . 4/1
Next chapter please
Guest chapter 10 . 3/16
Next chapter please
EyesLikeLiquidFire chapter 9 . 1/21
Ah, I should follow up my last review(on chapter 10) and say that I do like the story. Asahai and the fox are cute. Of course it's a fox lol. I also love the progression between Itachi and Naruko. I do think Sasuke got off light since there could have been some serious complications with the birth, Naruko having a bout of post partum, and/or having Itachi rush all around while pissed off (thankfully he wasn't driving himself). It also seems shitty that Sasuke's lying to Sakura whom he loves so much, but I guess I just have to accept that Sasuke is not 100% likeable here. Seems like Sakura should be asking questions though (if she hasn't already) because that convo at dinner was hella suspect.
EyesLikeLiquidFire chapter 10 . 1/21
Kind of confused why Fugaku coming to the reception is on the table, let alone the possibility of him ruining it. It was one thing when Mikoto was trying to get Fugaku an invite and she didn't know (although it's pretty disrespectful regardless because she saw his asshole behavior with her own eyes. Makes her seem super insensitive), but it's different now that she knows some of the story. What he did was horrible and I actually don't think she was angry enough. She's a mother, she would understand how devasting his actions were given the supposed miscarriage. And that's not even the whole truth! If Fugaku goes to the reception and acts like an asshole, then Mikoto has to learn the full truth because otherwise, why are we watching this repetitive behavior? For Itachi to say he's done for the 20th time while still relying on the Uchiha name and fortune? If Fugaku acts then Mikoto deserves to have her matriarchal moment and be furious with Fugaku (like GTFO my house furious) and utterly disappointed in Sasuke. She even deserves to be somewhat disappointed in Itachi for not coming to her. Their behavior literally broke apart her familh and took away her eldest child for years. It doesn't make sense that she hasn't forced them to sit their asses down and tell her by now.
inuyasha16451 chapter 10 . 1/11
Awesome as always.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 10 . 1/10
Good luck itachi .
QveenJJx chapter 10 . 1/6
I think he should talk to after the party to clear the air but Naruto shouldn't forgive him right away then again if she can forgibe Sasuke an his shit full of words then whatever. And how tf is Sakura all innocent?! man whatever keep it up though great book.
Mkayemolina chapter 10 . 1/6
I’m so happy to see a update for this story I squealed! I love Itachi and naruko and kisame is the best . I think fuguku should finally realize all the bad he’s done and be the one who admits how much he has hurt nAruko and his whole family by this. He should be a good father and have to work at being in their lives that I’d love to see.
juliette974 chapter 10 . 1/6
Hi... I was so happy to read that chapter.. the wait was long to have it.. anyway, glad that you’re posting again..
Keep going!
For the next chapter, I feel that it must have a big clash before all goes for the better (before the wedding maybe)..
I leave that to your author’s feeling..
Don’t take too long to give us the next chapter!
haruyuki setsuka chapter 10 . 1/5
Please don't make fugaku destroyed the event.. i'm getting sad when he still didn't approved and happy knowing fugaku want to see the suprise proposal confessed what he had done to naruko. I hope you won't take long time to update next chapter

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for _
you ・ω・)

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